Chapter 35

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A/N: This is just a heads up, there will be 3 different P.O.V in this chapter.

...Emily's P.O.V...
Today's valentines day, Bryan has something special planed for us. He's been staying with us for almost two weeks now, and it's been amazing. Lots of cuddles and movies. Plus we sneak kisses here and there. As I got out of the shower, I dried off and pulled on a strapless push-up bra and a pair of matching panties. I started dancing around to the song that was playing, it was Emperor's New Clothes by Panic! At The Disco. When the song ended I heard someone clear throat. I jumped and spun around, seeing Bryan standing there smirking.
"I'm never gonna get over the sight of you like that." I blushed and tried to cover myself up but Bryan interrupted by grabbing my hands. "Don't ever cover yourself, you're gorgeous." He then kissed my cheek. "Now get ready, we have plans. Remember?" I nodded and he left. I pulled on my dress and walked into the bathroom doing my hair and makeup. After doing that I pulled on my shoes, lacing them up.

I carefully stood up and grabbed my little hand bag and slid my phone inside

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I carefully stood up and grabbed my little hand bag and slid my phone inside. I sighed checking myself in the full length mirror hanging on my door. I think I'm ready to go. I opened my bedroom door and started down the stairs. When I got to the second to last step the boys finally noticed I was there. When Bryan saw me his mouth looked like it was going to hit the floor and his eyes looked as though they were going to pop out of his head. I giggled at him. Mason was just smirking, I don't really know why he is smirking at me. I just rolled my eyes at him. I stepped down off the stairs and walked over to Bryan, smiling at him.
"May I ask where we are going?"
"No, it's a surprise." I gave him a playful glare. We said our goodbyes and we were out the door.

...Bryan's P.O.V...
"Bryan, man." I was just about to walk upstairs to go get Emily because if we didn't leave shortly we'd be late.
"Mason." We did that bro hug thing.
"I was wondering what you intentions were with my sister tonight?" I understood why he'd be worried about it.
"I wasn't really planing much, we have reservations at her favorite restaurant then from there I was thinking we'd come back here and watch a movie or something a long those lines." He nodded in approval but continued on talking.
"She really does love you, you know? She may not show it or say it that often. But she does, I don't understand why. If you hurt her in anyway, like you did before I will hunt you down and kill you."
"Yes sir."
"Good, now if you guys do end up doing... Well doing it... Use protection."
"That's up to her, I'm waiting for her OK." He nodded and I noticed Emily on the stairs, she was beautiful. Her dress, fit her waist and breast area perfectly. Her makeup just the normal neutral shades she always wears, with the exception of bright red lip stick. Her hair falling in it's natural wave, in the color of dark purple that I've come to love. She stepped down off the stairs walking over to me with a giant smile on her face.
"May I ask where we are going?" She asked.
"No, it's a surprise." She sent me a playful glare. We said goodbye to everyone and we left. When we got to the restaurant Emily's eyes light up with excitement. Throughout dinner we chatted and laughed about random nothingness. When we finally went back to her house went up to her room.

...Emily's P.O.V...
Dinner was amazing. not just because of the food, but because I was with the man I love. The random things we talk about, are the most amazing thing in the world. When we got back to my house we went up to my room and I turned on some music. It was a country song, Blake Shelton's Doin' What She Likes.

Bryan grabbed a hold of me and we started dancing. We moved in sync to the beat of the song, my head resting on his shoulder. He was humming the song. When the song ended I looked up into Bryan's eyes, he was already smiling down at me. I had taken my shoes off when we had gotten here so I stood up on my tiptoes and kissed him. He picked me up and carried me to the bed. We continued to kiss, until I needed to breath. I pulled away and he kissed down my jaw line. I moaned when he got to a certain spot on my neck. I felt his hands wandered around my body. I grabbed them.
"Wow, Slow down. Now's not the time." He stopped doing what he was doing.
"I understand." I smiled at him.
"I can tell you one thing though, Bryan."
"What's that?" He asked. Getting ready for bed.
"I love you very much."
"I love you to." He laid on the bed and I pulled on Bryan's shirt and got on the bed cuddling in close to him. We started watching Zootopia, I fell asleep half way trough with a huge smile on my face. Thinking that this was the best valentines day I've ever really had.

...Alic's P.O.V...
Me and Jake have been together for 7 months, 2 days and 3 hours, But who's counting? It's Valentines day, I normally say 'oh fuck it.' but this time it's a different story. I have Jake, the person I hope is the love of my life. I honestly, love him so much. I don't know where I'd be without him. I probably would still be in the closet about my sexuality. I would probably be in a worse depression then I was before. I'm glad he came out, it incuraged me to come out. I'm the happiest I've ever really been since I was little. As I finished straightening my hobbit hair, Jake came up behind me wrapping his arms around me.
"What do you want to do tonight?" I smirked at his question. He knew fully well what I wanted to do today. But I guess we can't do that all day.
"Wanna go see Fifty Shades Darker, then go eat something?" I suggested.
"I'll only go see that movie for you." I smiled and we got ready to go.
~~time skip~~
The movie was amazing, it was awkward being a gay couple going to see it, but it was amazing none the less. Right now we're eating at Zhang's. I was getting tired, Jake could tell by just looking at me. He smiled at me.
"Alic it's not that I don't want to, because I totally do. But what if we wait tell another time. You look hella tired." I chuckled at his choice of words.
"Yeah, that's fine."
"OK, let's get you home, so you can sleep."
"As long as you can cuddle with me." He chuckled but agreed to it anyway. As we waited for Mason to pick us up we talked about random thing. When we finally got to my house we walked up to my room and got into bed. And fell asleep with a goofy ass grin on my face.

A/N: And there you have... Valentines day with Emily and Bryan, and Alic and Jake. I hope you guys like it!! I wrote all but Alic's P.O.V last night, I stayed up till almost midnight last night writing. My creative flow was very strong last night and it was amazing to actually do what I love for the first time in forever. I'm sorry I didn't go into much detail, sorry if it doesn't have what you we're hoping for... I honestly just thought it would be a good filler chapter.. Thank you all for reading!
P.S. Hope you guys are having an amazing Valentines Day!

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