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The following morning Lauren woke up in a empty bed. She was absolutely drained from yesterday and didn't even want to get up, she was hoping Camila would have been still lying next to her but it seemed she woke up earlier by the sounds of the shower going off in the next room. Her phone being next to her, it was the first thing she grabbed. She was surprised by the amount of notifications that she's received since yesterday, including text messages from people she didn't even know.

Deciding to ignore those she checked the ones that did matter.

Dinah: Hey are you ok? How are things with Camila?

Ally: I heard what happened, don't let that stuff get to you.

Normani: I have two classes with Ashley do you want me to punch her cause I'll do it.

Lauren couldn't help but let out a giggle at the last message. She better respond back cause surely Normani will do it. When the water from the bathroom went off Lauren became nervous. She didn't know why, but she still felt a bit uncomfortable with Camila even though they talked last night and Camila seemed fine with her.

She guesses she still feels a bit ashamed that Camila knows that she tried to 'sabotage' her relationship.

When the bathroom door opens, and a towel wrapped Camila comes in Lauren instantly forgets about her worries, and was now was nervous for a whole another reason.

"Hey, you're up. I thought you were going to sleep in."

Lauren just stares back, jaw slightly open, eyes roaming the amazing body that was in front of her.

"Lauren?" Camila questions with a knowing smirk.

"Huh? What did you say." Lauren snaps out of it, a bit shy now for openly staring.

"Are you sure you even want to go."

"I have to can't hide in my room forever." Lauren knew that she couldn't avoid things or put them off. "Pluse it would just give Vero the satisfaction of knowing she effected me in some way."

Camila just gives her a sad smile wanting nothing but the best for Lauren right now, but that seems quiet difficult considering the other girl is highly stressed out.

"I'm going to get in the shower so we won't be late."

"I'll have breakfast ready when you come out." Camila says as she walks towards the closest to get dressed for the day.

When Lauren went into the bathroom Camila began to worry about her. Of course she would be there for her but not every second of the day. She would at least hope  any of the girls would be there for her to distract her from the other students, but Camila knows Lauren has a few classes by herself. 

Checking the time, she hurried getting dressed and went to go make breakfast. Knowing Lauren's favorite, she grabbed the bread to make french toast for the both of them. Maybe this time Camila wouldn't burn like she did the last time she made them for her.

"That smells great." Lauren says as she strolls in taking a sniff at the delicious smell of cinnamon. "They don't smell burnt so that's a good sign." She teased as she sat on the stool placing her laptop in front of her.

"Ha ha. Not funny. I like my food crunchy."

"And apparently stale too."

They continued to playfully bicker until Camila saw the slight change of mood in Lauren.

"Is everything ok?"

"I'm just going through my emails and my professor send me a list of people he assigned to be in my play." Lauren went down the list until her eyes landed on a particular person.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now