Emily Smith, the girl no body notices. The girl that is so antisocial the only people she talks to is her family. The girl who has trust issues. The girl that has social anxiety to the point where she has difficulties getting out of bed...
A/N: OK people! I'm so sorry I suck at updating, I've been very down lately. As I've said before I have Depression and it's kicking me in the ass right now. So as I've been gone now for almost a week I thought I would give you guys a longer chapter! Also I would like to thank you all for sticking with me and still reading my book. Seeing as though my A/N is at the beginning there will not be one at the end of this chapter! XXX ~Kaimee20
I jolted upright in bed. My dream, it was awful; It was dark, it was wet, I couldn't recognize anything around me. The voices, the men, rough. They tried to rape me. I tried but failed to run. I'm shaking and sweating and crying. I can't get ahold of myself. I can't think straight. My vision is blurred with tears. I started rocking back and forth on my bed. My legs pulled to my chest and my head down. Come on Emily, try and calm down. I looked over at the time. It was just barely 3am. I continued to cry, and shake. Any attempt to calm myself had gone out the window. After about ten minutes I got tired of having an attack and thought. What can calm me down? Think Emily, think. Bryan! Think about Bryan! His cologne, his smile smirky thingy he does. His voice, his laugh, his eye color, his hair, his everything. I felt myself starting to calm down. Soon enough I was back to the way I was before the dream. The only good thing about the dream was, someone came and saved me. I've got no clue who it was though, I couldn't see his face or hear him properly to know who it was. But I know it was a guy. I stood up and walked to my bathroom. I looked in the mirror, I looked like crap. My hair literally sticking up everywhere. My normally shiny eyes were dull. I had bags under my eyes. I looked really sick. I felt freezing as well. I put my hand up to my forehead, I felt normal. But then again I can never tell when I'm sick. It's always too late before I realise it. I started the water in the bathtub making it as hot as possible, without it burning me of course. I stripped off my pjs and slid into the full tub. It felt wonderful on my skin. I just sat there relaxing in the water. Steam rising into the cool air fogging up the mirrors. I sighed in relaxation. I don't know how long I sat there but after a while there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" I said completely relaxed. "It's mom, are you OK? Your brother said he heard you moaning in your sleep through the walls." "You can come in mom." She walked in. "What wrong honey? You look like shit." "Oh thanks mom. I had a bad dream. I woke up and had an attack. I'm freezing so I got in the tub. I don't feel very good, mom." She sighed. "OK, I'll give you $40 for your co-pay, and call in and get you an appointment with Dr. Gina then I'll let you know what time it's at." "OK mom. Do you still want me to take Alic to school?" "No, I'll get Mason to do it." I just nodded in understanding, she then walked out. I pulled my hair out of the very messy bun out and threw my hair tie across the room and sank down under the water. I stayed there for just under 30 seconds and popped back up again. I unstopped the tub and got out. I walked into my room an pulled on my grayish black Nike sweatpants, with a black sweater and all black converse.
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I look at my phone and saw that mom had texted me.
App. @10. Love ya! -M I typed a quick thank you and saw that it was already 9:00 so I grabbed my keys, wallet and walked out the door. ....time skip.... So it turns out I have the Flu. I knew it was going to happen because I can't get the flu shot because I'm allergic to it. I stormed into my house, really annoyed with the fact that I got sick and, really peeved off at the doctor. She knows I can't have the stupid shot and here she is saying I should have prepared myself and got the shot. I could have died! I slammed the front door closed behind behind me. I'm a mean sick person. "Who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?" I glared at Bryan. "Leave me the hell alone Bryan. I'm not in the fucking mood." I stormed pasted him. "Wow Emily. What's wrong? You never swear." That would be Alic. "I've got the Flu. So I suggest that you steer clear of me for a few days, if you don't want me to kill someone." I then went to my room slamming the door closed behind me. "Stupid doctor! Stupid Flu! Stupid allergies! Ugh!!" I screamed. There was a knock on my door. "Come it!" It was Mason. "What do you want Mason!" "Why are you being such a dick?" "Excuse me? I'm fucking sick, you moron! I have the Flu. So you're going to call me a dick for being the meanest sick person in the world? Well fuck you Mason! Fuck you!" I then pushed him out of my room and slammed and locked the door on his face. I sank down my door and started crying. My phone started ringing so I answered it. "Hello?" "Mason just called me, Emily are you OK?" It was my mom. "No mom, I've got the Flu. First it was the doctor saying I should have gotten the Flu shot so I wouldn't have gotten it in the the first place. But I'm allergic to it so I would have died if I would have gotten it. Then when I got home Bryan was here and he just gets on my nerves most of the time so when he asked who pisses in my Cheerios I yelled at him. Then Alic asked what was wrong so I told him that I was sick and to not come near me. Then Mason came into my room asking why I was being a dick so I told him I had the flu. I also said, you're gonna call me a dick for being the being the meanest sick person in the world? I also said fuck you twice. So if any of that fits into your definition of OK then no mom I'm not OK." I was still crying. "Oh, Emily. I'm sorry honey. Do you want me to call and kick everyone out?" I was about to answer but I had to puke so I ran to the bathroom and put the phone on the counter and did what I had to do. When I was done I picked my phone back up. "I don't care what you do, I just want my mommy." I said crying harder then I was before. I heard her sigh. "Can I send Beca or Andie over? One of them could help." "No, I just want you mommy." She started the shushing sounds. "OK, OK. Em, I'll be home in a little bit. I'll call Mason and have him kick everyone out. I love you." "OK, I love you to mommy." We then hung up. I then puked again. I laid on the cool tile floor of my bathroom til my mom got home. She apparently knew where the key to my door was cause she unlocked it and was siting next me me rubbing my back. "OK, mommies here. I kicked everyone that wasn't supposed to be here out." I nodded against the tile. "Let's get you in the bath Em." I could only nod. She ran my bath and helped me get undressed. Then she helped slide me into the bubbly water. "Emily, sweety I'm sorry that your brother is being a douche bag. Mason, is exactly like me after my mom died. I wasn't nearly as bad when she was around but after the car accident I was a completely different person. Your aunt Beca was the only one there for me up until your aunt Andie came in to our lives Junior year, turns out she was actually your father's sister." She chuckled at the memory. "Then my dad, your grandfather made me move here. Which I'm happy about now. Back then I was pissed the fuck off, but if he and my horrible ex-step mother hadn't have made me move I wouldn't have met your father. I don't know where I would be at right now if I hadn't have came here." I gave her a confused look because I had no clue what any of this had to do with Mason. "Emily what I'm trying to say is, Mason just hasn't met the right person to bring him away from the 'Dark Side'." I chuckled at her Star Wars reference. "OK, thanks mom. Now what do we do about my Flu?" "Did the doctor proscribe anything?" I shook my head. "Damn doctor, she never was a good one was she?" "Nope." I said popping the P. She nodded. "It's a good thing that your uncle Zack is a Doctor." I only nodded because I needed to bolt out of the tub and over to the toilet. My mom covered me with a towel and pulled out her phone. "Yes, hi Andie... We miss you guys to... Well do you guys wanna come over? Emily is really sick and our stupid doctor said she only has the Flu but didn't proscribe anything to her, I was wondering if Zack would be willing to come and double check. She's puked a lot since she's been home from the doctor and it's worrying me.... Wonderful see you guys in a couple of hours then.... Love you to, bye!" They then hung up. "Let's get you dressed sweetheart." I nodded and she helped me up and sat me on my bed. My mom handed me my underwear and bra, I pulled them on just fine and she helped me pull on my sweatpants and sweater. "Mom if it's alright I just wanna watch Netflix." She smiled sadly at me. "Sure sweetie. What to you want for dinner? It's up to you." "Can you make Grandpa's homemade creamy potato soup? It's always been my favorite." "Sure." She then walked out. I got completely onto my bed covering myself up. I grabbed my tv remote turning it on and booting up Netflix. I finished watching all the shows I normally watch for the hundredth time. So I just started scrolling through until I decided on watching Shameless. It's about a very poor family who goes through a lot of things, very difficult things, that they seem to fight their way through. It's a funny show but, parental advisory very explicit content. I lost track of how many episodes I watched but I know for a fact that I puked ten times before there was a knock on my bedroom door. I paused my show. "Come in!" And in walked Zack and my dad. My dad gave a disgusted face. "What is that god awful smell?" "Oh that would be the puke. Sorry daddy, it just won't stay down." He gave me a sad yet disgusted smiled. "OK miss Emily, What seems to be the problem?" "Well uncle Zack, I wasn't feeling very well this morning. I felt really cold and was shivering but my mom said I was warm. Then my idiot of a doctor said I had the Flu but didn't prescribe anything. Then when I get home I'm puking up what seems like weeks worth of food. Could what ever this is be caused by the hour long attacks I've been getting?" "Hmm.. That might be the reason. But I'm still gonna check." I nodded and he got to work on my check up. "OK well yes you have the Flu and you probably got it because of how many attacks you've been having. So I'm going to prescribe you the things you need to get you feeling better, but there's not much we can do about the attacks. We could try putting you on lamixal which is a different Anxiety/ Depression pill. It could help, but it's up to you if you want to try it." "Please, Zack, I'll try anything at this point." "OK." He scribbled some things down onto three different perception papers for me to fill. He handed me the papers. "Thank you uncle Zack." "No problem, kiddo." They then walked out. I pushed play on my show but about 5 minutes in my phone beeped. I looked at it.
Are you okay? I'm sorry if I made you mad, I didn't mean to. -Bryan. I smiled down at my phone, and typed my reply.
Yes and no, I've got the Flu and I'm just mean when I'm sick. So it wasn't you. Thanks for checking up on me though. -Emily.
OK good, I thought I did something wrong. I hope you feel better soon. Xx -Bryan.
Thanks. -Emily. I blushed at the two xs he sent me, putting my phone down and turning my attention back to my show. That's how I spent the rest of my week, watching Shameless, taking medicine, trying the new Lamixal out, puking, eating old family soup recipes, and texting Bryan.