Chapter 28

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...Emily's P.O.V...
You know that moment when you're out in public and you feel as though everyone is watching your every move. No? Well that's what it feels like right now. My mom sent me to the store to buy groceries. With my anxiety high, I weave up and down the aisles. Making sure to get everything my mom needed. Which just so happened to be everything. You're almost done Emily. You just need to get through the check out. I was so close to having an attack, I was right on the edge. I could feel it sitting there. I just need to pay for the food and get out as fast as I could. As I stack the food on the line up, I tried calming myself the best I could. I had a lot of things to buy, my mom likes to buy things in bulk so we don't run out until the end of the month, if you didn't know any better you'd think we have an army at our house. Seeing as though I was the only one home, she sent me to get everything. I don't know why she thought it would be a good idea to send me. With as much food as I'm buying, I'll end up taking out two carts (or trolley/buggy). I don't see how my mom does this by herself Evey month. I finally finished putting everything on the belt and they had already had another cart filled. I pushed mine down to the girl and she started putting things in it. I sighed and waited til the guy finished scanning everything so I could slide my mom's card. It's very rare, that I get ahold of mom's card. And when I do get it, I try and spend as much as I can. But today is a different story, I just want to get home as fast as I can. I'm not in the mood to be out, I could run into him. I quickly paid for the groceries and someone had to help me because I had two carts. I was walking though that first set of doors when I saw Bryan's sister, and the girl that I saw Bryan's kiss. Ellie smiled at me, stopping me before I could go out the second set.
"Emily!" She flung her arms around me. Hugging me for a few minutes.
"I haven't seen you in forever. Where have you been?" I smiled nervously at her. Maybe Bryan hasn't told her. She then remembered that her friend was there. "Oh how silly of me! This is Jane my best friend."
"Your best friend, Bryan's reason to cheat on me. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get this food home before my parents get home." I then started walking to my car, the girl who was helping was right behind me. She helped put everything in my car and I gave a quiet thank you and got in my car driving home. When I got there I quickly got everything out of the car, putting everything in the right place. I then ran upstairs and starting to cry. And to think, things looked as though they were getting better.

...Bryan's P.O.V...
"Bryan! How could you!" Was the first thing my sister said to me when she walked though the door. She stood Infront of the TV. I gave her a questioning look.
"How could I do what?" Her face contorted into a look of pure rage.
"How could you cheat on Emily? How could you cheat on that wonderful girl with my 'friend'. I'm so ashamed in you." She said angrily.
"I didn't kiss your friend. Your friend kissed me. I had nothing to do with it. I didn't mean to hurt Emily, I would never purposefully hurt the love of my life." Her face softened when I said that. She quietly sighed.
"OK, but she looked really bad today when I saw her. She was very pale, she was skinnier then she was the last time I saw her. Her normally happy features were gone. What ever you do, you need to bring the old Emily back." She then walked away. The description she told me didn't sound like my Emily. I must have hurt her badly.

...Emily's P.O.V...
It had been about an hour since I had stopped crying. It was almost 7:00 at night. I decided that it would be a good idea to go down and eat what little dinner I could. I wasn't very hungry but my family would get suspicious that I hadn't come out of my room since they've been home. We had chicken Alfredo for dinner. It was delicious just like always. I took a quick shower, pulled on some PJs and went to bed.

A/N: You guys must hate me now. My phone broke so the only time I got to write or contact people back was when I used my friend's phone or my computer. So I'm so sorry for the wait. Sorry it's not really a proper Chapter and just a filler. Thank you so much for reading!
Hope you enjoyed!
XOXO ~ Kaimee20

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