Chapter 34

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Dinner was amazing. Jake, Brent(Haylee's boyfriend) and Ashley(Mason's girlfriend) came over as well as Bryan. They all loved the fact that it was 'spicy' compared to all the Chinese restaurants'. Right now I'm scrolling through TicTok, trying to find a good sound to do something with. When I finally fond one I stood up off the couch and went into the downstairs bathroom. Making sure my hair wasn't all over the place, I got into position and started recording. It took me a grand total of 3 times to get it perfect. As I went through the filters finding the perfect one, I typed in a caption. Which was just part of the song I had did. I posted it and started looking for another one. I had just started another and Bryan walked into the bathroom. He then jumped into the back ground of it and started doing random dance moves to it. When the song finished I typed a caption saying, I absolutely love this fool of mine...
I then posted that one. I smiled at my goofy boyfriend. I exited out of TicTok and put my phone in my pocket.
"So what's that plan?" I asked my charming fool, who was still dancing. He stopped in the middle of doing the Macarena.
"Well since I have to be home in a few hours, why don't we watch a movie?" I smirked.
"What movie would that be?" He smirked and pulled a movie out of his back pocket. It was The Conjuring. I tried to act like I hated the idea. I really actually like horror movies. We walked back out into the living room where, everyone was still in there own bubble. Alic and Jake, giggling like school girls over God knows what. Haylee and Brent looking like they were seconds away from making out, and Mason and Ashley looking the same way. I sat down on the sofa and Bryan started the movie, sitting down next to me. He put his arm around the back of the couch and I snuggled in closer. He looked down at me, still thinking that I hated horror movies. Once the movie actually started getting kinda scary, I noticed that Haylee and Ashley we're hiding into Brent and Masons arms. Then Alic was the one 'protecting' Jake. With Jake being the dominate in the relationship I would have thought it would be the other way around, But since Alic is from my family and our family loves horror movies, with the exception of Haylee. She absolutely hates them, I don't see why though they're nothing but CGI effects and corny actors/actresses. I felt Bryan jump next to me and I started laughing at the TV and everyone around me. Bryan was holding onto one of the trough pillows that was on the couch. I wiggled my arms around his torso. After I finally had my arms securely around him, I whispered in his ear.
"It's just a movie Bryan, but I'm here to protect you." He looked down at me.
"Isn't it supposed to be the other way round. I should be protecting you from the scary movie." He chuckled looking around at everyone else. "And it seems to me that Haylee is the only one who Doesn't like them. Why's that?" I giggled.
"Well with our mom being who she is, we grew up on scary movies. Haylee is just a girly girl and is terrified of the CGI." He nodded in understanding. We then returned to the movie. When it ended, it was time for Bryan to go home. I walked him to the front door.
"So my parents will be gone until the end of February." He smirked.
"Is that your way of saying I should stay here while they're gone?"
"I'm not saying anything. But you could if you want to." I said blushing a little bit, looking down at the floor as if had all of the sudden became so interesting. Bryan put his finger under my chin and lifted it so that I would meet his gaze. He was smiling that smile that I fell for the first day I met him.
"OK, I'll be back tomorrow with a suitcase." He then kissed my cheek. I groaned cause that's not where I wanted him to kiss.
"You're such a tease, you know that?" I questioned then kissed him where I needed that kiss to be. He chuckled against my lips. We pulled apart and said our goodbyes. After I closed the door I leaned against it, smiling. That was like our first kiss all over again. Full of passion and love. I walked back into the living room.
"Hey I'm gonna go take Ashley and Brent home, Haylee is coming with me." Mason said as soon as he saw me. I nodded in response, I bet I still had a goofy smile on my face. They left not saying a word. I sat down on the couch and pulled my legs up to my chest. Smiling at the memory of our first kiss. My goofy smile only getting goofier.
"Spill now..." Said Alic. He and Jake watching me very closely. I sighed.
"I kissed Bryan, we were talking. I offered for him to stay here while mom and dad are gone, he agreed. He kissed me on the cheek and I called him a tease then before he could reply I kissed him." I said all in one breath. Alic and Jake both started laughing. I glared at him.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah laugh it up... Is Jake staying here?" After they calmed down a little, they finally answered.
"Yes, if that's alright with you." I nodded my response to them, agreeing that it would be alright. They thanked me and started having their own conversation. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

I can't wait to spend a month with you.
~My Amazing Boyfriend.
I smiled down at my phone. He must have got into my phone and changed it. I laughed softly at it.

I can't wait either. ^﹏^
I sat my phone down. It vibrated a second later.

What are you doing?

Sitting with Alic and Jake, wishing that you were here with me.

What would we do if I was there? O_o

Oh I don't know.... ;)

Would we be cuddling? Or would we be watching another movie? Or kissing??
I giggled and the goofy smile I had on my face before is now ten times worse.

Maybe a little bit of all three. ;3

Oh man, I should have stayed. ;3
I giggled again, shaking my head.

Yeah, wish you stayed too. I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight Bryan.

Goodnight Beautiful.. ♡♡
I put my phone down still smiling at our little conversation. I forgot that Alic and Jake were still there until Alic started talking.
"Estás tan azotado."(you're so whipped.) I jumped at his voice. I then realised what he said.
"Cierra la boca!" (Shut the fuck up.) I yelled back at him.
"Sabes que me amas." (You know you love me.) Was his comeback.
"Tú deseas." (You wish.) Smirking at my brother. He gasped and put his hand over his heart in fake hurt.
"As much as I love the sound of Spanish coming out of your mouth Alic. I have no fucking clue what you're saying." Me and Alic started laughing a Jake.
"Así aprender español."(well learn Spanish.) I said. Jake started pouting.
"Oh babe, we were talking about how she's so whipped."
"I am not whipped, Alic."
"Yes you are."
"Que te jodan! Puto! Pendejo!" Alic's eyes widened at me.
"Yes wonderful brother of mine."
"Why did you just say that?"
"Because I can."
"What did she just say?" Jake interrupted.
"She said, fuck you, dickhead, asshole."
"Aren't dickhead and asshole pretty much the same thing?"
"Yes, but Emily doesn't really know how to swear." I rolled my eyes.
"OK, bed time you guys have school tomorrow." They groaned but climbed the stairs non the less. I grabbed my phone and walked up to my room. Getting into one of Bryan's shirts and fell asleep watching The Nightmare Before Christmas.

A/N: Hello readers!! Thank you so much for being understanding and for staying to read the slow updates that have come lately. I just want to say thank you for all the support you guys are giving me. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I felt like writing this chapter took longer than it should have. I have a question for you guys though You can either comment or PM me the answer. Do you guys want a valentines day chapter? It'll probably be in more than one person's P.O.V. but I was thinking it might be a good idea with valentines day being tomorrow. What do you guys think? Please share any ideas.

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