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"You want to go home?" Camila asked a shivering Lauren as she pulled her closer to her body.

"Yeah that be great. I can't believe how tired I am, before I could have gone an entire day without a night of sleep." Lauren let out a yawn.

After watching the sunset they stayed in that position not wanting to go just yet, but their bodies were begging for sleep.

"Lets go."

Just as Lauren was about to stand on her feet, Camila picked her up and started walking towards the car.

"I can walk you know." Lauren smiled at her.

"I'm fully aware, but I think you're about to pass out at any giving second."

"True." Lauren whispers as she buries her head in Camila's neck.



"I know you what you did tonight, and want you did a few years ago."

"What?" Camila looks at the girl in her arms confused.

"You would never steal. I know exactly why you would tell me to leave first while you stayed behind back at the store."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Camila tells Lauren as a grin breaks out on her face.

"I know before we left home you only had twenty dollars in your pocket, we used ten on the toilet paper. So tell me, where's the other ten?"

"In my pocket." Camila tried to weakly convince.

"Really? So if I reached down there you would have it." Lauren challenged raising her eyebrow.

"Go right ahead, I would actually love that." Camila winked as she set her down to open the passenger side of the door.

"You pervert." Lauren couldn't help but laugh. She although went right ahead into Camila's pocket to only find a receipt with the things they had taken paid for. Lauren held it up with a unimpressed look.

"How did that get in there." Camila tried to act innocent.

"I knew you are to good of a person to do something like that." Lauren pecked her lips sweetly.

"You're not mad?"

"Why would I be."

"The point of it was the thrill of doing something we weren't suppose to do. Me paying for the stuff kind of takes that away."

"To be honest, the best part of that night and yesterday night was just being with you."

Camila was sure her heart skipped a beat. She got a hold of Lauren's hand then pressed a kiss on the back of it.

"You're are amazing."

"I'm aware." Lauren winked at her as she got in the vehicle.

"Do you want to go get breakfast?" Camila asks as she gets in the driver side.

"To be honest, I'm really tired Camz."

"That's fine, we can go home." Camila pulls off into the street on her their way home.

As Lauren was drifting off she remembers something that happened when they got to the beach.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now