Chapter 16

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I was about half way through my online schooling and it wasn't even half way through the year yet. That's all I've been focusing on the past couple of weeks, school, and helping Alic. Alic's going crazy, he has his first date this Saturday with Jake. That's all the he can talk about and it's driving me crazy. I haven't really talked to Mason but, me a Bryan talk everyday. We sent texts back and forth, he calls me when he gets out of school and he comes over just to hang out with me. We sit and talk for hours. We practically know everything about each other. Right now I'm helping Alic pick out his outfit for his date tomorrow. So that means it's Friday. Yay! I'm taking a break tomorrow from the online school and am getting dragged to the mall by Bryan. He says that the mall is where friends go and hang out. I think that he just wants to go shopping, he told me that he actually enjoys shopping. In that moment I laughed, but then his faced looked so serious. I stopped laughing and said a quiet sorry.
"Emily! Focus, please! I know all you want to do is day dream about Bryan, but I really need you."
"Why didn't you go to Haylee for this?"
"Because, I don't trust her like I trust you."
"OK, fine." I walked over to his closet and started searching. "Where are you guys going?" I asked while looking through his nice shirts.
"El Matador."
"OK!" I then found the perfect shirt. It was a light blue with a dark blue, it almost looked black, trim. I pulled it off the hanger and handed it to Alic. I then walked over to his drawers and pulled out the nicest pair of Black skinny jeans he had. I then finished the look with his black leather converse.

"There, now may I go eat?" I said handing him everything

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"There, now may I go eat?" I said handing him everything.
"Yes, the outfit is perfect. Thank you Emily!" He put the clothes on his bed and hugged me before I had a chance to escape. "You're an amazing sister." He said while pulling away.
"You're welcome. Now I'm going to go get food before I rip someones head off." He chucked at me and I walked out the door. I started humming the tune to Wild by Troye Sivan. My mom got me addicted to him. He's an amazing singer and YouTuber. I pulled out the Bacon and eggs and started chopping the Bacon. I fried the Bacon, while that was going on I whisked eggs and a little bit of pepper together. When the Bacon was done I pored the eggs into the pan with the Bacon, but not before I drained the grease. After it was done I took my food with me to my bedroom and got to work with school.
...Time Skip...
OK it's official, I've reached half way in school. I reached it about an hour ago. So I stopped. I'm going to wait a few days to start back up again. I had just finished my dancing when Bryan walked through the front door. He didn't see me in the living room apparently because he started walking up the stairs. I quietly fallowed him, he turned into my room. I leaned against my door frame and waited til he turned around. He jumped when he saw me.
"Where did you come from?" He asked.
"I was in the living room. Why do you just walk in?" I said crossing my arms. "You dear brother gave me a key."
"Cause he's the best and your parents love me." I rolled my eyes. Of course my mom would like him, he's always a gentleman when both my parents are around.
"Yeah, sure. I need to get out of these sweaty clothes so if you'll excuse me."
"Go for it." I rolled my eyes again. He plopped down on my bed and turned on Amazon Prime. He then decide to watch Deadpool. He's distracted, I guess I can change. I went into my closet and pulled out my My Chemical Romance shirt and walked over to my dresser getting in the way of Deadpool.
"Get out the way." I rolled my eyes and pulled out some black leggings. I moved to one side of my room and started getting out of my gross sweaty clothes. I heard Bryan whistle.
"Shut up, and watch the movie!" I pulled on my fresh new clothes and plopped on my bed next to Bryan. We're at the part in the movie when he's 'drawing' Francis while sitting on the edge of the freeway. We sat through half the movie before Bryan got bored and started poking my side, trying to tickle me I assume.
"Bryan if you're trying to tickle me, I'm not ticklish."
"Come on there's no way you're not ticklish. Everyone's ticklish." He said sitting up pausing the movie. I rolled my eyes. "Why do you keep rolling your eyes?"
"I don't know why I keep rolling my eyes, it just happens. And all my life no one has been able to tickle me, well except for when I was little, like before kindergarten little. So I consider myself not ticklish." I said shrugging. He smirked and started searching for a tickle spot. He just kept poking and prodding. That is until he reach a certain spot on my lower stomach. I squeaked, and tried to push his hands away.
"See you're ticklish." He said tickling me.
"Bryan... Please... Stop!" I said, laughing and trying to catch my breath. I started thrashing around.
"Stop!" I felt him pull his hands away. I finally caught my breath. "What time is it?"
"It's a little bit after noon."
"OK, do you wanna come with me to get lunch and go get my brother and his boyfriend from school?"
"Sure, your brother's gay?"
"Yeah. He's going on his first date tomorrow night."
"That's awesome." I pulled on my black converse and we walked downstairs. Getting in my car.
"What do you want for lunch? What ever it is, I have to get some for Alic and Jake."
"How about Subway?"
"OK let's go." I started driving. With in a few minutes we were at Subway. I parked the car. We got out and jumped onto Bryan's back.
"Why?" He complained in a whiney voice.
"I'm tired. Carry me."
"Fine." He carried me into the shop. When we got inside I slid down off of his back.
"Hello how may I help you?" I took a claiming breath, and started talking.
"Yeah can I get a foot long, meatball, on white, with American cheese?" She nodded and she quickly made my sandwich.
"Anything else?"
"Yes I need one, foot long classic Italian on white, with provolone cheese." She nodded and built my brothers sandwich. "And I need a foot long Spicy Italian on flat bread, with provolone cheese." She nodded and made that one too. Yes I know what Jake likes, I feed him enough to know.
"Anything else?"
"Yes, whatever he wants." I stood a side and let Bryan go.
"I'll have a foot long meatball with pepperoni, on white with American cheese." She nodded and made his. We put all the veggies and things on our subs.
"Anything else?"
"Yes 4 raspberry cookies, 4 bags of chips and 4 large drinks." She nodded. "OK that comes to $20.40." I slid my card. She put our things in a big bad that the salad normally gets put in. Me and Bryan filled all the drinks and headed back to the car. We put the drinks in the cup holders and the food in Bryan's lap and I started driving to the school. The boys got in a cheered about the food.
"You boys are insane. Let's get home so I can feed you two." I said rolling my eyes. It took a few minutes to get home but we got there. We all went inside and ate our lunch. After we ate me and Bryan went to my room. And finished watching Deadpool. It was just about 1 pm when the movie ended.
"Do you wanna play 20 questions?" Bryan finally interrupted the silence.
"Sure. You go first."
"Favorite color?"
"Red. What's yours?"
"Dark purple. Favorite movie?"
"Deadpool, yours?"
"21 Jump street. Favorite song."
"Oo that's a hard one." I paused and thought about it, reeling through all the music that I listen to. "It's a toss up between Heathens by Twenty One Pilots and Sucker For Pain by Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa, Imagine Dragons with Logic, Ty Dollars Sign, and X Ambassadors. What's yours?"
"First of all, how do you know all the artists who sing that song? That question is not part of the game. My favorite song, Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana."
"Oh my gosh I love Nirvana. And I have no clue." I said.
"Me to. Favorite season?"
"Fall, yours?"
"Mine would have to be winter, I don't know why. Why don't you come up with the next question?"
"OK, if you could go anywhere in the world where would you go, and why?"
"I would go to, London. Why? Umm who wouldn't want to go there. They're in the perfect spot. Sure it may rain, sure there's going to be a storm but, it won't be bad. Where you you go?"
"I would go to spain. First of all my moms grandpa, on her dad's side of the family moved here to the U.S. After he turned 18. I think I would be nice to go there and see where my family started out."
"Wow. That's awesome! What percentage does that make you? That's not part of the game I'm just curious." I giggled at him.
"That would make me 1/8th I know it's not much, but it's still there and I will love it til the ends of time. I have a lot of different things in me. The top one being Dutch, then Spanish."
"Wow.. So if you're Dutch does that mean you have some Viking in you?"
"Well, some of the Dutch cultures didn't mix with the Vikings, but seeing as though my family was near a Viking village we mixed so yes I have Viking in me."
"Wow this is awesome! OK I'll ask the next question. Favorite food?
"Tortilla Espanola, it's a Spanish dish. It's like a Spanish omelette. It is an omelette made with eggs and potatoes, sometimes also with onion and chives or garlic and is fried. It's really good, I'll make it for you sometime. What's yours?"
"Mines fucking simple compared to yours." He complained.
"That doesn't mean I don't want to hear it. What is your favorite food?"
"It's orange chicken, from Zhang's down the road." I chuckled at him.
"Orange chicken is a good choice. I'll make you my secret recipe sometime. It's supposed to be spicy but it's not when you go to a Chinese restaurant so little kids eat it to."
"OK..." We continued to asked questions back a forth. By the time we finished it was dark and diner time. My mom walked into the room.
"Oh I didn't know you were here Bryan." She said kinda surprised.
"I've been here for hours."
"Oh well you're welcome to eat dinner with us. I've made enough to feed a whole army." Yeah that the best thing about being Spanish, you make a lot of food, even when unnecessary.
"Yeah, I'll stay."
"Yay! OK come on down kids." I rolled my eyes at mom.
"Usted esta actuando loco, mama." She gasped at me.
"Pero me amas."
"Si, mama." We giggled at each other and Bryan stared at us with a confused look. My mom chuckled and left. "Come on Bryan, the food is going to get cold." I grabbed his arm and started pulling him.
"OK, ms bossy." We got down stairs and mom had made a whole freaking Christmas dinner. Ham, mash potatoes, gravy, peas and carrots, Turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce the works.
"Mama, por que haces tanto alimentos?(mom why so much food.)"
"We're celebrating my love." She said stirring down next to my father. Everyone was sitting down, me and Bryan sat down next to each other.
"What are we celebrating?" I asked confused.
"Mason got a scholarship to The University Of California!"
"OK." I shrugged, not really caring. I started eating, I sighed, my parents haven't really done anything like this for me. Not even when I moved into high school. The only thing my parents give to me is clothes and money. I stopped mid bite and dropped my fork. I pushed my plate away from me.
"Qué esta mal mi amor?(what's wrong my love?)"
"Nada Madre.(nothing mother.)" I said boredly. She gaped at me.
"What is this attitude young lady?"
"What attitude?"
"Is it your time of the month?" Mason asked. I blushed and glared at him.
"No Mason, not that it's any or your concern! May I please be excused?" I looked at my dad for permission.
"Yes sweetie." I pushed myself out of my chair and started walking out, not before hitting my brother on the back of the head before leaving. I heard my mom say that what he said was way out of line. I ran up to my room and slammed the door closed. I sank down onto the floor holding my knees to my chest. I thought back on mine and Mason's life, he's the one who got all the parties even though our birthday is the same day, he got all the friends, all the looks, my parents love him and Haylee more then me and Alic. All my parents really gave me was food, shelter, clothes and money. Don't get me wrong, I know they love me I just wish that they would love me more than the do. The tears slowly started to leak out of my eyes. I laid my head in between my legs my hair cascaded around my face like a curtain. There was a knock on my door and Bryan walked in. He sat down next to me and pulled me into his side. He started humming a tune that I couldn't name, whatever it was it was soothing I stopped crying and slowly slipped into the darkness that you call sleep.

Important A/N: OK so I was wondering if you guys would like a chapter or a little bit of one in Bryan's P.O.V? Let me know what you guys want.. OK the rest isn't as important.. Another update, what!? Yes I know it was a few days but it's still another update and this is by far the longest chapter I've written in this book. I hope you like it..

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