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...Emily's P.O.V...
After Alic and Jake got married, they moved into the house next door to mine and Bryan's. Mason and Sammie got married and moved back to Utah, they have two kids. Haylee is an amazing therapist, she has yet to get merried. She keeps saying that she doesn't want a husband or kids to hold her back from anything she puts her mind to, but she's still dating Benji for some reason. After my miscarriage I became very depressed. I didn't want to do anything, but I still got up and did what a mother needed to do. Cook, clean, and take care of the now 2nd grader. Now, 7 years later, I just came home with another little one named Bran, short for Brandon. The boy that Bryan has been wanting. After I got over my depression we started trying and two years later I was pregnant. He has a personality like his face. He's always demanding something. I'm kinda glad that Maddie has my personality but not my anxieties. I wouldn't want what happened to me all throughout my schooling years to happen to Maddie, or Bran. My social anxiety has slowly gone down now that me and Bryan are merried. Which I'm happy about. I'm sit here waiting for Bryan to get home from his first day of a full time job. He graduated collage a few years ago and stayed at the part time for a few years and got this new full time job at the hospital. I was working but, then I had Bran and am on maturity leave for 3 months. I'm slowly working on getting my own therapist office. Where Haylee and Alic will work and own it with me. Mason works with dad at his law office, back in Utah and Sammie is a counselor at Weber high. And as for Jake he is working to become a teacher. Life is going awesome. The only thing that sucks is I'm always tired. Mine and Bryan's 7 year anniversary is next month. It's crazy to think that it's been 7 years since we got married and 8 years since we had Maddie. With Alic and Jake living next door they will take the kids for the night. And if they say no Haylee lives not even 10 minutes away. Bran is down for a nap and Maddie is a school for another hour so I'm just attempting to do laundry. I heard the front door open and close. I heard the all too familiar sound of someone putting the keys on the table in the mudroom. It must be Bryan. I started the dryer an walked out of the washroom, walking into the living room. Where I found Bryan passed out on the couch, he's already passed out 3 minutes after being home.
"Really? Already? I thought that maybe we could do something... Bran will be asleep for another two hours and Maddie is still at school for an hour." He shot up immediately, he walked up to me. He started kissing me, pushing me up against the living room wall. Bryan grabbed a hold of my bare hips. I was in a crop top and short shorts. I moaned at the touch. I pulled Bryan's scrubs off of him one at a time. He then took mine off at the same pace. As the kissing grew more intense, our now naked bodied colided together every now and again. The passion was high, and I fell completely on love with it. Every time we kissed it was like the first. Every time we did this it was like the first time all over again. I fall in love with this man all over again every day. He picked me up and walked me over to the couch and laid me down on it, laying down ontop of me. He lined up and pushed into me. We moaned out together. This went on for maybe 30 minutes, could go get Maddie from school. After he left I got up and got dressed myself. The smile staying on my face. I walked into the kitchen to start cooking dinner my phone started going of. It was Alic. I answered it.
"What up, yo?" Yes I say that.
"Emily, I.... Haylee... help..." My smile vanished instantly.
"What's wrong?"
"Just come to Haylee's house..." he then hung up. Bryan walked through the door minutes later.
"Bryan stay here with the kids I need to go to Haylee's for a minute. He nodded and I left out the door. I started the drive to Haylee's house, hoping to God everything was ok....
A/N: Well there we have it the end.. I'm sorry but, please stay tuned for the next chapter. It holds a very big announcement. It will be posted tomorrow! Hope you liked it! Thanks for reading!
XOXO ~Kaimee20

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