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After Camila told Ashley about her and Lauren's history they ate in silence. Camila was thinking about how she was going to deal with her mom. She was scared that she'll lose her and that was something that was gonna be painful to go through. Everytime she thinks about it she feels the urge to have some alcohol. She starts feeling lightheaded when she can't at that moment which she knew wasn't normal. It wasn't until after a few seconds later she realized Ashley was speaking to her.

"Im sorry what did you say." Camila asked.

"How are things between you and Vero?"

"Uh... Great." Camila answered

"You don't seem sure about." Ashley said as she played with the food on her plate.

"I been causing lots of fights lately and I don't know why." Camila admits.

"Are you sure, I know how she can be sometimes."

"How?" Camila curiously asked raising her eyebrow.

"She just seems to blame most of the stuff on you." Ashley pointed out her observation she's been making of the two.

"No she doesn't." Camila said feeling a little defensive for her girlfriend.

"Come on Camila in a relationship it's two people, it just can't be you who starts fights, there at least has to be a reason why you get angry at her."

Camila listened to what she said and she thought back to the frequent fighting. She puts a lot into their relationship, she sometimes feels like Vero doesn't.
Camila snaps out of her thoughts she loves her, why is she doubting their relationship.

"I don't think it's your place to tell me what you think about it."

"Cami..." Ashely starts but Camila cuts her off by getting up from the booth.

"Save it I'm just gonna go home." Camila then makes her way through coffee shop towards the door.

Camila was having a tough time as it is. She doesn't need anymore problems at the moment.

And she hoped there won't be.


Instead of going home Camila went to the bar she works at.
When she got there it was mostly empty but her co-workers where surprised to see her on her day off.
They were told by Lauren if they ever saw her come in and ask for drinks they wouldn't give her any.
Even if Lauren hadn't told them that they would still refuse to give her a ounce of alcohol because they witnesses how bad she got the first time she heavenly drinked.
She ended up getting into a fight that almost cost her job but they all convinced their boss it was a one time thing. Camila knew that they weren't going to serve her anything and that's why she came here in the first place.

"Hey Camila, what are you doing here." Jonny who was friends with Camila since the start of college said.

"I just needed some time out of the apartment and away from everybody." Camila mumbles to herself.

"How's it going with photographing."

When he asked about that Camila ends up having a small smile on her face. Her taking photos has always calmed her down, and she is happy that she's getting a chance to do it as a profession.
She hopes one day she can travel with somebody around the world to take photos and create memories together. But that's not anytime soon she still has this year to graduate and she wants to get a a real steady job.

"It's going great actually a few days ago I got my photos published, and them I ran into the editor who have me his number." Camila explained.

"So have you called him."

"No, I have a lot on my mind and I don't know if I'm ready for it."

"Look all I'm saying is that their not gonna be sitting around and waiting you have to put your personal problems aside." He then walked away to serve a customer that just walked in the door.

Camila sat at the stool just thought that he was right she needed to think of her future right now and how she wanted it to be and with who she wanted it to be. She then probably was going to make a mistake but at the moment she didn't care.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now