Chapter 32

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When I woke up I was surrounded by warmth. I sighed and cuddled further into it.
"Good evening, beautiful." I smiled at the familiar voice.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"It's almost 7." I sighed and sat up. My head started throbbing, I groaned in pain. Bringing my hands up to my head, rubbing my temples with my finger tips.
"Mierda...." Bryan gave me a questioning look.
"What?" He asked.
"It means fuck. And my head hurts." He started laughing.
"What?" I asked glaring at him
"If your head hurts, stop giving so much head." I sent him a death glare.
"DO NOT, go there." He held up his hands in surrender. I shook my head and groaned at the pain, that I caused myself. My head only hurts this bad the day I start the thing, that I believe most girls dread.... I quickly jumped out of my bed and bolted to the bathroom. I closed the door making sure to lock it.
"Emily? Are you OK?" Bryan said trying to open the door.
"Yeah, I just don't feel good."
"Well I kinda figured. I want to know how I can help you." I was searching for the things I needed then realized I didn't have any.
"Do you know if my mom or dad is here?"
"They're not here they left after we ate to go to work." I groaned in frustration.

...Bryan's P.O.V...
I woke up about 10 minute ago and I was watching Emily sleep, when I heard her sigh, then she scooted closer to me.
"Good evening, beautiful." After I spoke she smiled that smile I fell for.
"What time is it?" She asked.
"It's almost 7." She sighed and sat up, instantly bringing her finger tips to her temples to rub them.
"Mierda....I gave her a confused look.
"What?" I asked worried and confused at what she just said.
"It means fuck. And my head hurts." I instantly started laughing.
"What?" She asked.
"If your head hurts, stop giving so much head."
"DO NOT, go there." I held my hands up in surrender. The next this I knew she was jumping off her bed and running to the bathroom, closing the door behind her.
"Emily? Are you OK?" I asked, trying to open the door, but failed miserably.
"Yeah, I just don't feel good."
"Well I kinda figured. I want to know how I can help you." I heard movement coming from the other side of the door.
"Do you know if my mom or dad is here?"
"They're not here they left after we ate to go to work." I heard the lock click out of place and Emily's head poked through the opening of the door.
"If they're not here, you'll have to go for me." I gave her a puzzled look.
"Where am I going may I ask?" She sighed.
"The store." I was still confused, she must have realised this and continued talking. "I need Midol and tampons...." She looked down ashamed. I then realised what happened.
"OK." She looked up shocked that I had agreed to go. "I'll go, just Midol and tampons?" She nodded, her face burning bright red. "OK I'll be back soon." I grabbed my shoes and pulled them on. Grabbing her car keys, cause I don't have my car here and drove down to the store. When I got there I grabbed a cart and started looking for what she needs. I know that my dad gets mom her favorite sweets when he goes and gets her the things she needs. I thought back, trying to remember Emily's favorite everything. I stopped in the ice cream isle and grabbed mint chocolate chip and some caramel delight. Then grabbed some oreos, mint, vanilla, and regular. I grabbed some German chocolate. Then walked over to the backed goods, grabbing some strawberry cheese cake. Then got tampons and the Midol. When I was paying for everything the lady started talking.
"Smart man. Did she only send you out for the tampons and midol?"
"Yes, but I know from experience that she'll want all this and have me come right back." She chuckled.
"Smart, I wish my husband thought things through like this. That'll be $50." I handed her the money and after she gave me the change I jogged back to the car and left.

...Emily's P.O.V...
This pain is literally, unbearable. I know it just started but with me it's terrible the first day and it just gets increasingly worse up until the last day. When Bryan left I decided to get into the bath. The hot water and lavender bubble bath relaxing my muscles. I sighed and got out, I had been in the bath for awhile. As soon as I got out of the soothing water, the pain was instantly there. I groaned drying myself off. I pulled on some clean clothes and pulled my hair up into a bun. Holding my midsection I slowly walked out of my bathroom. I groaned and flopped back onto my bed. I could go for some chocolate right about now. I leaned over to the mini fridge that's next to my bed and opened it. It was pretty empty. A few sodas in the door, and in the little freezer there was a popsicle. I sighed and closed the fridge door. The next thing I knew Bryan was busting through the door with like five grocery bags. I gave him a puzzled look.
"I'm home, and with a bunch of your favorite treats." He then walked over to the fridge pulled it open and started putting things away. First it was the Mint Chocolate Chip and Caramel Delight ice cream. Then it was Strawberry Cheese Cake, and the three types of Oreos that I love. Last but not least was the five types of German Chocolate. Then he closed the fridge and handed me the bag of thing I had sent him to the store for in the first place. I smiled at him in awe and gratefulness.
"How did you know that I was going to want all that stuff?"
"My dad has always said, that if a woman sends you out out for tampons, you must return with not only the tampons but with all her favorite junk food items."
"Well your dad tought you well." I said chuckling. I got up off my bed, did what i needed to do, took some Midol and sat back down on my bed next to Bryan who had grabbed a spoon for me.
"Ready to settle down, watch a movie and eat all your favorite junk foods to wash away all your weird cravings?" My smile widened and nodded my head in agreement. He turned on Amazon and stared surfing the movies I groaned and took the remote from him because he was taking forever to choose one. I quickly found one and pushed play. It was a movie I've only seen once, Star Trek Beyond. I've seen all the other ones over a million times but this one being the newest one I've only seen it once. Bryan handed me the Caramel Delight ice cream and and mint Oreos and one of the the German Chocolate bars and we started watching the movie.

A/N: Yay, another chapter! I finally feel better then I have been. I'm so grateful for all of your guys' support. Thank you all so much! Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!

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