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Lauren paced back and forth in her room after thinking of a way to get Camila alone at the party. But first she had to convince her to come. Alone.

After two hours in her room she then heard the front door shut, She guesses her walking in on them was a mood killer so Vero probably decided to leave. After a few moments of quiet throughout the whole apartment she heard a knock at her bedroom door.

"Come in." Lauren says as she sits at the edge of her bed. Camila then opens the door with a embarrassed smile, her cheeks a little red from earlier events.

"Hey. Sorry about that, I just thought you were going to be at ally's for a few hours." Camila apologizes to her with a small voice, hands in the pockets of her gray sweats.

"It's fine Camz no worries." Lauren assures her. As Camila turns to leave she stands up and grabs her hand. "Anyways Camila I wanted to ask you if you want to come to a party with me this saturday." Lauren then runs her thumb over Camila's knuckles and gives her a smile that she knew Camila wouldn't say no to.

"Um... Sure I'll go." Camila agreed to tag along. "We should get ready for work or were going to be late."

"Yeah we should get changed." But before Camila could leave the room Lauren took her shirt off in front of her. They seen each other naked before but this time it was different. Lauren walked to her dresser trying to find her uniform shirt but she still felt Camila's presence in the room.

"I thought we had to get ready for work." Lauren's says in a jokingly way without turning around. She knew Camila was watching her.

"Y-yeah I'll just leave you to it." Camila nervously says but when she turns around she trips on the carpet edge that was folded and falls on the floor.

Lauren laughs at her best friend clumsiness and walks over to her still shirtless, to help her up. She to makes the same mistake and falls on top of Camila. They both laugh at each other but after a few seconds they both stay silent. They stare in each other eyes, Lauren felt Camila's breath hitting her lips and she not sure if she was leaning in or Camila was.

But before there lips could touch that's when they heard a phone ring. It was Camila's and she made a move to get up. Lauren stood up herself also and this time actually went to go get ready.

When she was finished getting dressed she made her way to the kitchen to make herself a sandwich before they had to leave. Camila was still in the living room talking on the phone.

"Yeah I'll be in there in few minutes." Camila then hung up the phone and grabbed her car keys.

"What's going on?" Lauren asked.

"Dinah needs help." Camila says without looking at Lauren then grabs some of her work clothes and makes her way out of the apartment.

Before Lauren could say anything Camila was gone.

Was she uncomfortable of what happened earlier. Lauren couldn't shake that thought from her mind. Why did Camila avoid looking at her. Maybe Dinah did need help. She reminds herself to asks her later. But right now she had to head to work.

Lauren leaves her apartment and gets into her car. She inserts the key but all she heard was a dead motor. Camila has already left so Lauren had no choice but to walk to work. And if it couldn't get worse it starts drizzle rain. But luckily Lauren was almost there. She ran when the rain drops started to get heavier, and finally made it to work. It being a Monday there wasn't a lot of customers today.

Lauren made her way behind the counter after putting her apron on. One thing she noticed when she went to go to punch in that she was in work was that Camila still wasn't here.

After two hours into work Lauren realized Camila wasn't coming. It was just her serving drinks to people that have nothing better to do then to get drunk on a Monday night. At this point Lauren has no way of transportation to get home.

She thought of calling for a cab but the only ones that go by where she live banned her and her friends from their services. After one night of partying Lauren and Camila along with Ally, Normani, and Dinah got really drunk and threw up on the back of the driver seat. So that was a no.

"One shot of vodka."

Lauren hear a familiar voice say.

"Hey Ashley, how have you been." Lauren says unenthusiastically as she poured the drink.

"What's up with you."

"I have no ride home, and I think I might of have made things awkward between me and Camila." Lauren explains.

"What makes you say that." Ashley ask as she drinks the shot.

"We kinda almost kissed." Lauren tells her softly. She then looks up at Ashley to see her reaction but she gets none.

"Wow. If it makes you feel any better I basically made Vero hate me."

"What happened."

"Well I tried to kiss her, she ended slapping me instead and then told me to leave."

Lauren tried to not let a laugh out but failed.

"That's not funny." Ashley said. But ended up laughing herself.

"What are you planing next." Lauren asked hoping Ashley was thinking if her next move.

"I got something don't worry just focus on you're girl." Ashley told her with a smirk . "and don't worry I'll give you a lift after you finish working."

"Thanks, and also when are you going to see Vero again?"

"This Friday. Why?"

"Can it be Saturday, I need need Vero busy so she won't tag along with Camila and I, like she's done many times before when I thought it would just be the two of us." Lauren tells her. Annoyed by how many times before Camila's girlfriend came along.

"Yeah sure. But what are you planning."

"Let's just say something." Lauren says with a determined look on her face. She couldn't wait till Saturday.

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