Chapter 17

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A/N: OK I'm going to be trying to do Bryan's P.O.V I know I did it in my other books, but it's new to this book. Let me know what you guys think.
***Bryan's P.O.V ***
Emily had fallen asleep leaning against me. I sighed wondering what made her so sad, after she found out what we were celebrating she looked as though she was going to cry. I carefully stood up and picked her up bridal style, carrying her to her bed laying her down. I heard my phone beep in my pocket. I pulled it out and it was my dad texting me.
Get home now!
I sighed pushing my phone back into my pocket. I covered Emily up and she sighed in content. I walked out of her room closing the door behind me, I walked down the stairs and back into the dining room.
"My dad wants me home."
"Oh OK, be careful." I smiled at Kathryn.
"I will, thank you for dinner." She nodded in response and I walked out of the house and getting in my car. I drove to my house. I got out of my black/midnight blue Dodge Challenger and climbed the steps up to the front door.

 I got out of my black/midnight blue Dodge Challenger and climbed the steps up to the front door

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I walled in and there where my parents, waiting for me.
"Hi mom, dad."
"I heard from our client that we're trying to win over that you hurt his daughter." I rolled my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me boy. What did you do to the little girl?"
"Dad, she was a slut. All she wanted was sex, and I didn't want that. Especially since the girl I like was right there."
"Well, I don't appreciate you not fallowing my instructions."
"Dad didn't you hear me? I like your bosses daughter, doesn't that give me some type of credit? I'm her best friend, she likes me she just doesn't know I like her. I've pretty much been the only one there for her. This should get me in your good books." He smiled at me.
"That's my boy." He said clapping me on my back. I shrugged him off of me.
"If you'll excuse me, I need to go sleep. I have a big day tomorrow." They both nodded and I trudged up the stairs. I walked into my bedroom. I would say it's an average guy's room. Grayish black walls, white ceiling, gray and white bed sitting in the middle of the room, a desk and bookshelf off to the side of the room and yellow accents here and there. I'm surprised it's as clean as it is.

I sighed, it's a good sized room, Emily's room is much better then mine

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I sighed, it's a good sized room, Emily's room is much better then mine. I pulled off my shoes, my shirt and my pants, sliding under the blanket and fell asleep within a few minutes after plugging my phone in.
The next morning I woke up and started scrolling through twitter. It was about 11 so there isn't much to read or to go through cause everyone I fallow was asleep still. I decided to send a text to Emily.

I'll be there to get you around noon, so in like an hour.
I sat my phone down and walked into my bathroom. I quickly showered, and got dressed in dark wash jeans and a black T-shirt. I picked my phone up and saw Emily had texted back.

OK, as long as I'm back here at 5 then I can leave.

What's at 5?

I'm playing the role of driver tonight for my brother's date.

Oh, I see. So I'll have you back at home around 4:30.

OK, see ya soon.
I didn't text her back, I slid my phone into my pocket and walked downstairs. When I walked into the kitchen I found my mom blending one of her health drinks. I shook my head at her, I don't understand how she likes thoughs things. They taste and smell horrible. I pulled open the fridge and pulled out an apple.
"Mom, I'm going to be out late tonight. I'll be with Emily." She smiled at me.
"OK, son." I rolled my eyes.
"I'm leaving, bye." I walked out making sure to grab my keys. I quickly got in my car and started the 5 minute drive to Emily's. When I got there I pulled into their driveway parking behind Mason's car. I got out and walked over to the front door, opening the door. I don't think anyone is home except for Emily and Alic, I can hear them arguing upstairs. I walked upstairs, taking two at a time. I fallowed the sound of the two siblings yelling at each other, they were in Emily's room. What were they doing might you ask? They were playing Call Of Duty, zombies to be exact. I chuckled at the two of them.
"Alic you Dumbo! You were supposed to keep watch for the zombies!" She said trying very hard not to die on the game.
"Sorry I got distracted! Jake texted me about tonight." He said blushing a little bit. Emily then died.
"Que te jodan, puto, pendejo, zombi estupida!" She then started going off at the game and her brother in Spanish.
"Wow miss feisty, calm down." Her head whipped around so fast. She was beautiful, she may have only been in sweatpants and a gaming T-shirt, but damn she looked gorgeous. Snap out of it Bryan, focus.
"When did you get here?" She asked wide eyed. I looked at my watch.
"Umm, maybe 2 minutes ago." She nodded turning back to the game.
"Alic, you died... Again!" I chuckled.
"OK time to turn off the game. You're getting too into it. You were just cursing at the zombie that killed you last round." Alic said while turning it off.
"Yeah, we're supposed to go shopping."
"Ooo can I come? I ran out of Cologne." Alic asked.
"Sure, I don't see why you can't." I said shrugging. "I'll leave you to get dressed I'll be downstairs." I said looking at Emily. She nodded and I left, trudging down the stairs. About two minutes later Alic was downstairs in the kitchen eating, God knows what. And not long after that Emily was walking down the stairs, in dark wash skinny jeans, an Undertale shirt and black converse. She looked amazing to say the least. Her brown curls framing her face, her black rimed glasses framing her beautiful brown eyes. I smiled at her when she finally reached the bottom of the stairs.
"Are you ready to go, my good lady?" I said, trying to have a British accent, but failed miserably.
"Why yes, good sir. Shall we pop off to the shops?" She said. Her British accent had been perfected.
"How did you do that? How is your British accent so amazing?" She blushed at the compliment.
"I watch a lot of BBC. Sherlock, Doctor Who, Being Human, and everything else in between." I nodded.
"Well let's get going. Come on Alic or I'm leaving your ass behind!" Alic then came rushing out of the kitchen with a sandwich in his mouth. I shook my head and started towards the door. When we got outside, we got in my car and I started driving to the mall.

A/N: OK, first time writing in Bryan's P.O.V.... At first I had no clue what to write. Took me a whole day to come up with the content in this chapter, then it took me forever to write. I really hope you guys like it!

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