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It would have taken about 20 minutes to get back home, but at the rate Camila was driving they got back in less than 10. Could you blame her, her mind was dazed, filled with the thought of Lauren squirming and begging underneath her touch for Camila to touch her and make her feel pleasure.

Looking to her side and seeing Lauren with just as much lust filling up her eyes she knew she was in for a wild night. They both quickly got out of their seat belts and made their way inside. Lauren was having a bit trouble opening up the door when she felt Camila pressed firmly against behind her backside. Her labored breaths were directly hitting her ear and she felt weak as Camila's lips found their way to her ear lobe and she stared to gently suck on it.

"Are you going to open the door." Camila whispers.

"You're kinda making that impossible." Lauren moans as she closes her eyes and rests her head back at Camila's shoulder.

Camila than took the keys form Lauren's hands and opened the door eagerly so they wouldn't get caught doing this out in the open hall.

Just as they entered, Lauren was about to shut the door when Camila pushed her against it with much force. Lauren would be lying if she said she felt more pain than pleasure. Camila's hands eagerly flew to Lauren's blouse wanting to take the piece of clothing off to feel the soft radiating skin beneath it as her lips went back to Lauren's kissing her vigorously. Getting frustrated that the buttons wouldn't come undone Camila ripped the shirt wide open and took it off and disposed the shirt onto the floor as her lips went down the valley of Lauren's breasts nipping at the skin leaving a red mark behind.

Getting now impatient, Lauren pulled Camila back up and wrapped her arms around her neck. Stumbling back Camila regained her balance and led Lauren to her bedroom. Not once did their lips part as they got there.

At this point Camila had pushed Lauren onto the bed and before getting in top of her, she couldn't help but admire her body as she knew Lauren wanted her really bad. She felt the same way.

Lauren lets out a whimper as she felt Camila's full body against hers.

"Camila. I need more." Lauren breaths out as she feels Camila's finger tips trace the outline of her stomach.

"Need more of what?" Camila grins into Lauren's neck she unexpectedly grinds her center into Lauren's.

"Camila!" Lauren gasps out.

Camila's breathing was beginning to increase as she realizes that she wants the same thing. The both of them took each other's clothes off as fast as they could, and stared into each other's eyes. Camila wanted the both of them to feel pleasure, so she lined up their centers together. Lauren was gripping the bed sheets so hard her knuckles were beginning to turn white.

"You ready?" Camila asks, making sure Lauren was ok.

"Yes." Lauren said desperately as de began to move her hips at a fast pace.

"Lauren!" Camila moaned at the unexpected pleasures that she felt through out her whole body.

Lauren's hands raked down Camila's back in ecstasy, and she's pretty sure Camila will have some streaks for awhile considering how deep her fingernails are digging into her back. At the moment, they didn't care as their bodies moved in perfectly sync.

Camila could feel Lauren's heartbeat beat against her chest as they try reach for that moment euphoria. They were panting like crazy and it was obvious they were close.

"Camila! Go faster!" Lauren says not caring if the neighbors heard her or not. She was well aware of how thin these walls where. The room was filled with moans and the headboard hitting against the wall but they didn't care at the moment. Lauren was pretty sure that she was now drawing out a bit of blood on Camila's back by how she was digging her nails against her. Camila clearly couldn't feel the pain by how good the moment feels.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now