Emily Smith, the girl no body notices. The girl that is so antisocial the only people she talks to is her family. The girl who has trust issues. The girl that has social anxiety to the point where she has difficulties getting out of bed...
A/N: Picture of Alic's crush Jake. I was in the middle of doing my makeup when there was a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in!" "Emily honey, your mom doesn't want you to go to school today." It was my dad. "What, why?" "She wants to take you to the doctor to see why you're having so many attacks." I took a deep breath to try and calm myself. "OK. I guess I got dressed for nothing then right?" He just chuckled, shook his head and left. I grabbed my car key and walked downstairs. "Alic, you ready?" "Yeah!" We got in my car and he noticed I didn't have my school things. "Where are your things?" "I'm not going to school today." "What why?" "Mom is taking me to the doctors, to see if there's a higher count for my meds. I think I have the highest possible amount allotted. Mom doesn't believe me." He smiled sadly at me. "It'll be OK, Emily. I promise." I nodded and pulled into his school. When I came to a stop a boy that was leaning on the flag pole perked up when he saw my brother. "Hey Alic, is that Him?" I nodded my head toward the boy and Alic looked. A blushed crept onto his face. "Yeah that'd be Jake." He said smiling. "He's cute." His blush deepened, he went to get out and I started talking to Jake. "Hi you must be Jake. Alic here talks about you a lot." Jake blushes and Alic flipped me off. "Love ya to bro. Well I have to go now before I'm late. It was nice to meet you Jake." Then I drove off. .....time skip..... So it turns out I was right and I had the highest amount allotted. The doctor didn't know what to do and sent us home, so here I am laying in bed thinking. My mom said she would get Alic. She should have already done that. Why can't I be normal? Why do I feel like I'm being judged every time I do something? I was brought out of my thoughts by a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in." It was my dad. "I heard what happened with the doctor. Are you OK?" I sighed. "Yeah I'm fine." I put a fake smile on my face. He gave me a 'are you serious?' Look. "Fine what do you want me to tell you? That I hate having social anxiety? That I wish that I was normal? That I could actually get a friend that isn't one my siblings/cousins? That I could attract a boy so I could have my first date? All I want in life is to be normal!" I then burst into tears. My dad's eye widened in shock, like he didn't know what to do. He pulled me into a hug, while I cried. "Honey I'm sorry. I wish there was someway for me to help." He kissed my forehead. I lifted my head off of my dad's chest. "Thanks dad." "Any time Em." He then got up off my bed. "Oh, by the way. We have guests again tonight. It's the same people as last time. So please put something nice on." I nodded and he left. I got up and walked to my closet. I pulled out my black and white zip up crop top and pulled it on. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out my favorite black leggings with holes and cuts that ran up and down them, pulling them on. Next I grabbed my galaxy skirt and pulled it on. I then pulled on my black and galaxy wedges. I made sure my hair and makeup were OK and walked downstairs.
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"We're just waiting for Emily. Then we'll start dinner." I cleared my throat and every pair of eyes were on me. Alic came and grabbed my hand, he seems to be the only one who can help me right now. My mom, dad, Mason and Mr and Mrs Jones all smiled at me. My sister and Bryan's sister rolled their eyes. Bryan's reaction was unexpected. His mouth dropped and his eyes widened. I push my stay hair behind my ear and looked down. Alic squoze my hand. "Well let's go eat." We all walked to the dining room and sat at the table. I was in between Alic and Bryan, next to Bryan was his mom, across from me was Mason, my sister and Bryan's sister. Next to Mason sat mom then at either end of the table sat the dads. I let out a shakey breath. Mom just had to make the messiest dinner, didn't she? Spaghetti and meatballs. I glared at the food wondering how my shaking hands were going to do this without making a fool of myself. "What did that food ever do to you?" My sister asked, she's knew what my problem was, why did she ask that? Everyone's eyes were on me again. I cleared my throat again. I look to my mom for help. She noticed my plea, thank God. "Haylee, can I please talk to you out in the hall?" My mom and Haylee left. I picked up my fork with shaking hands. I started taking a bite. .....time skip.... I made it through dinner great, now we're in the family room talking about our lives after high school, so far they've only picked on my brother. Until... "What about you Emily? What are your plans after high school?" That was Mrs Jones. "Oh, Umm..." I felt a hand grab mine. It was Alic's. "Well I didn't want to do anything special, and I don't want to do anything that involves being around to many people. I planned on taking online collage, which will be something along the lines of business. So eventuality I could be come a partner in owning a business later on down the road." "Why don't you want anything to do with people?" That was Mr Jones. "That's a privet matter that I do not wish to expose to you, someone I barely know." "OK, then I won't pry." That's how the night went on. Us talking about life and other things. They finally left and I went to bed immediately after.
A/N: yay, another update! Sorry I take so long to update chapters, school sucks and I barely have time to do anything lately. I'll try my best to get you the next chapter. XOXO~Kaimee20