Emily Smith, the girl no body notices. The girl that is so antisocial the only people she talks to is her family. The girl who has trust issues. The girl that has social anxiety to the point where she has difficulties getting out of bed...
A/N: Months 5 through 6 . Hope you guys enjoy! XOXO~Kaimee20
...month 5... ***Emily's P.O.V.*** I'm at the doctor right now. Getting my monthly check up. I find out the gender of the baby this month, I'm super excided. I finally get to go shopping. I'm here alone today. The boys had to work so it was just me. "It's growing really well Emily. Now question, do you wanna know the gender today or do you wanna wait til birth?" "I was kinda hoping to know today." The nurse I was with nodded her head. "Ok, I'll inform the doctor." I nodded my head and she left and I laid back to relax while I waited. He/she started doing full force kicks a week a go. And it feels funny, in a good way though. The doctor walked into the room not even 5 minutes later. "Hello, Emily. I heard that you would like to know what the gender of your baby is, are you going to want pictures again as well?" "That would be lovely." He smiled and started the machine back up and started doing what he does best.
***Bryan's P.O.V.*** I was on my lunch break when I got a picture message from Emily. It was a new ultrasound picture of our baby. I smiled at it. Then a new message came in from her. Hello daddy, it's me again. You should be used to getting my texts by now. I just wanted to say that I'm very healthy and I can't wait to meet you in 4 months. Love you! From: Your baby girl.
I smiled down at the text, I get them every month after the check ups. They're cute. I then got another one. Well there you have it, you're the father of a healthy baby girl. Hope you're having a good day at work love you! Xoxo - Emily
It's a girl, I can't wait to be able to hold her. I thought smileing.
...Month 6... ***Emily's P.O.V.*** No one but me, Bryan and Mason know the gender of the baby. We plan of do a gender reveal when we get home from school in 10 minutes . I got everything already set up at home and ready to be recorded. As we walked to Bryan's car we go through what was going to happen. Seeing as though we moved into our new place. Which is huge, we're doing a house and gender reveal on Snapchat for everyone who can see my story or I'm sending to directly. We pulled into our drive way got out and I opened Snapchat. "Hey everyone we have some big news!" I said into the phone showing all three of us in the picture. We all then piled out of the car, after I stopped recording and had sent that one out. Then I started again. "First, We moved! Into a beach house. Look at this! Bryan suprised me with it two months ago." I said showing the house. It stoped and I did what I did with the last one. We then walked inside. "And second, we're going do be doing a gender reveal. But that's coming later, so stay tuned. It'll be in like an hour." I then put my phone away and walked inside. We then grabbed out box that we had decorated. As soon as we got down to the beach Bryan sat the box down making sure to not open it.
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I opened Snapchat. "So here it is, the box that will reveal the gender." I showed them the box and took my finger off of the button and sent it. I gave it a few minutes to make sure everyone had seen it. "Ok, Mason. You know what to do." I handed him my phone and we went on. "Ok here it is. The moment I've been building you up to." Mason stopped it. sending it to everyone. Then started again. "You ready babe?" Bryan nooded we both grabbed the two flaps we taped down. The snap ended, Mason sent it and started a new one. He counted down for us. When he got to one, me and Bryan opened the flaps and out popped a dozen pink balloons. The snap ended,Mason did his thing and took a picture of me and Bryan kissing. He sent it out and started recording agian. "That's right everyone. We are having a beautiful baby girl." He then sent it out and we went back inside. We ate diner which was delivered to us from the Chinese restaurant from down the road. After we ate I got in the shower, Bryan had to help me wash myself because I couldn't do it, because I'm so big. But I know I'm only going to get bigger.
A/N: Hello everyone! Hope you liked it! I got a new phone and am still getting used to it so please let me know if you think I missed anything important or have any spelling corrections I need to make. Thank you for reading! XOXO~Kaimee20