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"Dinah, calm down you're probably giving it to much thought."

"Am I Lauren? You weren't there. This is so embarrassing." Dinah shoved her head into the couch pillow replaying what happened the night before.

"All right then, explain to me what happened." Lauren sat next to her overreacting friend.

"Normani asked me if I wanted to have dinner the other day and I said yes, but apparently when she meant dinner she really just meant dinner. I thought she asked me on a date considering all the flirting that was going on. When she came to my place to pick me up, she was dressed casual while I looked like I was going to the royal wedding."

Lauren couldn't help but let out her laugh that she was holding in.

"I'm seriously going to punch you. I told her that something else came up and we'll do dinner next time. I guess we weren't on the same page as I thought." Dinah says sadly.

"Don't say that, I can tell she likes you back. Maybe you guys she communicate more then rely on gestures." Lauren suggested.

"Speaking of gestures, who are those flowers from? They look like they cost a fortune." Dinah pointed out the massive bouquet.

"They're from Sierra."

Dinah raised her eyebrow in confusion.

"What? She just gave them to me." Lauren's voice came out squeaky.

"Someone does not give those kinds of things out of the goodness of their heart."

"Of course they do. We just had another small project to do together and we started hanging out after that."

"We hang out all the time, but I don't see you sending me flowers declaring your love for me."

"It's not like that." Lauren tries to convince her friend.

"Would you want it to be."

Lauren didn't say anything back.

"You can move on you know." Dinah says cringing at her own words.

Dinah still has yet to talk to Camila, but that doesn't mean that she isn't rooting for both her friends to work things out.

"I know that, and believe me I been trying." Lauren admits as she frustratedly ran her hand through her dark hair.


"Yes. Anytime I hang out with Sierra I let her make her moves, but I just find myself unknowingly rejecting her. The other night she tried to kiss me and I was going to let her until the very last second I moved my head to the side."

"Why did you do that?" Dinah asked as she successfully hid her laugh in.

"I don't know, but it wasn't like I was going to tell her. How weird would it be if I said 'sorry I don't know why my body doesn't want me to kiss you, maybe you should try again'"

"Does Camila know you two been hanging out?"

Lauren rolls her eyes at the thought of the girl.

"Probably. It wasn't like I was keeping it a secret. She definitely moving on with our new neighbor. She basically lives next door now." Lauren says bitterly.

"Wow. No offense, but I never met anyone more complicated than the both of you."

"Look who's talking. You and Normani are the definition of complicated."

"Anyways, are you willing to give Camila another shot?"

"It's not like she has made any effort. Like I said she's been avoiding like a plague."

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now