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"Hey Lauren." Camila said as she saw the green eyed girl make her way inside the apartment. "Where have you been? It's almost 3."

"I had lunch with Ashely sorry for not telling you." Lauren told her as she took off her shoes and hung up her jacket. She made her way towards where Camila was sitting and made herself comfortable on the chair recliner next to Camila.

"I thought you weren't interested in her I mean it didn't seem like it over dinner."

"Oh so you did notice me throughout dinner while you had you're tongue in your girlfriends mouth." Lauren fired back sounding a little jelouse. Luckily Camila didn't notice.

"Wait so you still are mad about the double date, look i told you it was Vero's idea, and by the looks of where you have been you seem to be a little interested by her if you saw again after a two hour dinner."

"As a friend camz nothing more."

Camila then gaved her a pointed look. "Really Lauren who in this decade see each other to be just friends."

"I do, and she seems like a very cool person to talk to." To talk about how to make the person you love, love you back. But of course she wasn't going to tell her that.

"Alright then good luck with the whole friendship thing I guess" Camila said then turned her attention back to the tv screen.

"So what are you doing today." Lauren asked.

"Me and Vero were going to the movies tonight, you want to come?"

"Yeah sure." Lauren agreed even though she knew that Vero was probably going to cancel at last minute. "Camila can I ask something."

"Yeah what's wrong?" Camila said giving Lauren her attention worried that it might be something serious.

"Are you happy?"


"Are you happy? You know with you're life right now."

"I mean... Yeah I guess I'm not unhappy if that's what you're saying." Camila answered back unsure as to where Lauren was going with this question or what she meant by it.

"Alright that's cool." Lauren said looking back at the tv.

Camila kept her have a little longer on Lauren a but skeptical about her recent behavior, but before she was going to ask her why the sudden question she got a call from her girlfriend.

"Hey babe. What's up." Camila answered.

"Hey just wanted to let you know I can't make it to the movie tonight I'm sorry but I... You know... I'm gonna be with my family tonight." She stuttered in the end.

"I thought that you hung out with them all morning and tonight was just us and well Lauren too I also asked to join along."

"Well then that's perfect than just hang with her, I feel like I have been stealing you away from her to much lately, have some best friend time. I'll see you tomorrow by love you."

"Love you too." Camila said.

Lauren kept her gaze on the television pretending like that last part didn't kill her. But also she was sure Ashely said she was going to get Vero to help her study tonight so why would Vero lie about that unless she somehow felt guilty about that, but why? It's wasn't like shes doing anything wrong. Why would she feel the need to lie to Camila about that, from what Lauren knew about her best friend relationship they would never lie to each other. She wondered how Camila would feel if she knew her girlfriend blew her off tonight and lied about who she was with.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now