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"I'm so tired." Lauren said as she dropped on her bed after coming home from her softball game. She was glad to be back home for the summer but she couldn't stand the Miami heat any much longer. She thought she'd be use to it since she grew up here but she wasn't.

"You did great. The last time I seen you run that fast was when I was gonna smash your birthday cake in your face." Camila told her as she entered the room holding Lauren's bag that she offered to carry. She liked watching Lauren play because she was so focused on the game.  She didn't think about anything but winning.

"That was the last game of the season I can't believe it's over." Lauren then took her cleats off to get more comfortable.

"Yeah you were great. Hey umm... who is that girl on your team, her number is 13 I think." Camila said changing the topic and curiously playing with the ring on her thumb thinking about the girl that grabbed her attention most of the game.

"Who? Veronica." Lauren told her without thinking much of Camila's intentions of wanting to know. "She'll be at the barbecue tonight if want to meet her."

Lauren's parents hosted a big get together now that it was the end of summer and Camila and Lauren who have to go back to college for their third year.

"She's coming tonight." Camila says to eagerly.

"Yeah I'll introduce you." Lauren said with a smile she didn't think nothing of it because her teammate had a boyfriend that would be coming with her too. So she had nothing to worry about. At least that's what she thought.


Later that night Camila was nervously watching the door waiting for a certain brunet to walk at any time.

"What are you doing?" Lauren asked Camila who was acting strange all night.

Lauren was thinking that she was sad about it being the end of summer and having to leave her family again like the past years for college but that was not on Camila's mind right now.

"N-nothing what are you doing." She asked back not wanting to be questioned.

Lauren brushed her strange behavior off and grab her hand to take her to the backyard. She ignored the immediate butterflies that irrupt in her stomach as soon as they touched contact. Lately that's been happening a lot more than often, but she chose to ignore it like the past times.

"I want you to meet somebody." They made there way to the backyard all of the adults were. "Camila this is my team mate Veronica and her boyfriend Zack.

"Hi you must be Lauren's best friend she always talks about, you could call me Vero if you'd like." She said a she reached her hand out to shake Camila's.

"H-hey I'm Camila nice to meet." She stuttered.

Lauren was confused as to why her best friend was being shy all of a sudden. She's usually social person and confident around others.

"You played amazing today by the way." Camila complemented her.

"Thanks! Your really sweet."

Camila blushed at those words. She was lucky that it was dark right now that she didn't notice. Lauren was busy talking to Vero's boyfriend she didn't notice it either.

"Were do you go to college." Camila asked.

"The same as you and Lauren that's how we meet actually. I think I have seen you in one of my classes before." Vero told her intrigued by Camila. She thought she was very cute.

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