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Lauren was sitting at her desk that was located in her room trying to finish one of her homework assignments she needed done by the end of the weekend. After a long week it was finally Saturday, and after Camila had lunch with Ashley on Wednesday she was back to being Camila. Lauren doesn't know if she should be worried or happy about that. When she called Ashley she told her that Camila left upset, but Camila didn't come home two hours after their lunch so where did she go that left her in a happy mood.

Lauren did notice that Camila had been on her phone a lot lately, and by the sound of her tone when she was taking it seemed important. Lauren didn't ask because she didn't want to be nosy so she tried to ignore it the best she could, even though she was dying to know.

Anyway it was Saturday meaning tonight was the night of the party. Lauren was going to make sure if Camila still wanted to go and she hopes she does. Tonight they were just going to let loose and have fun with their friends like they did before. It was their last year in college so they aren't going to hold back this next few months.

After Lauren was out of her thoughts she looks back at her computer screen and let out a frustrated sigh. She had no idea what to write. She was studying to be a play writer and this assignment was for her theater class to preform, her being the lead. She didn't like to act but it was a requirement to pass the class this semester. She likes more of being behind the scenes, she never liked the spotlight that much, she hates when people would stare at you not knowing what's going on their mind. She also hates when you have you're heart beating like it's going to explode in you're chest. Her siblings loved doing sports but Lauren loved literature, there were many times in high school she would get teased for it but she ignored it or they just stopped. She mainly knew it was because Camila was the captain of the girls soccer team and most people knew not to piss her off by messing with Lauren. One of the other reasons she hates performing was because in one play Camila told her to try out for, she had something thrown at her from the audience and everyone laughed and made fun her for it. So she mainly stuck to being behind the camera. She was almost finished but was stuck writing the ending.

Right when she was going to shut her laptop off to take a break she got a text from Camila.

I'm shopping with Dinah. Save me.

Lauren laughed at the sudden message, because it's something Camila would say around Dinah.

what did you expect.

anyway, are we still going to the party?

I was about to ask you the same thing.

I'll go if you go?

then we're going:)

great I'll ask Vero if she wants to come to.

When Lauren got that last message she panicked, she didn't want Vero there that would ruin her plan. She would end up not leaving Camila's side which would make Lauren's idea fail.

Before Lauren responds to Camila she texted Ashley.

hey!!! do you still have plans with Vero tonight?

Yeah. Why?

Just making sure. sorry.


At that Lauren was about to text Camila back saying it was ok knowing Vero was gonna say no but then she got one instead.

Never mind I just called her she's busy today.

That sucks. Maybe next time.

Lauren then tossed her phone gently towards her bed and hoped tonight goes as planned.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now