Chapter 43

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It was orientation day. Me, Bryan and Mason where walking down the hallways finding our classrooms. When I saw two people I never wanted to see again after what happened. I stopped dead in my tracks. My anxiety instantly picked up. The boys stopped talking and walking realizing I wasn't with them. Bryan walked up to me, trying to get my attention. I just couldn't tare my eyes away from two people less then 10 feet away. There they stood, the two I've hated since that dreadful day. Andrew and Jessie. While Bryan tried to get my attention, Mason was studying me. He fallowed my gaze, he grew extremely angry.
"Bryan we need to get her out of here before she has an attack." Bryan nodded and started walking me back words. Andrew must have felt our gazes, because his head snapped towards us. His eyes never leaving my face. His face now held and evil smile. That's when the flashbacks started, triggering my attack. I closed my eyes, hiding my face in Bryan's chest. He noticed my shaking, so he started the calming routine. It was working until I heard his voice coming from behind Bryan.
"Hello, Emily." He said sinisterly. Bryan turned around keeping me behind him.
"Who the hell are you?" Bryan asked.
"I'm Andrew, and old friend of Emily's." He said reaching his hand out for Bryan to shake. Bryan didn't move.
"Old friend my ass." Mason said stepping into the conversation.
"Oh piss of Mason. Just because you hate me doesn't mean Emily does. Isn't that right, love?" I could feel Bryan grow angry, because of Andrew calling me that.
"You broke her, you fucktard. Why wouldn't she hate you!" All the while I was hiding behind Bryan.
"How do you know? She could still be madly in love with me." He said cockily. I grabbed Bryan's hand for the support and stepped out from behind him. Moving Bryan's arm as I walked.
"I will hate you to the ends of time. You took the sweet, innocent girl I was and corrupted me. Sure you didn't take my virginity like I was going to let you, but you still used me. You used me to get the perfect reputation that you needed at the stupid school. I believed that you actually liked me. Then I catch you cheating on me with my best friend! I will always hate you and her." I then kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. He dropped to the ground instantly. "Fuck you, you inconsiderate asshole." I then walked away dragging Mason and Bryan with me. They both had looks of shock written on their faces. We found all of our classes, and went home. All throughout the rest of the day Bryan had a proud look on his face and Mason had a flabbergasted look. It was kinda hilarious. When it was finally bed time, Mason went to bed and Bryan and I stayed up in our room watching a movie. It was enjoyable until Bryan cut the comfortable silence.
"You know what you did today, standing up to that ass, it was kinda a turn on." I chuckled and looked up at his face.
"Is that so?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He nodded his head.
"Yes, it was. You're really hot when you're confident. You're hot no matter what you do." I giggled with a slight blush on my cheeks.
"Is this your way of getting in my pants? If it is, it's kinda working." I said sitting up and straddling him.
"Maybe." He said, kinda shyly. I rolled my eyes.
"Who knew that the bad boy of Weber High would be afraid to ask his fiancé for sex." I said giggling. I then pushed my lips onto his. One thing led to another, and I'm pretty sure you can paint the picture.
After we finished our nightly work out, we go into the shower. This was only our second time, it still felt as amazing as it did last time. After we showered we fell asleep.
A/N: Sorry it's kinda sort but I hope you liked it!! I was just going to skip over their schooling but, I thought that wouldn't be as interesting and then the book would come to an abrupt end so I wrote this instead! I kinda took the idea from teenwolfforever64 her comment on the last chapter is what gave me the idea, so thank you! And thank you for the get better comments! Yes my hand is still injured but it's on a slow recovery journey! Thanks again for reading!

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