Chapter 52

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A/N: Months 7 through 8! Hope you enjoy!

...Month 7...
***Emily's P.O.V.***
We have officially finished moving into this house. We got everything unpacked and put away. We bought new furniture and got every thing put to where I wanted it. I've went out and bought all the babies things. The boys put it all together last weekend. My belly is the size of a medium sized watermelon. I can't do shit by myself. I need help showering and I can't bend over to get something off of the ground. I can't sit in the desks at school either. My petite frame was not meant to hold a child. I'm in the car right now with the radio blasting Say My Name by Destiny's Child, and I'm just singing and jamming out to it. I'm out buying cloths for her right now. Back to the topic of Destiny's Child, I've been really into 90's and early 2000's music lately. My mom listened to when she was pregnant with Haylee and Alic and I can't help but listen to the music I grew up with. Infact it's all I've been listening to since I got pregnant. I think my baby might listen to this rather than the music of the day. Which I'll be ok with. I pulled into The Baby Gap. And got out of the car. I walked in and started looking around. I walked out with 4 over filled bags. Earlier when I said we had bought everything needed. I lied, we got everything but clothes. Which I just bought. I hope Mason won't mind I used his credit card. I'll pay it back when it's due, he knows I will. I just hope he was ok with buying these things for his neice.

***Bryan's P.O.V.***
How can I put this without being too harsh? Emily is getting quite, annoying. She can't do anything by herself and I know she tries before asking for help. She's rather sit on the floor in her classes then ask the teacher for a different desk. We're out for summer and all she wants to really do is lay out in the sun. She's all big and swollen, which I think she looks adorable. Which is probably the proud, possessive side of me talking because it's my baby growing inside of her. I don't know how she's going to do next year with a baby. But knowing her, she'll figure it out.

...month 8...
***Emily's P.O.V.***
I'm freaking huge. I feel like I'm carrying around a pumpkin. Madison will be born on the 18th of June. Madison, Me and Bryan had decided on that because he wanted Maddie and I wanted Addison. So we combined the two, I know that we'll end up calling her Maddie anyway when she's older. What am I doing right now? Eating. What might you ask? My mom's famous chicken enchiladas. She's going to be in town until Madison is born and just a little bit after to help with the first month after she's born. Alic, Jake and Haylee are back as well. They flew out when they got out of school for summer. I've loved having them here. Haylee plans on staying for schooling out here seeing as though she got accepted into the school we've been going.
"Emily, what do you wanna do tomorrow?" My mom asked.
"Umm, probably just prepping Madison's room and clothes. I bought a bunch of clothes that I need to finish washing and putting away. I need to make her bed and make sure everything is ready for her to come home next month. I also need to rebuild the basanite, and get it ready for her to stay in mine and Bryan's room."
"Ok, then that's what we'll do." I smiled at her, as we finished up dinner the boys cleared the table and the teen boys washed the dishes.
"Oh and we need to go shopping for Haylee's room." Haylee then perked up at the sound of her name and shopping. I smiled at her and walked out of the kitchen with mom.
"Ok, we can do that too. I'll send out all of her things when I get back home next month. Did you know that I used to live about a block away form here? Your grandma is buried in the cemetery about a mile from here."
"No I didn't know that. And yeah I've visited her last month. Took her some flowers and told her you love and miss her very much." she smiled at me kissed me on the cheek and went to our guest bedroom down the hall. Haylee's room is upstairs next to Madison's soon to be room. Mason's room is down in the basement along with another spare room which Alic and Jake are staying in and will eventually stay in when they move in after next year after they graduate high school. Haylee, Alic, and Jake will all be living with us until they graduate from collage. They can stay as long as they need but will eventually need to move out on their own. Mason can stay as long as he wants, seeing as though he help buy the place. But he keeps saying as soon as he graduates he's out. But he's already started making payment on the house next door. which will be his when the current owners move out, which will be next month. All in all, it's been a great time since everyone got here. Besides the fact that I'm an angry ass bitch because of me being preagnat.

A/N: New Chapter!!! Yay! Sorry it took so long, I've had some writers block and I've been busy getting ready to graduate! So I hope you guys like this chapter that probably needs work.

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