Emily Smith, the girl no body notices. The girl that is so antisocial the only people she talks to is her family. The girl who has trust issues. The girl that has social anxiety to the point where she has difficulties getting out of bed...
I survived the assembly just fine. I walked to my first period which is American History. I sat down in the back of the room. About 2 minutes later class started. "OK class, today we're gonna get to know each other." My eyes widened in horror. Luckily I'm in the back by the door so I can bolt when I have an attack, cause knowing me I'll have one. The teacher started. "Hello, I'm Mr. Bercolze (I really don't care how you pronounce it.) And I like hunting, fishing and spending time with my kids. I'm exited to have y'all in my class this year." We started by the far wall and slowly weaved our way through the class by then the start of my attack had started. I quickly stood up, grabbed my bag and bolted out of the room. Not paying attention to the teacher's calls, needing to get to the bathroom as fast as possible. I ran into the closest bathroom and slammed the stall door locked it. I sank onto the floor, shaking, sweating, feeling the tears make their way down my face. I started doing my routine. Deep breaths, Emily. Deep breaths. 100..99..98..97..96..95..94..93..92..91..90.... My breathing finally calmed down around 75 so I stopped counting. Then the bell rang I got up off the floor and unlocked the door. I looked in the mirror and saw that I looked like death. I pulled out my phone and called my mom. It rang once. Twice. Three times. She picked up. "Em? What's wrong?" She asked panicked. "It happened again...." I said still kinda crying. She sighed. "How bad was it?" "It was worse then the last one. Mom, I don't think I can last half a year. They're getting worse each time I have one." She sighed again. "Are you taking your meds?" "Yes I am. They're not helping I guess." "OK, what period is it?" "The bell just rang for 2nd." "OK, I'll check you out and you can go to your special place for a while then you'll have to go get your brother from school." "Ok. Thanks mom." "No problem dear." Then we hung up and I walked to my second period for the first two to three minutes of it. Then my note came. "Emily Smith!" I got up, grabbed my bag, put my head down, grabbed the note from the teacher and left the room. I went out to my car and drove to my special place. I pulled into the old abandoned building's parking lot and parked. I got out of my car and pulled the boom box out of the trunk. I connected my phone to it and I turned on Control by Halsey.
I got in position and just let the beat of the song take me into the dance. It's kinda like an alternative/ballet/hip hop mixed into one dance. My favorite line from this song is, "I paced around for hours on empty, I jumped at the slightest of sounds. And I couldn't stand the person inside me. I turned all the mirrors around." I don't know why, it's always been my favorite though. After the song was over I looked at the time, I noticed I had an hour til I had to go pick up Alic from school. I can do one more song. I picked up my phone and scrolled through my music. I found move if you wanna and turned it on.
I started to do the dance I've done many times before with this song. This dance isn't like the last one. This dance is more like a street dance where the last one was more like a stage dance. After the song was over I was out of breath. I grabbed my phone and put the boom box back into the trunk. I got in my car and drove to pick up Alic. Alic, tall for his age. Dyes his hair black like my mom, he has a emo type hair cut that people say was cool in 2007. He absolutely loves the color black. Oh and if you don't remember not only is he gay, he also wares makeup at home.
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Don't get me wrong I love my brother to pieces, but he can be a dick sometimes but I think that that's because he's a hormonal teenaged gay boy. I pulled into his school and parked in one of the stalls. I got out and walked into the building and over to the office. Mom won't mind if I check him out, she knows how on edge I am so, she won't get pissed. "Hi, I'm here to check out my brother. I'm Emily I should be on the check out contacts now." "OK, what's his name dear?" "Alic Smith." "OK, teacher?" "I think it's Miss. Wright." She nodded and started typing an IM to the teacher. Two minutes later my brother walked into the office. I smiled at him, although I think he saw through it. He knew that if I checked him out it was because something happened to me at school. "Is that all you'll be needing dear?" "Yeah, thank you." Me and Alic walked back to my car. We got in and he started talking. "What happened Emily? Are you OK? Do you need anything? I may be gay but I can still pack a mean punch." "Alic, I'm very touched that you would do that for me but, I just had an anxiety attack because of one of my stupid teachers. I called mom and she said to check you out after I calmed down and had been to my special place. And shouldn't I be the one asking these things to you? I'm way older than you." "OK sounds good to me. Yes and no. You may be older but, I can still be protective of you." I chuckled at him and pulled into the drive way. We got out and walked inside. "Mom! We're home." "OK, will you two please come to the kitchen? I have to talk to you." I gave my brother an oh shit look. We walked into the kitchen and saw mom cooking and backing for what looked like an army. "Mom? What's all of this?" "We're having one of your dad's employee's over for dinner. Your dad wants to promote the guy and have him be a co-owner of the company." My brother shrugged but my eyes widened. "Mom! I won't be able to serve 5 minutes of it! You and dad both know how I am. I can't even handle a full day of school any more. So please tell me, how the hell am I supposed to do this without having an attack?!" Her eyes widened and she just stood there starring at me. "What?!" "You just swore." "Really is that the only thing you picked up on in that entire mini rant?" "Well no. And about dinner you don't have to eat with us but I'm sure your father will want you there." "Ugh. Fine, but if I start to have signs of an attack I'm leaving." "That's fine. Now go take a relaxing bubble bath. So you can hopefully make it though all of dinner." I nodded and went to my room. "Oh and wear a nice dress!" She yelled up to me. I closed and locked my bedroom door and striped off my clothes. I walked into my bathroom and over to the tub. I turned on the water, making sure it was at the perfect temperature before putting the stopper in the drain. I put some of my lavender bubble bath into the water and waited for it to fill up. After about 3 minutes I turned off the water and got in.