Chapter 26

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I woke up alone in bed and arguing coming from the hall way.
"Please let me see her."
"No, you hurt her. Leave her the hell alone."
"That chick came onto me! She's my sister's friend! I wouldn't have done that to her. I love your sister. I've been going crazy without her. Then Mason called and said she was hurt, I couldn't just sit at home." I heard Alic sigh. Don't let him in here.
"Sorry, I can't let you in." I signed thanking Alic for not letting him in. I heard someone stomping away and Alic walked into my room. He smiled sadly at me.
"Thank you for sending him away." He nodded, looking at his phone. He bit his lip. I knew it was Jake. "Go, I'll be fine."
"Are you sure?" He asked me unsure if he should leave me or not.
"Yes, I need some time to think anyway." He nodded and left the room. Everyone was gone. Mason is at a party, Haylee I'm pretty sure went with him. Mom and dad, date night. I heard someone honk their car horn from outside and the front door open and close. I sighed, I was now alone. I stood up and slowly walked to the bathroom. I looked at myself in my full length mirror. What does she have that I don't?
For starters your not blonde. Your eyes are the same color as poop. You don't have curves. Your boobs are small. You're too geeky. You're everything that she's not. Which is not pretty. Plus you have a scar on your hand that will always be there.
I started crying as my inner voice listed everything wrong with me. My inner voice is right. I'm the opposite of what he wants. I'm to thin and don't have the curves that guys liked. Who would actually love someone like me?  My anxiety sets me back when it comes to pretty much everything. I'm a pathic excuse of a girlfriend. Why did I even try and be anything to him? I gave him my everything. Then he took it, played with it and broke me into a million pieces. Why did I trust him? I sank down onto the bathroom floor. With my back against the cool cabinet, I pulled my legs up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I cried into my knees. My phone went off in the next room. I got up off the floor and walked to where my phone was. I quickly unlocked it. It was a text from Bryan.

Emily, I do love you. I know you've seen all my messages. I'm sorry that I hurt you.
I locked my phone and threw it on my bed. I wanted to believe him and trust that he was telling the truth, but I just can't. I went back into the bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and started the bath water. I sank down into the water, sighing as the warm water hit my skin. As I sat in the bath I thought and thought about what to do. Sure I loved Bryan, I loved him more than anything. I had never felt the way I did when I was with him. It felt as though he took all my pain away. He made my Anxiety better. As I said before, I just can't trust him. I slid down into the warm water, submerging my whole body. I came back up a second later. I sighed and washed my body and quickly got out. I got dressed in an oversized T-shirt that I got out of Mason's closest. Not really caring if I had pajama pants on our not. I crawled into my bed and turned on Netflix. I scrolled through my user trying to find something to watch. I finished Shameless so I needed something else to watch. I decided to watch Suicide Squad on Amazon. I bought it cause I was tired of waiting for it to come out on blue ray. I pushed play and started watching it. Then the scene that me and Bryan reacted came on. Instead of seeing Harley Quinn and The Joker, I saw me and Bryan. I then starred crying again. Why did he do this to me. I can't even begin to tell you how terrible I felt. I can't even explain how much pain you feel when your heart get ripped in a million pieces. I absolutely hate this empty feeling I have. I feel as though I'm missing a piece of me. I just don't know what. I paused the movie and went downstairs to get myself dinner. I quickly decided on making Mac and Cheese. I quickly made it and grabbed it and some ice cream and two spoons and made my way back up to my room. I pushed play and started eating. The movie finally ended and I was half way done with my ice cream. I switch from Amazon to Netflix and scrolled through til I saw The Little Rascals Save The Day and pushed play, eating the rest of my ice cream. After I finished it I fell asleep feeling empty and heart broken.

Important A/N: Hello readers! I would like to know what you'd like to see in the future of this book. With Bryan and Emily broken up at the moment, I can only manage to write on this topic for so long and want to know your expectations. Should I get them back together sometime in the future? Should I keep the broken up? I would love to hear your guys' inputs. So please speak up, I'll take all your comments into consideration. Thank you so much for reading, hope you enjoyed the chapter!
XOXO~ Kaimee20

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