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"Not surprised that you two are still in touch." the voice said as it came into view.

"Not surprised that you work here." Camila mumbled back with an eye roll at the guy who she least wanted to see right now.

"You still have a smart mouth just like I vaguely remember Cabello. Oh how I miss it dearly." he said sarcastically.

"Unfortunately there's nothing of you I don't miss Brad."

"What would you like?" He says hating his job now more than ever. He's running on thin ice right
now with his boss, so he didn't argue back at the smaller girl who he disliked even after all these years.

"Actually, we'll wait for the next server. Wouldn't want our pizza
to come back with an extra topping of your spit on it." Camila says harshly, not doubting that he would actually do that.

In which case, he has done in the past with other costumers that pissed him of (which wasn't hard to do).

"Suit yourself." just as he's about to leave he takes a quick look at the green eyed beauty, and decided
to acknowledge her after all.
"Hey beautiful, long time no see.
I could see time did you well."
he says while checking her out
with no shame at all, noticing very well how uncomfortable he made her.

"Can't say the same for you." Camila says clearly irritated, which earned her a kick under the table by Lauren, and a annoyed look by Brad. Can you blame her for noticing he's lack of hair that seems to be falling out of his head, and the bags under his eyes and yellow teeth. He most likely didn't pay attention to the don't do drugs assemblys they had at school, but he did have a reputation of blowing them of and sneaking off with some girl to an abandoned place.

"Jackass." he whispers under his breath as he leaves instead, not wanting to listen to what he hears from his parents on a daily bases.

"That was pretty mean." Lauren says through a laugh as soon as Brad is out of sight.

"He deserves it after what he did to you."

"That was when we where teenagers, we're adults now, its time to let some of it go."

"You've grown so much. If I was in your shoes I wouldn't have let that stuff slide so easily."

"Yes you would have. Not to Brad just cause you never liked him anyways, but your a very forgiving person in general. Not many people are like you strong, caring, and understanding." Lauren says meaning every word looking at Camila with the most caring eyes.

"Are we naming our traits cause you have some pretty good ones." Camila says with a smile trying
not to blush at the words being said about her, and ready to list many things about Lauren that
she loves so such and admires about her.

"Name 3." Lauren challenges knowing Camila wouldn't find
it difficult at all considering that she's always telling people about her.

"Alright for starters, you always make sure if someone is comfortable around you, and
don't go past their comfort. Two,  you always put people before
you in no matter what situation your in. Three, you keep your promises even though you have every right to break them because they didn't keep there's." the
last part Camila couldn't help but feel guilty after remembering
what happened back then,
and Lauren noticed to what she was referring from the look on her face.

"Really Camila, I thought we would never mention that again, I told you I forgived you, and you did
keep your promise, because you came back."

"I shouldn't have left in the first place."

"Well that's in the past now so just forget it." Lauren said really not wanting to remember the time Camila almost graduated early to go to California on her soccer scholarship that she was offered. Don't get her wrong she was happy for Camila for getting such opportunity, but she knew she wasn't happy with doing that as a career.

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