Chapter 46

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It's a good thing that we got out of school the week before for summer break, because these boys are driving me crazy with these locks. They can't seem to push down on a simple button and pull open the cupboards. They picked up pretty fast on the fridge though. The keep asking why I put the locks on but I won't say because I need my mom here with me when I tell them. It's Tuesday today, so at the moment I'm driving to the Air port at 6 am to get my mom and siblings and a Jake. Mason and Bryan both don't know mom is coming, so this is kinda like a surprise for them that the four of them will be staying for a little bit. They just know Alic, Jake and Haylee are staying for all of their summer break. I pulled into a parking spot and got out of my car. Walking into the huge building. I was in my pajamas still, because who the hell wants to wake up so early and get dress for noting important. I know my mom would kill me for what I was wearing, but I could care less. Short shorts and a tank top, and to tie it all together some hard sole slippers. My hair in a messy bun, yes my anxiety was high but at this point I didn't care. It's to early for me to function. The air port was full of people. I walked over towards the waiting area for baggage pickup. I sat in a chair and started to doze off when I hear Alic scream my name. I jumped up and was in his arms with in seconds. I giggled at my younger brother and wrapped my arms around him. I was then crushed by two other pairs of arms. Jake and Haylee. It felt amazing to have them here.
"Emily Smith, what in sam hell are you wearing!" That was my mom. The tired looking teens let go of the grip on me and I came face to face with the person I've been needing for two days. I ran up to my mom and crushed her into a hug.
"I'm in pajamas mom, I wasn't going to be bothered with jeans this early in the morning." She chuckled, pulling away and shaking her head. They grabbed their bags; Alic, Jake and Haylee having a few more bags then mom. That's only because they're staying longer. When we started driving my phone started ringing.
"Alic will you please see who's calling me?" Alic called shot gun and mom was some how was OK with that. He pulled my phone out of the cup holder.
"It's Bryan."
"Answer it please." As soon as Alic said hello to Bryan, Jake and Haylee started moaning. Mom just giggled.
"Jake, Haylee shut the fuck up!" I yelled at them. Then everyone stopped at stared at me. "What?"
"You swore." Mom cut in.
"Yeah, it kinda happens when you live with two idiots who do nothing but swear." I said that last part loud enough for Bryan to hear over the phone. Alic had put the phone on speaker. So when Bryan took offence everyone could hear him complaining.
"Hey I don't swear all the time.. Oh and the reason why I called in the first place, is. How in the fucking hell do you work these cupboards! Oh and hi mom! I didn't know you we're coming with them."
"Yeah, don't tell Mason. It's supposed to be a surprise." Mom said loud enough for him to hear.
"Bryan, I'll now answer how to open to cupboards. Go to the one you want open." We heard walking and rustling.
"Ok I'm at the cupboard."
"Now, listen closely. Push on the lock and pull while pushing." I head the lock pull against the cupboard. Then we hear a string of Spanish cuss words. That he learned from me. The passed two years I've slowly taught him Spanish and he's picked up on a few things.
"Jódete! Perra! It didn't work Emily..."
"We'll be there in like 10 minutes, if you're really that hungry get food out of the fridge, you idiot."
"But I want peanut butter..." He said in a pouting tone.
"OK, I'll be there shortly to get you your freaking peanut butter."
"OK love you! Bye!"
"Love you too, bye!" He hung up. Him and his freaking peanut butter man. I swear he wouldn't be able to live without it.
"He knows Spanish?" Alic asked.
"Yeah, I've been teaching him."
"Awesome." Haylee commented. We had maybe a minute of silence before mom started talking.
"So Em, were you planing on telling everyone the big news all together or, can we tell these three?" I glared at my mom through the rearview mirror.
"Tell us what, Em?" I looked over at Alic who had a concerned look on his face.
"Well, since our mother is bound to tell you before I get a chance to tell Bryan. I have no clue how to say it. Mom guessed by what I was saying to her over the phone."
"OK, if you don't know how to say it. Tell some important words in the factor, tell us something leading up to the event." Jake said.
"Wow OK. Well, Sunday I went to the doctor because it had been two weeks since I had a meal without puking it back up. Both Bryan and Mason had enough of me being sick and took me to the doctor. They did blood work and the doctor did an ultrasound just in case there was something wrong with my insides. He saw something interesting, then twenty minutes later they came back with my blood work. By that time the boys left to go get flood. Let's just say that I won't be doing anything too rough for the next 9 months." Haylee and Alic both Shrieked in excitement. Jake apparently hadn't caught on.
"What?" He asked confused.
"Jake, I'm pregnant." Hisses then widened like saucers. He then shrieked as well. It was then a mini celebration in the car.

A/N: So I know it's not much of a chapter but, the I already have plans for the next one! It will be in Bryan's P.O.V. and will find out the Emily is pregnant. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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