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"Thanks guys!" Lauren yells through her apartment as she shuts the door violently, making it known that she was back at home.

The three of her friends were still passed out, but not anymore since Lauren's grand entrance into the apartment startling everyone who was still asleep.

"What are you talking about?" Dinah grumbles as she was waking up on the couch, not having the energy last night to get into a bed and crashed on the couch, now noting how pissed off her friend seems.

"For not telling me what people are saying behind my back!" Lauren, who is still still riled up takes her jacket off with a stain very noticeable in the front.

"What happened to your shirt." Normani says as she exited Camila's room having slept there for the night. She then quiets down when she sees the hard look on Lauren's face, and Dinah frantic hand gesturing to not say anything.

"Oh... let me explain somebody in the cafeteria decided I looked better with it on my shirt and 'tripped' in front of me throwing all there food on top of me!" Lauren says still humiliated by the scene caused today. That wasn't even half of what happened this morning but she'd rather not go into details of what things people were saying as she passed them through out the morning.

Lauren sighs as she pulls one of the chairs from the table violently, and slumps down in it while her hands covered her face in frustration. This was like high school all over again, but this time with grown 'adults' apparently.

"Lauren we're sorry, we knew what they were saying so we tried to have fun last night to not make it into a big deal, but we should have gave you a heads up anyway." Normani said as she rubbed her hand gently on Lauren's back.

Dinah sits right next to her, leaning her head on her shoulder for some comfort. They knew what Lauren went through back then so this must be really frustrating to go through it again because of immature people who need to grow up.

"No guys, this isn't your fault." Lauren says taking a deep breath, maybe right now is the good time to tell them. "It's my fault. I got desperate with wanting to be with Camila, and I purposely took her to the party because of the plan."

"What plan?" Ally says as she walked into the room joining the conversation that's taking place at the dinner table.

"You guys remember Ashley, the girl Vero tried to set me up with."
When the girls nodded their heads in agreement Lauren continued. "Well she could tell I had obvious feelings for Camila. She also had feelings for Vero, so she suggested that we make a plan for them to break up. At first I was not sure, but then I agreed to that stupid idea. We wanted for Camila and Vero to get distant from each other so we hung out with them individually and it involved Camila and I going to that party were it all happened." Lauren says ashamed.

The girls tried to take in that information and not jump to any conclusions.

"Well are you gonna say anything?" Lauren says through the silence.

"How did you get Camila to make out with you?" Dinah says skeptically.

"We had a few drinks."

When Lauren saw the looks on the girl faced she could tell that they were thinking the worst.

"I didn't force her to drink!" Lauren yells feeling the need to defend herself.

"Of course not." Ally says back placing her hand on top of hers to calm her down a bit. "It's just a little confusing."

"I'm such an idiot, for thinking that stupid idea would work, Ashley basically told Camila and is going to make it ten times worse for me, making it seem like I'm a creep." Lauren exaggerates.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now