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"How was break?" Dinah is the first one to break the silence. No one answers. "Well... ok then." Dinah eyes stay on the road and side eyes Normani who is sitting right next her. They offered to pick Lauren and Camila up from the airport and so far they haven't said anything since they gotten into the car.

Lauren was still thinking about what happened earlier, and it made her heart clench at how Camila treated her.

You know when you are in a argument with someone, and you are in so focused on what they are saying you don't say anything back. Then not until the argument is over you think of what you could have said. That was Lauren right now. If maybe it wasn't for the fact that there were people around or if she wasn't in shock, she could have said what she really wanted to say.

To tell Camila that she wouldn't stand being treated this way. That as her girlfriend she needed to know what happened so she could help some how. If Camila needed space or a shoulder to cry on that Lauren would be there for her.

Not hide the fact that her breath smelled like alcohol, and lash out at her when she wanted to know why the sudden change of mood.

"We're here." Dinah snaps Lauren out of her deep thought .

Lauren looks up to see that they are in fact home.

"Thanks for the ride guys." When Lauren got out of the car she paused for a second to look at Camila.

She made no move to get out.

"Um... Mila? We're here." Normani says as they all looked at Camila's strange behavior.

"Dinah can you drive me somewhere." Camila says even though you could barely hear her. Her voice sounded strained for not using it the last few hours.

"Um... I guess so. See you later Lauren." Dinah gives her a sympathetic smile. Anyone could tell that there was something up with them.

Lauren didn't say anything but close the door, and watch the car drive away while she saw the car disappear in the distance with her luggage right next to her feet.


"Thank you for dropping him off."

"No problem. Camila payed me before you guys left so I'll see you later."

Lauren shuts the door with the still small hyper puppy in her arms. She was going over some last minute work she needed to get done then she heard a knock at the door. She forgot that they were suppose to have picked him up over an hour ago, but she was too overwhelmed to remember.

"Hey buddy." Lauren coos the dog. After a few minutes his excitement wore off a bit and quickly ran to the other rooms to find Camila.

Which reminded Lauren.


When the puppy still hadn't come back from Camila's room, Lauren went to go look for him. There was no sign of duke until Lauren checked under the bed.

She was shocked at what she found. Although she thought, should she really?

She just didn't know that Camila was drinking right before break. She at least thought it was a small relapse while they were back home.

Clearly not as she held a bottle of vodka in her hand that she pulled out of underneath the bed.

I'm that moment Lauren couldn't help but let out a small sob from her mouth. This was what Lauren always feared since last time.

And last time she couldn't handle seeing Camila in the hospital from over drinking.

Could she handle that now?

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now