Chapter 25

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It's been a week without Bryan, my heart is heavy and I've been crying non stop. Until now that is, all I feel is numb and pain. The man I loved had hurt me. The one I trusted and I believed loved me, kissed someone else. After going a week with out social media and YouTube I finally turned my phone on. I had many missed calls, tones of text messages and voicemails. I checked my missed calls, they were all from Bryan. I opened my messages Bryan, my mom, my dad and all my siblings. I checked Masons first there was only one.
I love you Em. I don't know what happened because you won't let anyone into the room but, I'm sorry.
I then opened my mom's.
Please come out of your room, we all love and miss you!
Emily I know your sad, and I have no clue why. Just know that we're here for you and love you very much.
I back out of my mom's messages and opened dad's
Emily I love you! Please come down and talk to us.
We love you!

I closed out of dad's and opened Bryan's. There was about 20 messages. Saying how much I meant to him, how much he loves me and how that it was her coming on to him. The last one got to me.

Emily, I love you with my heart and soul. I'm sorry that I did that to you. If you want to be done that's fine. Just know I'll always love you.
I started crying. I wanted to believe him, but I know what I saw. I turned my phone back off an hid underneath the duvet and cried and cried. I never knew how much it could hurt to go through this. About 20 minutes later I had stopped crying and was back to being numb. There was a knock at my door, my mom walked in. She smiled sadly at me.
"Emily, I could really use your help cooking."
"OK." I said standing up. I hadn't eaten much since that day.
"Before we do that you need to shower. I'll help you come on." She pulled me into my bathroom and helped me shower. I didn't say anything I just silently did what was needed. She helped me get dressed. We then walked downstairs.
"Emily, I need you to cut the veggies." I nodded and got out a cutting board and a knife and started cutting, everything was going fine until I let my mind wander to Bryan. The next thing I knew I was looking at a red substance coming out of my hand. I held it up. I didn't feel pain, cause of the numbness I was already feeling.
"Hey Em, how's it...." Her words stopped. "Shit. Jason!" My mom called out to my dad. He came running in minutes later. He saw my hand.
"Call Zach, Quickly!" My mom was wrapping my hand in a kitchen towel. It still didn't hurt, it just kinda tingled. I felt very light headed and nauseous. The next thing I know everything went black.

...Kathryn's P.O.V... (Emily's mom, if you didn't read the first book.)

I left Emily to cutting up the veggies for the stew while I made the broth.
"Hey Em, how's it..." I stopped and stared at her raised hand. "Shit. Jason!" Jason came running in while I grabbed a towel and started wrapping Emily's hand with it. "Call Zach, quickly!" He pulled out his phone and called. Emily then collapsed. "Fuck!" I caught her in my arms before she hit the ground.
"Jason, hurry!" He started talking to his Brother in-law. He hung up minutes later.
"They'll be there soon." I nodded and lifted Emily into my arms and started walking to the living room laying her on the couch. Hoping that the rest of my kids didn't walk in. Jason was by my side trying to calm me down, but nothing was working. I tried to get Emily to respond, it wasn't working. Then my worst thought happened. Alic walked down the stairs. He saw Emily passed out on the couch and his eyed widened in horror.
"What happened to Emily?"
"She was helping with dinner, she cut herself. Andie and Zach are on their way, they should be here any minute." The door rang after Jason said that. Alic quickly ran to the door and opened it. Zach ran in and got to work on Emily.

...Time skip...
...Emily's P.O.V...
I could hear people talking but I didn't want to open my eyes.
"What do you think happened that would make her this sad?" Mason asked.
"I don't know, I've noticed Bryan hasn't been over in a while. Could it have something to do with him?" It was Alic who answered. Yes it has everything to do with him.
"I don't know maybe. I'll go call him." I heard Mason walk out of the room, I slowly opened my eyes and I was instantly blinded by the light on the ceiling. I groaned.
"Where am I?"
"You're in your room. How do you feel?" Alic responded, walking over to me.
"Like shit." I swore. Alic's eyes widened.
"What's got you swearing?"
"Nothing and everything." I sighed, thinking about what happened that made me this sad.
"Can you tell me?" I looked over to my brother. He had dark circles under his eyes. He looked as though he had been crying. I was sitting up by this point.
"The day we set up the Christmas decorations, I went over to Bryan's after we were done. I walked right into his house without knocking. I heard noises coming from the kitchen, I fallowed them. What I saw crushed me.... " I cut myself off, starting to cry.
"What did you see?"
"Bryan and some girl. Kissing, they were getting into it. He was holding her hips and she was grinding on him. I then ran out of the house." Alic pulled me into him and we laid back down. I was crying for what felt like the millionth time. I soon grew really tired and fell back to sleep laying on Alic. I believe he fell asleep to.

A/N: OK, I'm sorry for making these past 2 chapters really sad. I literally started crying multiple times while writing them. I have an idea for the next chapter but, it will have the more depressing thoughts in it. I just want to give you guys a warning in advance.

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