Chapter 38

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A/N: So I'll be doing a time skip in this chapter, I'll be writing about graduation day! Yay!! Hope you guys enjoy!!

...Graduation day...
I finally did it, I finally got to the day I've been waiting for since I was in 7th grade. I'm graduating. Not only am I graduating, but I'm graduating with my brother and the guy I get to call mine. As me and Mason wait in line to get our diploma I sighed in boredom, yes I'm excited that this day has finally came but it's still boring. I'm leaning against Mason, trying to stay awake. It's not really working because of how bored I am. I just want to get this over and done with, I start my first job tomorrow morning and luckily it won't be too bad because I don't really have to talk to any of the customers. But that's because I'll be taking inventory and ordering new supplys for the store. Thanks to my smarts, I got a full ride scholarship to any school I wanted and thanks again to my smarts Mason got half of what I got so he has to pay for his last half but not the first. But we still have to pay for books, Mason got a job sophomore year and started saving then but I just couldn't do that because my anxieties were holding me back. I told my new boss about the anxiety and she said that I could take inventory and ship things in and out of the store. Bryan said he'd fallow me wherever I went for school, which is going to be California State University. Mason is fallowing me too, we're all going to get an apartment out there and divide the rent between the three of us. The plus side of my job is that they have a store about a block away from the school, so they'll be transferring me over to that store.
"Emily, you heavy cow get off me. Your name will be called shortly." I sprung back to life after Mason said my name will be called soon. I then slapped his shoulder for calling me a heavy cow.
"Emily Smith." I took a deep breath and walked out. I put a smile on my face and walked over to the principal. When I got to him they called my brother and they handed me my diploma. Finally, jeez. I took it from him shaking his hand and left the stage. We have to wait for everyone to be done before we can go. Luckily we were near the end of the alphabet anyway. I walked over to Bryan and jumped at him. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and he wrapped his arms around me.
"Congratulations on graduating Mr.Jones." I said smirking, knowing he hates being called Mr.Jones. He scoffed.
"Yeah, as much as you love to call me that I would appreciate it if you wouldn't." I giggled at him.
"I'll do my best, just know that you'll be getting called that the rest of your life." He raised an eyebrow at me.
"Well if I'm stuck with being Mr.Jones you get to be stuck with being called Mrs.Jones." It was my turn to raise an eyebrow.
"You wish.." I said kissing his cheek and getting down off of him. I handed my gown over to the lady collecting them. When everyone had walked we were all good to leave. It's about 10 at night and we're all going out. By all I mean, Mom, dad, Alic, Jake, Mason, Ashley, Haylee, Brent, me, Bryan, Bryan's mom and dad and his sister. I was in a tight fitting black and sea green dress and some Lacey black heels. Bryan was in black skinny jeans and a white button up shirt with a sea green tie to match my dress. (Or is it mint? Idk)

We pulled into the Ogden pizzeria and we all went inside

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We pulled into the Ogden pizzeria and we all went inside. Me, Bryan, Alic and Jake all at one table. Haylee, Brent, Mason and Ashley at another. Then the parents at the next one. Dinner was amazing we're all now back at my house. Andie and her family are here, as well as Beca and her family. Then a bunch of other family is here but I don't really know them. Then some of Bryan's family is here as well. Everyone was talking and having fun, enjoying there time. Inside the house was getting a little too hot for me and since it was May, I didn't need shoes or a jacket. The warm air hitting me in the face as I walked out. I sighed in content, I walked down the cool cement stairs. I walked over to the garden and over to the big willow tree. Where a rope swing hung from the biggest branch. This rope swing has been here since we moved in here back in sophomore year. I smiled at the memory of my dad and Mason putting it up. It was meant to be for Alic and Haylee but I turned into my sacred place while being at home. I sighed, sitting down on the old piece of wood that we just put up for summer the first week of April. I started moving with the slight summer breeze. I love swinging on this old thing, it makes me happy but always leaves me on edge because of the oldness of it. Swinging makes me feel free, like I could do anything on earth. I love the feeling of being free and at the same time I'm terrified of it.
"Why'd you leave the party?" I jumped and looked up at the owner if the voice I've come to love to the ends of the earth, Bryan. I smiled at him.
"It was getting a little too hot in there and I wanted some fresh air. I said shrugging my shoulders. He walked up behind me and started pushing me slightly. I smiled and the warmth of his hand and the shock waves that went through my body with each touch, startting my hips/lower back working their way out. He stopped pushing me and I leaned back into his chest. Oh how I love this man.
"Yes Emily?"
"I love you." I could practically feel his surprise.
"I love you too, Em." I smiled and leaned further into his chest. The party finally ended and everyone went home, I fell asleep around midnight texting Bryan thinking about how today was the best day of my life so far.

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