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Lauren hated traffic on a regular day but, right now if frustrated her to no end. The stupid storm definitely had something to do with the traffic lights not working. Sitting in the front seat of the drivers spot not knowing what could have happened to Camila made her heart sink to her stomach.

The lady that called her barely gave her any information about what happened. Although, it's not like Lauren gave her a chance to speak at all. She was already on her way but if the traffic didn't speed up quickly she would be tempted to get out of her car in the middle of the street and abandoned the vehicle without looking back.

She obviously wasn't going to do that then again, she needed to distract herself because her eyes began to tear up.

If something would have happened to Camila, her girlfriend that she has been in love with for years and, there last conversation was a argument Lauren wouldn't be able to live with herself.

What felt like a thousand years which in reality was only a ten minute ride Lauren, made it to the hospital. Not even checking if she locked her car she ran inside as fast as she can heading for the front desk.

She began to prepare to see the worst. A lifeless body in a hospital gown, connected to a bunch of machines that were helping to keep her alive but, then again what if she wasn't even in a room yet? There could have been a chance that she was having surgery if things were even more serious.

As her feet were quickly going as fast as they could they made a stop. Lauren didn't even need to ask for her girlfriend when she saw her sitting in the waiting room. Seeming perfectly fine.

"Excuse me? Are you Lauren?"


"Hi I'm Jackie, the one from the call. I called you because your friend was there during the incident when the cops showed up. She hasn't really said anything, we guess she's still in shock from everything that happened."

"What exactly did happen?"

"To be honest I'm not even sure. I was just told to get in touch with a a friend or family."

"Is she hurt or anything?" Lauren looked across the room towards her and, all Camila is doing is looking at a particular spot on the floor like it's the most interesting thing ever.

"No, not at all. They just brought her in to make sure, considering she wasn't responding to any of the questions. Maybe seeing a familiar face can help her snap out of it."

"Alright, thank you."

"Sure, no problem."

Lauren stood in the same spot not knowing how to react to all of this. Thinking that she was going to walk in the hospital to see Camila at the worst state, now she's right there in arms reach but, yet so distant at the same time. She then walked to were Camila was at and, Lauren's heart speed up. She was glad nothing physically happened to her but, seeing Camila so out of it brought a new set of worries.


No response.

"Camila, babe it's me."


Still motionless.

Lauren sat down next to her hoping to get a reaction of some sort. Gently placing her hand on Camila's thigh to make some type of contact Lauren, then gently placed her finger under Camila's chin to get her look at her in the eyes.

They were looking at each other
but, then again weren't because those weren't the eyes Lauren loved.

"Camila? What happened?"

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now