Emily Smith, the girl no body notices. The girl that is so antisocial the only people she talks to is her family. The girl who has trust issues. The girl that has social anxiety to the point where she has difficulties getting out of bed...
It's been two days since Halloween, it's Monday today and I've been working on school since I woke up this morning. I'm in leggings, with a matching sports bra and a parental advisory crop top. And my hair was pulled up into a messy bun. My phone beeped next to me, on the desk. I picked it up, I had gotten a text. I opened it.
Be ready to go @ 5:oo. I'll be there to pick you up. Wear something cute and warm. -B. The only need to wear warm clothes because it was November and it got freezing outside around 4:30. OK, can I ask what we're doing? -E No. -B -_- -E I exited out of my messages. It was 3:00. I sighed, got up off my desk chair, and plugged my phone into my speakers. I pushed shuffle on my music. The first song that came on was Cancer remade by Twenty One Pilots. I started humming the tune. Cancer was first made by My Chemical Romance. Both versions of the song are amazing, I just like Twenty One Pilots. I walked into my bathroom and got in the shower. I washed my hair and body and got out. I dried off and wrapped my towel around me and walked back into my room. Music still pouring through the speakers. I grabbed a matching bra and pantie set and pulled them on. I then pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans with rips going all the way up my legs. I then pulled my Totoro sweater on. I walked into my bathroom and did my hair, there is only a few hair styles that I can pull off so I did something simple, I left a little bit out and braided it. Then I wrapped the braid around my head. My makeup, dark like always. Then I changed my phone case to my Totoro one. Then to finish off the look I pulled on my black studded combat boots.
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All together it was a cute outfit. It was also warm. I checked the time and noticed that it was, 4:40. Twenty minutes before Bryan would get here. I wonder what we're doing? I slowly walked down the stairs, thinking about nothing and everything. While doing so, I ran into Haylee. Haylee had found herself a boyfriend so she hasn't been around as much, so all she really does here is eat and sleep. "Hey Haylee, how've you been?" "Really great actually. Me and Jaxson have been doing great since we started dating." Well I'm guessing that Jaxson is her boyfriend. "That's great Haylee. I'm happy for you." I said hugging her. "What about you Em? What've you been doing?" "Well, I started liking Bryan. He said I didn't have a chance. I started online school cause I was having a panic attack every day. Mason and me aren't talking because he's a jerk. I forgave Bryan because he's the only one I have to calm me down when I'm having an attack. At the Halloween party me, Alic, Jake and Bryan played truth or dare. Alic dared me to reenact that scene from Suicide Squad where I fall into a bat of acid, and kiss Bryan cause I was Harley Quinn and Bryan was the Joker. We also confessed our liking for each other that very night, plus we kissed more. And he's on his way to take me somewhere at this very moment." After I said all that I took a deep breath. "And that's what you've missed." She stared at me wide eyed. "Wow. I don't know whether to be happy for you or what." She said giving me a hug. After she let go we walked down the stairs talking. "Wait, who's Jake?" Haylee asked. "Oh, right well our dear brother Alic is gay. And Jake is Alic's boyfriend." "Wow. That's insane, I've missed so much..." I giggled and nodded my head in agreement. Then the door bell rang. I looked at the clock hanging above the couch. It must be Bryan. I looked at my sister nervously. "It's OK Em. It'll be just fine." I smiled and nodded at her. "Thanks for the reassurance Haylee." She nodded and started walking up to her room. I took a deep breath and walked to the front door. I opened it. And there he stood in all his glory, Bryan. I smiled at him. He leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and looked away. "Are you ready to go beautiful?" "Yes." I said. Knowing that it was just Haylee home I didn't say bye to anyone and just walked out of the house, lead by Bryan. He opened the passenger side door for me, waited til I got in and closed the door for me. He ran around the front of the car and got in himself. He started driving. After about 5 minutes I couldn't stand the silence. "May I know where we're going?" "No, it's a surprise." "Oh come on.. please tell me." I begged, pulling my award winning puppy dog face. "As much as I want to fall into that adorable face, I'm not telling." Dang it. I tuned away not saying anything. About 10 minutes later we were on the freeway heading south. I then heard the beginning of Sucker For Pain. I started singing lightly. "I torture you. Take my hand through the flames. I torture you. I'm a slave to your games. I'm just a sucker for pain. I wanna chain you up, I wanna tie you down, I'm just a sucker for pain. I'm a sucker for pain. I got the squad tatted on me from my neck to my ankles. Pressure from the man got us all in rebellion. We gon' go to war, yeah, without failure. Do it for the fam, dog, ten toes down, dog. Love and the loyalty, that's what we stand for. Alienated by society, all this pressure give me anxiety. Walk slow through the fire. Like, who gon' try us? Feeling the world go against us So we put the world on our shoulders. I torture you. Take my hand through the flames. I torture you. I'm a slave to your games. I'm just a sucker for pain. I wanna chain you up, I wanna tie you down, I'm just a sucker for pain. I been at it with my homies. It don't matter, you don't know me. I been rollin' with my team, we the illest on the scene. I been riding 'round the city with my squad. I been riding 'round the city with my squad. We just posted, getting crazy, living like this is so amazing. Hold up take a step back, when we roll up, 'cause I know what. We been loyal, we been fam, we the ones you trust in. Won't hesitate to go straight to your head like a concussion. I know I been bustin', no discussion for my family. No hesitation, through my scope I see my enemy. Like, what's up? Hold up, we finna re-load up. Yes, I re-load up, I know what up, I know what up. I torture you. Take my hand through the flames. I torture you. I'm a slave to your games. I'm just a sucker for pain. I wanna chain you up, I wanna tie you down, I'm just a sucker for pain. I'm devoted to destruction. A full dosage of detrimental dysfunction. I'm dying slow but the devil tryna rush me. See I'm a fool for pain, I'm a dummy. Might cut my head off right after I slit my throat Tongue kiss a shark, got jealous bitches up in the boat. Eating peanut butter and jelly fishes on toast And if I get stung I get stoked, might choke. Like I chewed a chunk of charcoal. Naked in the North Pole That's why my heart cold, full of sorrow, the lost soul. And only Lord knows when I'm coming to the crossroads. So I don't fear shit but tomorrow. And I'm a sucker for pain, it ain't nothing but pain. You just fuckin' complain, you ain't tough as you claim. Just stay up in your lane, just don't fuck with Lil Wayne. I'mma jump from a plane or stand in front of a train. 'Cause I'm a sucker for pain. Used to doing bad, now we feel like we just now getting it. Ain't got no other way, so we started and finished it. No pain, no gain. Never stand down, made our own way. Never going slow, we pick up the pace. This is what we wanted from a young age. No emotion, that's what business is. Lord have mercy on the witnesses. I torture you. Take my hand through the flames. I torture you. I'm just a sucker for pain. More pain. Got me begging, begging, begging, begging, begging, begging For more pain. Got me begging, begging, begging, begging, begging, begging For more pain. Got me begging, begging, begging, begging, begging, begging For more pain. Got me begging." I sang the whole song from start to finish.
The song stopped, I stopped singing and Bryan was stopped at a stop light staring wide eyed at me with his mouth agape. "What?" I asked confused. "Your singing voice. It's amazing!" He said smiling at me. I blushed and looked down at my lap. I then realised that we we're in downtown Salt Lake. I raised an eyebrow at Bryan. He then pulled into a mall parking lot. He got out of the car while I sat still admiring the Christmas lights. Here in Utah we put the Christmas decorations up right after Halloween. Well most of Utah that is. My family puts the Christmas stuff up the day after Thanksgiving. To be honest I was never really a fan of the snow, which we get a lot of. When my siblings went outside and played in the white cold substance, I sat inside watching The Nightmare Before Christmas or playing video games. That started around the 4th grade. I became the geek I am today around that time. I was brought out of my thoughts by Bryan calling my name. "Emily, come on." I look at him then got out of his car. He closed the door, locking it. He then took my hand. Electricity immediately started shooting up my arm. We started walking and we soon came across the ice skating rink. He went and rented us some skates and we pulled them on. "Bryan, I've never done this before." "Don't worry, it's fun." I nodded my head timidly. He pulled me onto the ice I intently started slipping and sliding everywhere. He didn't let go of me, he started skating backwards showing me how to do it. With the feeling that everyone was watching me, I grew anxious. Please don't let me fall, please don't let me fall. I said silently to Bryan. His loose grip tightened as if saying he got my message. I sighed, it was that moment I knew he wouldn't let me fall. We started skating at a slow pace around the side the edge of the rink. We skated for maybe an hour, I fell a grand total of 2 times and every time I fell Bryan would purposefully fall to distract the others attention away from me. Once we were back on solid ground and in our regular shoes I couldn't have been more happier. "What do you want for dinner?" Bryan asked. "Do you even have to ask?" I asked being all serious. "Tacos it is then." He said chuckling. So here's the thing, tacos are my happy food. We got back into his car and started driving back to North Ogden. When we got back into town we stopped at Del Taco. It's not that I hate Taco Bell but I absolutely love Del Taco. He helped me out of the car again and we walked inside. Ordered our food and sat down. "Emily, do you know why I asked you to come with me tonight?" He asked nervously. "No not really." "Well, Emily, this is me trying to have the most amazing first date, with hopefully my girlfriend." I gave him a confused look. He sighed and shook his head. "Emily, do I have to spell it out to you?" Still confused. "Emily, this is me asking you to be my girlfriend." My eyes widened in realization. "Oh." I looked down and blushed. "So what do you say?" "I would love to." He smiled at me. We ate and just talked. When he dropped me off he walked me up to the door. He then kissed me. The kiss was short and sweet. The sparks were there, it felt amazing to kiss him and it felt even better to know that he was officially my boyfriend. When we pulled apart he left and I went inside and up the stairs. The lingering electricity from the kiss made me dazed, and excided. I felt on top of the world, I finally had a boyfriend who I know loves me. I finally had a best friend, who so happens to be my boyfriend. My life was slowly getting better. I changed my clothes and crawled into bed, about 10 minutes later I was passed out.
A/N: You guys must hate me by now. I haven't updated in forever and I'm so sorry for that. I've been super busy. Well first date.. What did you guys think? AND THEY'RE OFFICIALLY DATING! That another reason why I haven't updated, trying to piece it together perfectly. I really hope you guys liked it! Thank you so much for reading my book! You guys are amazing. XOXO ~Kaimee20