Chapter 23

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The next morning I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I grumbled and reached for my phone.

Good morning beautiful. I just want to to say that I love you and you're the best thing that's happened to me. Hope you have an amazing day! I'll see you after school.
Good morning texts. Cheesy but I love them.

I'll do my best. I love you to.
I put my phone on my bed side table and got up the cold air hitting me. Why is it so cold? I walked over to my window and looked outside. It was snowing. Great just great. With Thanksgiving this Thursday it was a given that it would start snowing. But I absolutely hated the snow. I walked out of my room and over to the thermostat and turned up the heat to 70°. I sighed and went back into my room. And pulled on more appropriate clothing. A pair of leggings and my Undertale shirt. I wear this shirt a lot, it's soft and comfortable. I then walked downstairs and into the kitchen where my mom, dad, Alic, Haylee and Mason sat getting ready to eat breakfast. I sat down next to Alic instead of Mason like I normally would. But seeing as though me and Mason weren't on speaking turns at the moment I sat with Alic.
"So Emily, how'd your date with Bryan go?" Haylee asked. I blushed.
"It went good, we went ice skating and had Del Taco for dinner at my request." Everyone stared at me wide eyed. "What?"
"You went ice skating? The girl who hates anything and everything cold, went ice skating." Alic chipped in.
"That would be a sight to see." I rolled my eyes at my father. We ate breakfast and Mason and Haylee left and me and Alic went out to my car and got in.
"So Alic, how's Jake?"
"Good. He's going to Florida for Thanksgiving, he leaves today." He said sadly.
"Don't be sad, you get to be with me and Bryan while he's gone. I won't leave your side while he's away." He smiled at me as we pulled into his school parking lot. "Now go and make his last day a great one and let him leave needed to be with you." He chuckled and nodded. I drove home and my mom's car was here. Maybe she'll dye my hair like I've been wanting for a while. I ran inside and to her work space, which is where I knew she would be. I was right, there she was filling out a new order form for her cosmetic supplies.
"Hey mom." She looked up from what she was doing.
"Yes darlin'?"
"I was wondering if you could dye my hair?"
"Sure sweetie. Just the normal dark brown?"
"No I was thinking I would change it up a bit." She smiled and raised her eyebrow at me.
"What would you like?" I got my phone out of my pocket and showed her a picture.
"You really want to be adventurous this time round, huh?"
"Yeah, I've just grown tired of the brown." She nodded in understanding.
"Shall we get to work then? We have 8 hours til you need to go get Alic."
"Yes, let's do it." We got started and about an hour later I had dark purple hair.

" We got started and about an hour later I had dark purple hair

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"Thanks mom, I love it." I smiled at my reflection.
"You're welcome dear. Have you turned in anything for school?"
"No I haven't been to my school. I'll head there now I guess." She smiled at me and nodded.
"I'm gonna head to the office now. Have a good day sweetie." I said bye to my mom and walked back to my room to get dressed. I pulled on black skinny jeans with three zippers, and my Undertale Hoodie leaving on the shirt. Then to finish off the look I pulled on my black high tops with gold accents.

 Then to finish off the look I pulled on my black high tops with gold accents

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I grabbed my things I needed to turn into my counselor. I grabbed my keys and phone and walked out to my car, getting in and started driving to Weber. I pulled into guest parking and got out of my car locking the doors, just in case. I walked in the front doors and into the counseling office. The lady at the front desk smiled at me.
"Hello Emily. What beings you here?"
"I came to see my counselor." She nodded.
"Go on back."
"Thanks." About 20 minutes later I was driving to Alic's school to pick him up cause they apparently got out early. That's only because they get out for Thanksgiving break. When he got in the car we drove home. Mean while the snow had started coming down kinda badly. We finally got home, I went up to my room and got back into my pajamas. I made lunch for me and Alic. Mac and cheese with hamburger. We ate and talked about the recent events that have me and Bryan dating. After that Alic went and started on the homework that he got for break. And I went and started a round of online Call of Duty. I had a head set so I was communicating with my team mates. By communicating, I mean yelling at, because it was a very intense round. I didn't realise I had been playing for a few hours until someone scared me. I screamed and jumped a few inches off of my beanbag. And Bryan started laughing.
"Bryan Jones, you're gonna get it!" I got off my seat and start running after him.
"Emily, me and you both know that you won't be able to catch me." He said tauntingly. I growled at him. Right now we we're running around the kitchen island. I then spotted my moms sugar bowl for her coffee in the mornings. I stopped by the sink turned it on and sprayed him with the detachable thingy. Dropped it and ran to the sugar ran back to a complaining Bryan and dumped the whole thing on him. And that's what started an hour long food fight in the middle of my moms kitchen. I was hiding inside the pantry with a can of whip cream in my hand and egg dropping down my face and flour stuck in my hair, that just got dyed. I slowly opened the door and slowly crept out into the open. There was egg, ketchup, well just food in general everywhere. I knew for a fact that my mom was going to kill me. I heard a shuffling noise come from behind me. Not really thinking I sprayed the whip cream at the individual. I then heard a girlish scream. I then realised it was my mom. I stared wide eyed at her. She was glaring at me with her arms crossed. Bryan then stepped out from behind the island. He was covered in ketchup, and any other condiments I could find.
"What did you kids do?"
"Bryan scared me and I started chasing him. And from there it got a little carried away." I said trying to avoid my mothers death glare.
"Well, if you made the mess. You clean it up. Then both of you meed to shower. And Emily for the flour in your hair, use the dish soap. Massage it in thoroughly, rise it out then immediately use conditioner." She then handed us all the cleaning things and left the kitchen. We got to work. And about and hour and a half later we were done.
"OK, Bryan you can use the guest shower while I'm in mine." He nodded and I showed him where to go. I walled to my room and got undressed and as best as I could started washing my hair. It took about 30 minutes. My hair was now completely flour free and well hydrated. Bryan was watching Star Wars on my bed when I walked out. I rolled my eyes and quickly pulled on a bra and underwear under my towel. I dropped the towel and pulled on some shorts and a tank top. I then sat down next to Bryan and watched Star Was episode 7.

A/N: OK, so at least I didn't take as long to write this chapter as I did to write the last one. Hope you liked it!

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