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"Lauren, sweetie, this shirt is cute."

"Mom! What did I say."

"Relax, I was kidding, shopping with you isn't like it use to be."
Clara made fun of.

"You mean when you bought, what you thought looked good on me, and then force me to wear it. That wasn't exactly fun in my opinion."

"Well in my defense, you weren't as picky as you are now."

"Well, now I actually care how I look in public."

"Stop exaggerating. Camila, this is cute. Right?" Clara asked Camila, who was trying to hold in a laugh.

"Yeah, of course it is, I would wear it."

"Kiss ass." Lauren whispered under her breath only for her girlfriend to hear.

Camila just slightly pushed her to the side.

It was the next day after Thanksgiving, and Lauren's mom had a tradition of buying things for Christmas a month early than expected, Lauren would rather spend the day just hanging out, but the lack of time she spends with her mom convinced her to tag along. Of course she asked if she could bring Camila along so she won't die of boredom.

"We been in this store for over an hour." Lauren groaned. She really did forget how shopping with her mom really is like. She gets a bunch of things, only in the the end she leaves the store with nothing.

"It's only been ten minutes. You really are exaggerating." Camila teased.

"I just wan to go home and spend time with everyone before we leave tomorrow, by then we're going to our hectic schedule of only seeing each other from time to time. I'm really not looking forward to that."

"I know babe, but on the bright side it's almost over. A week from now, we could go back to our old routine."

"What exactly was our old routine, before you know who came into the picture."

"If I remember correctly it involved us walking around pant less, while eating as much junk food as we could before we passed out on the couch." Camila pulled Lauren into her body, with her hands resting on the Lauren's waist, her lips brushing against her own.

"Ah, I do seem to recall that happening. I just hope we walk around pant less for another reason."

Camila quickly pulls back, red in the face. She looks around to see if anyone heard that.

"Relax. No one heard, I swear my mom only uses the excuse of early Christmas sales to come to the store and try out every single piece of clothing on."

"At least she wanted to spend so time with you. Chris said he was going to tag along, but your mom started the car before he even got the chance to put on his shoes."

"That's true I guess." Lauren giggled to herself.

"Are you going to buy anything?"

"Nope. I do my best thinking last second."

"Oh I'm sure of that. Last Christmas you got me a singing pen."

"That was a joke. I can't believe you actually thought that's what I got you." Lauren laughed. She walked backwards, not looking as to where she was going and ran into someone.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now