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The next morning a horrible headache is what Camila woke up to. She thinks she would be use to the hangovers by now but they just get worse each time. From what she can remember, which is not much she drinked a lot last night. The clock that was on the night stand showed that it was 2 in the afternoon. Which was a surprise to her, she haven't slept in this late in since high school.

Her head felt like it was pounding against her skull so she decided to go back to sleep. Just as she got comfortable she felt her bare skin against the blankets on the bed. She then realized she wasn't wearing any clothes. Her heart skipped a beat at the thoughts of what she might of did last night. Before she could think any further she felt a body move next to her. Camila couldn't tell who it was because they had their back turned towards her.

"No no no no...." Camila whispered as she got out of bed frantically and looked at the unfamiliar room she was in.

She grabbed one of the bed sheets to cover herself and walked towards the one window that was there and instantly knew that she was still at the house the party was thrown at.

She looked for her clothes that were scattered across the floor trying to put them on as quickly as she could she then stumbled across a red dress that most likely was of the girl she slept with. Camila tried to put the pieces together of what might of had happened last night but she got nothing. After she found her phone which was dead she grabbed her shoes and went for the door, that's until she heard a soft voice behind her.

"Babe?" A familiar voice said.

Camila's heart slowed down as soon a she saw who was in thoses sheets.

"Vero?" Camila said as her heart slowed down.

"Where are you going?" She said confused as to why her girlfriend was looking all frantic.

"Ohh... I was.. just going to get us water and some aspirin." Camila made up a lie. Not telling her she thought she had slept with some random girl and wanted to get away as far as possible.

"Come back to bed, my heads killing me." Vero suggested in a tired voice.

"Yeah, sure."

Camila then put her shoes down and made her way around the bed where she slept. She got under the covers and scooted closer to the older girl. She then placed her hand over her waist pulling Vero into her and buried her head into her neck and went back to sleep. Relived that she didn't do anything stupid last night.

At least she thinks.


"Dinah stop."

"What's got you in a bad mood."

"I don't want to talk about it." Lauren says not wanting to have this conversation.

Last night was the definition of confusing. One of the last things she remembers was Camila ditching her once she saw her girlfriend enter the room. After Camila left and seeing them go upstairs with their mouths attached together Lauren, who had Camila's keys when she have given to her earlier that night, went home with her car after assuming Vero came with her own.

After not knowing to where Lauren disappeared last night, Dinah just stopped by to check in how she was doing.

"What happened last night." Lauren asks not remembering much.

"Not sure, my heads killing me but I have to babysit a few kids later."

"Good luck with that." Lauren chuckles, lucky that she's not the one dealing with kids.

"Did you see where Normani went after."

"The last thing I recall she was dancing with some random girl." Lauren states.

"With who?" Dinah says a little forcefully that does not go unnoticed by Lauren.

"I think her name was Sara from her dance team. Why?"

"Damn it." Dinah whispers under her breath.


"Nothing, I have to go." Dinah tells her as she got up from the couch walking towards the door.

"You just got here."

She than heard the front door shut without hearing a response. Still having a headache she fell asleep on the couch hoping to sleep through it.

About an hour later hearing the
front door shut Lauren woke up from her nap.

"Sorry I didn't know you were asleep." She heard Camila say as she sat next to Lauren on the couch.

"It's fine. Sorry about taking your car without permission. I thought Vero had hers." Lauren said.

"It's alright and she did." Camila then laid back on the couch. Doing that action her shirt had risen up and showed some skin from her stomach. It was some red and purple marks that were left behind from last night.

Lauren cringed at the thought of Vero's lips all over Camila's skin. Not remembering that those were her marks she left on the younger girl.

But eventually she would find out. And not just them.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now