Chapter 36

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When I woke up the next morning, I felt a heavy arm draped around my waist. I smiled at the sparks running through my body. I rolled over in his arms. His sleeping feathers, I can never get over how cute they are. His mouth slightly open, for letting the quiet snores out. His jaw is slack, making his face look longer than it actually is. He has sleep lines on both cheeks. I chuckled at his light snoring. I moved Bryan's arm off my waist, I sat up and stretched out. After being in the same position all night you could imagine I would be very stiff. I let out a yawn and stood up. I checked the time it was 6 am. I guess I need to get everyone up for school. I stood up and pulled on my own clothes so Mason wouldn't assume the me and Bryan had sex last night, which we didn't. I opened the bedroom doors as quietly as I could, Mason and Haylee spent the day together so I new they were dressed appropriately. It was just Jake and Alic I was worried about, I looked inside the room and saw that all was safe. I sighed in relief. I walked down stairs and started cooking breakfast, which was just bacon and eggs. When I was half way through cooking the bacon I heard what sounded like a herd of stampeding Elephants running down the stairs.  Apparently everyone woke up at the same time. I heard a crash and a groan and someone say "God Damn it." and a few chuckles before I saw anyone come into the kitchen. First it was Bryan than Mason. Then Jake and Alic tried walking in together, it failed miserably.
"Move it, idiots." Haylee, yelled at them. She's a beast in the mornings. Then everyone was surrounding the table, waiting patiently for me to put the food in front of them. As I sat the mountain of bacon on the table, along with the eggs they pounced.
"OK, everyone.." I said, sitting at the head of the table where dad normally sits. "I'll give you all a choice." They all looked up from their food and gave me questioning looks. I groaned at there stupidness.
"Well since it's Wednesday, you guys sill have school. And well I was thinking, since mom and dad aren't here and you've all gone to school for the past two weeks. You guys could stay home and, Mason could have his party tonight." Everyone including Haylee perked up at that.
"Are you serious?" Bryan asked.
"I mean, I don't see way not? I wouldn't mind the company. And I think it's time for Mason to throw that party."
"Hell yeah!" Said Mason.
"I'm down." Haylee said.
Alic and Jake then said at the some time, "I'm in if you don't tell mom and dad we ditched." 
"I'm down as long as you don't tell my parents." I look over to Bryan, and shot him a questioning look. Asking him in silence if he was down to stay home, with not only me but them. "Hell to the yeah! Let's get started planning this party!"

...Time Skip...

As I finished the finishing touches on the food and drink tables, Bryan walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.
"I'll be by your side all night, OK babe?" I giggled and leaned against his chest.  I sighed in content. I loved being so close to him. He makes my body go haywire, yet he calms it at the same time. Mason had turned on music a minute ago, Bryan was humming the song that was playing. I turned around in his arms and we started dancing. While we were dancing, people started to flow in.
"Do you want something to drink?" Bryan asked. I nodded my answer. He walked over to our alcohol cabinet, and grabbed out the only thing I'll drink. Walking back over to me he handed it to me. It was the biggest bottle at the store, meaning it was the same amount as drinking two medium sized bottles. I smirked at him.
"This is the only one I'm drinking, just so you know." He chuckled at me.
"That's fine." I opened it and started drinking it. We started talking about random nothingness like always. I was a giggling mess by the time I started to feeling the alcohol kick in. I looked at the clock and it was almost 11 pm. It was about 8 when people started flowing in. Me and Bryan were dancing, I then got the sudden urge to eat enchiladas with some spanish rice. I stopped dancing and walked away from Bryan, knowing just where to get some. Apparently Bryan started fallowing me.
"Emily, where are you going?"
"Enchiladas and spanish rice, I need some." I walked through the dining room and into the kitchen, which was deserted. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out some already made sauce, some hamburger and tortillas. Throwing them onto the counter I pulled out a backing dish. I quickly cooked the hamburger and than started rolling the enchiladas. I put them in the oven and started cooking the rice. I then walked out of the kitchen to find Mason, leaving Bryan to tend to the food that was cooking. When I found him he was playing beer pong. I stumbled over to him. I finished my bottle of fruit infused Vodka while prepping the hamburger. When I got over to him I tripped and he caught me. He laughed at me.
"Yes dear sister of mine?" I stood on my tiptoes and whispered in his ear.
"Time to kick everyone out, I'm making food for everyone who's living here or staying here while mom and dad are gone." He nodded and walked over to the make sift DJ Booth. He then announced that the party was over. Everyone groaned but started to slowly make there way to the door. I walked back to the kitchen and pulled the food out of the oven. As soon as everyone was out of the house we all started eating. I ate most of it, well damn I'm apparently a hungry drunk.

A/N: Hello readers! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. It's official this book is now one chapter longer that the first one, minus the Epilogue. I really love writing, and the comments you guys leave on my books help a lot. Sorry it took a few days to write this chapter, but I've been busy with life... Which kinda suck at the moment, but I'm pushing through. I love you guys!

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