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"Why did you do that Camila? Drinking isn't a way to solve a problem." Sinu tells her daughter after finding out that she was in the hospital after drinking to much. "Don't do that to yourself. It hurts me that you do that." she wasn't angry at her eldest daughter but she's not happy either. She knew this would have a negative affect on her. There was no way she could prevent her from doing that again but she could at least give her some motherly advice.

Right now Camila and Lauren were in Miami. Camila was told by her dad that her mom was diagnosed with cancer last week but it took that long for them to get back home because after Camila found out all she could think about was making sure the drink in her hand was full at all times. It didn't help that she was at a party when she got that call, she was at where basically there's all different types of drinks you could mix. All that did was put her in the hospital. The doctors recommended that she should recuperate.

Lauren was insanely worried about her but she didn't know how to comfort her. Nothing that she said made Camila feel better. She obviously told her parents about the incident because she promised them at their high school graduation that she would take care after Camila.

Of course Camila was pissed off at her but not to much since her best friend was just looking out for her. Especially when she is on the verge to making stupid mistakes. After they told Camila's mom that the disease had spread all over her and that there's a chance that it's curable they let her go home and let it take its course around her body and to enjoy her time with her family while she is having treatment.

She told her family that's its going to be ok. Camila believed her. This isn't happening to her she thought. She hears how it affects other families but she never thought that it would happen to hers. This was a lesson that she learned. Her mom told her that just because it's not happening to you right now doesn't mean that it can't.

So Camila thought that it still wasn't real until reality hit her.

After two years later the treatment didn't help.

Camila then thought you can't take anything for granted and be glad that it's happening to someone else and not you.


"Camila you need to take a breath!" Lauren says frantically as Camila goes into their room getting her luggage breathing very harshly.

When Camila was gone Lauren was beyond mad at her, but then she heard Camila's phone go off. She then saw the many missed calls from earlier that were from Camila's dad. Considering the conditions at home it couldn't be a good thing. She knew that Camila's parents know that they are in Paris and a call from them would get Camila distracted. So she was for sure that it was important. Luckily for Lauren, Camila always has the same password so she knew what it was to get into her phone.

She had no way of reaching Camila so she heard the voicemail hopefully it wasn't bad news.

But in the end it was.

Lauren didn't know when Camila was coming back. She knew that she left to give her some space but for how long. It would be useless to go out to find her considering she had no clue on where she could have gone.

"We need to go." Camila said softly almost inaudible.


"I said we need to go!" she snapped.

Lauren understood what she was feeling. Camila needed to be with her family right now. She got her things ready before Camila even came. After 10 minutes they were already checking out of the room.

After Camila's outburst they were silent the whole ride to the airport. Lauren didn't want Camila to take her frustration out on her so she stayed quiet. They payed for their tickets and where on the first flight to Miami.


"He's over there." Lauren said as she spot her father who said he was gonna pick up the girls when he heard they where coming to Miami.

Mike saw them heading his way and gave Lauren a big bear hug. He missed his daughter, but he wished it didn't have to be in this event that they came back home for. He looks at Camila's direction with a sympathy smile. He wanted to hug her but he didn't know at what state she would be feeling.

"Hi Camila how you feeling?" he asked softly.

Lauren gaved him a glare warning him that it wasn't a good idea.

Camila eyes where focused on the floor not making an effort to look up. She had alot on her mind. Nothing would make her feel better right now other then hugging her mom.

But that was impossible.

Her mom is dead.

She knew that it was gonna happen. She was just living in denial. Even though it was certain that she would pass away she was still not believing it herself. Camila was hoping one day she get that call from her own mother telling her that she was cured. But now she was never getting a call from her.

Not check up on her on how she's doing, not tell her if she is sleeping or eating, or to remind Camila to put on a jacket because she checked to see the weather in New York even though she was in Miami.

Right now Camila was letting the tears fall freely. She didn't care because now she was in the comfort of her childhood bedroom. After Lauren and Mike dropped her off home Camila got out of the car without a word and used her key to enter the house. It was empty because her dad and sister where at the hospital signing paperwork.

Lauren didn't try to go after Camila because she wouldn't even talk to her. They didn't blame Camila. This is the first death in her family that she had to deal with. It wasn't an aunt or uncle that she barely knew, it was the women that was there from the beginning. That took care of her when she couldn't herself.

Lauren was sad herself. Sinu felt like second mother to her.
If she wasn't at home she was at Camila's. She was a fun person to be around so it sucked that she was no longer with them. She had to be strong for Camila though. That's if she lets her.

Lauren wasn't gonna push herself on her, but she also wasn't gonna not be there for her. What worried her the most was that Camila would drink her emotions away. When they were at the party and Camila got a call she didn't tell Lauren. But she knew it was something bad considering after Camila hung up it was drink after drink.

This was not the time for Lauren to be upset about what happened. Even though she was still mad about that. They'll talk about it when things get better between them. Lauren had to be there for her like she was for her. Hopefully things would turn out for the better.


Camila was tempted.

The full bottle was right there. She was aching for it to the point where she was almost shaking in her seat. She couldn't be selfish right now. She's not the only one hurting. Her little sister, her dad, her grandma. They are hurting just as much. Camila would only make them worry about her. The full attention had to on her mother.

The empty house and the quietness was messing with her head. Camila can't take it anymore. She had no more tears left to cry. It was dark right now. The only source of life was coming through the kitchen window. It was obvious that her family had been at the hospital for the last few days considering all of the curtains were closed. Her mom was always the one who opened them. She liked have light come into there home. But now it was dark.

Camila was sitting in the dark.

No one had managed to come home yet, and the temptation to drink the full bottle was nagging her.

But she won't.

Not now at least she had to be strong.

But for how long was her question.


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