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"Camila? Sweetie were home, wake up."

Camila was still at the kitchen counter but passed out what seems to be a few hours. Her dad had just come home surprised to see her in that position. He wasn't even gonna question the bottle of alcohol that was sitting in front of her. It was closed so he knew that she didn't drink from it. Not that Camila had a problem with it anyway.

What he at least thought anyway.

Unlike Camila's mom, he had no idea that Camila could sometimes abuse the drink to a certain extent.

Sinu promised her she wouldn't tell her dad and she kept it. That's the last thing Camila needed right now. To give her father a new set of problems. She would at least try to control her urges at home.

"Where's Sofi?" Camila asked wondering where her little sister could be. Its been awhile since she had any sort of contact with her.

"I carried her to bed already. It's kinda late you should get some sleep. We'll talk tomorrow." her father said trying to keep it together. Even though Camila could see right straight through him.
His voice sounds different. He's not his usual playful self.

Why would he.

He just lost his wife. The women who he married and promised to spend the rest of his days with. They had two daughters together. One which is still a child. This is one of the most painful thing that could happen to someone your in a relationship with. Your not together because you got a divorce or broke up and decided to move on. Neither of you had a choice. Seeing the person you love slowly die in front of you, has to be one of the most painful thing ever.

Camila didn't say anything. She didn't know what to say. She's pretty sure anything that comes out of her mouth will surely bring her to tears, and that's the last thing she wants right now. She was just so tired. But she knew if she went to bed she wouldn't be able to close her eyes.

"Its ok, you go ahead I'm just gonna stay down here awhile." she said as her voice cracked towards the end of her sentence. She then got up to hug her father tightly.

Her father not wanting to put an argument up for her to get some rest just went upstairs, drained from everything that happened in the last few hours. It was all too unreal. For the first time in years he is going to bed alone, without his wife by his side.


Probably two or three, maybe four hours. She wasn't keeping track on what time it was. This time she was lying on the couch sofa. Looking up at the ceiling in the dark. It was probably three in the morning but she didn't care. Camila couldn't fall to sleep.

She wouldn't.

She won't even dare go in her room. It was probably a mess since that's how she left it from the last time she was at home. Her mom always telling her to clean it up, but Camila would just brush it off and tell her she'll get to it later. Which she never did. Camila looked around the house and saw it spotless. Her mother probably cleaned it before...

No. Camila can't cry anymore. She feels if she does she won't stop. She needs a distraction. The family photos on the wall were not what she should be focusing on considering now that any photo that they take in the future will be missing one person.

The silence of the house was now to much for her to handle anymore. She got her spare keys she had and slipped on her shoes and was out of there as fast as she could. She had to be back before sunrise so her dad wouldn't wonder where she'd been but she needed some fresh air. Without knowing it she walked right to Lauren's house, who didn't live that far away to begin with. Instead of knocking on the door like a normal person she went to the side of the house under Lauren's window. To Camila's surprise the lights were still turned on. If she knew Lauren then she knew that if its late her best friend would be listening to music to get her to fall asleep, so it would be useless to throw a small rock to get her attention. Plus she promised not to do that again since last time she did she ended up breaking the window.

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