Chapter 41

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When I woke up, I was sore. But it was in a good way. I had an arm around my waist, I knew it was Bryan. I smiled remembering the events from last night, I could tell that there was a slight blush on my cheeks. I head a groan coming from next to me. I rolled over and came face to, well chest with Bryan. I looked up at my sleeping fiancé. I smiled at his cuteness. I'll never get used to the fact that this man is now my fiancé. We'll be married. I never thought this day would come.
"It's rude to stair you know." He said opening his eyes.
"Can I not just admire my future husband's cuteness?" He chuckled, closing his eyes again.
"OK, go a head and admire."
"Nah, I'm good." He sighed and sat up taking the blanks with him. My naked body coming in contact with the cool air.
"Bryan..." I groaned out trying to pull the blanket back over me.
"What?" He asked not paying any attention. I scoffed at him.
"I'm freezing you dickhead." I said tugging at the blanket.
"Is that any way yo talk to your future husband?" I rolled my eyes, forgetting about the blanket and just rolled over onto my stomach. He chuckled getting up. "Come on Emily, let's get into the shower. Heaven knows we need one before we go down to be confronted by your family." I groaned in frustration. I rolled back over to see a very naked Bryan standing in front of me. I blushed at the sight.
"You're kinda adorable when you blush, you know that?" I rolled my eyes, trying to stand up. I say trying because, when I stood up my legs felt like jello. I wobbled for a minute before sitting back down. Bryan chuckled coming over and picking me up. He walked into the bathroom, setting me down on the cold counter top. It hurt just to sit there. I groaned at the pain. Bryan started the water. He waited for it to get warm before coming to pick me up. He walked us over to the shower and he stepped in, keeping me balanced in his arms. He slowly put me down on my feet. As sighed as the warm water hit my achy muscles. It felt amazing, I closed my eyes, just letting the warm water cascade down my body. I could feel Bryan moving but I wasn't paying attention. The next thing I know, someone was washing my hair. I'm gonna guess it was Bryan. I leaned into his touch. It was kinda soothing. When we were done we both got out and got dressed. Me in some comfortable sweatpants and my Undertale shirt. And Bryan who had on a pair of men's joggers and a plain black T-shirt. It hurt to walk down the stairs, but what encouraged me to get down the stairs was the fact that I could smell Bacon getting cooked. I hobbled my way as quickly as I could to the dining room and sat down on a chair, thanking the gods that my parents bought padded seats. I let out a sigh of content. Bryan chuckled at me and everyone else just looked at me funny.
"What can't a girl be hungry?!" I said using my hands to talk as well. Which made my ring to send little sparkly rainbows everywhere, after catching the light coning in through the big bay window. Mason just stared in wonder at my hand and Haylee gasped. And for Alic he just jumped up and down happily.
"When the hell did that happen?" Mason asked.
"Last night. Why?"
"Because, Em, I'm happy that you found someone who isn't a prick." Bryan gave a questioning look in his directions.
"Yay! We have to go out and celebrate tonight!" My mom piped in. Coming over to look at the ring. She smiled when she saw it was my grandmas and looked up at my dad. I rolled my eyes at her. She has to celebrate everything.
"Yeah, let's do it!" Said Haylee and Alic at the same time. I chuckled at them.
"OK fine, after breakfast we'll get dressed. Go shopping, get lunch and then come back here and we'll get dressed into something a little more fancy and go eat at like the rooftop restaurant in salt lake. I'll call and make reservations now." My mom rushed out standing up, to go call I giggled at her silliness. And then I remembered how much pain I was in and wondered how I was gonna do it all.
"Oh lord have mercy on your sole Em. You're going to be getting married and your mother is gonna wanna have everything perfect on every last detail. But we all have to love her anyway. Especially me, being her husband." My dad chuckled at my mother and her giddy-ness. We all ate. Then we all got dressed. I just changed my pants into leggings, I don't think I could handle regular pants right now. After every one was dressed we all piled into my mom's SUV and Bryan's car, driving to the mall. We shopped for ages, it was like 9:00 when we left the house. It's now noon. And we're in the mall food court getting food. The pain now a little less noticeable thank god. After we ate we went to other stores around the mall. We then went home after shopping. We all had like 10 different bags when we got back home. It was now time to get dressed for our fancy dinner. I pulled on a mint green dress that had a heart shaped cut out on my chest. Over that I put on a black cardigan. I did my makeup like I always do and pull on some heel-less black high heels. Then to put it all together I black clutch with a 'gold' chain.

Bryan's out fit kinda matched mine, except he had on a mint tie

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Bryan's out fit kinda matched mine, except he had on a mint tie. After everyone was dressed we headed out. Dinner was delicious, after word we went and shopped around in the stores still open in downtown salt lake. We then went home, Bryan bid his farewells and went home himself. I peeled off my clothes and pulled on Bryan's black T-shirt he had on earlier. Crawling in bed I turned on Jurassic Park on Netflix and fell asleep. Thank god that the pain had went away.

A/N: Hello readers! I hope you enjoyed the chapter, it's more or less a filler but it's still a chapter. Sorry for the late night update. It's almost mid night where I'm at, at the time of publish.
So for those of you who are interested, my book that I took down is now officially back up the first two chapters are published. So please go and read it if you are interested. It is called, A Camping Trip And Then Some.
If you can't find it by just searching it then go to my profile, it'll be there.
Thanks for reading!

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