Emily Smith, the girl no body notices. The girl that is so antisocial the only people she talks to is her family. The girl who has trust issues. The girl that has social anxiety to the point where she has difficulties getting out of bed...
Breath, Emily, breath. Why? Why, did you have to wait til now to have an attack? With ten minutes til lunch I'm having and anxiety attack in the middle of senior hall because I couldn't make it to the bathroom in time. First and second period were just fine. Then there was third, I had the same teacher for a different subject and I ran out again because he was having us introduce ourselves again. I just couldn't do it. I had to be careful out here. I could be spotted by anyone, they could hold it against me. I felt someone sit down beside me. I looked up from my hands, you'll never believe who it was. Bryan Jones, the runner up to my brother. Him and my brother can scare anyone away. He pulled me into a hug just in time for the bell to ring. What's up with this? Why is he doing this? "Where do you need to go?" He whispered so no one else could hear, not like they were paying any attention to us. They were all too hungry to tell. "My car, so I can leave. I can't be here any more." I felt him nod. He slowly stood up pulling me up with him. Compared to his 5'11" frame I was short. "Where did you park?" "In the back by the fence." "OK let's get you outta here." I nodded and we made our way to my car. When we got there, we both got in. "Why did you help me?" "Why wouldn't I help?" "Oh I don't know... Because I'm the most socially awkward person at the school? Because you don't know me? There are a million reasons you could choose out of to not to help me." He just shrugged. "Why did you leave dinner last night?" I stayed silent. "Is it the same reason as to what happened just barely?" Again I didn't answer. He sighed. "Whatever, I need to go get lunch." In a blink of an eye he was out of the car and no where in sight. I started my car and drove home. When I got there I ignored my mom's questioning and went straight to my room. I closed and locked my door and slid down it. Bryan Jones, 5'11". G Easy type hair cut, natural hair color brown but dyes the longer part blonde. He has a tattoo on his left wrist that I have no clue what it says and some Roman numerals on his collar bone. All together he's like a God.
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Not as God like as my brother but still. Why would he help me. I'm a nobody. There's no way he'd really know me, he just met me last night. I've never had a class with him, I see him everywhere though. Why would anyone want to help me, let alone him? I'm a freak, an outcast, so why help? I sighed. I pulled my legs up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them and put my head in my lap. My phone started going off in my pocket. They send me away to find them a fortune A chest filled with diamonds and gold The house was awake With shadows and monsters The hallways they echoed and groaned I answered it before it could go further into the song. "Hello?" "Emily? Your mom said you were ignoring her?" Oh shit it's Beca. "Aunt Beca, I'm not in the mood. I've had a rough day. I had yet another attack and someone saw me. So please if you wanna yell, yell but it's only going to make the situation worse." All I heard was silence. "Ok, thanks for letting me know..." She was about to say something else but I hung up cause I didn't want to hear it. I got up and put my phone on my desk. I pulled my clothes off and walked into the bathroom I took a quick shower. I got out and got dressed looking at the time I noticed it was time to go get Alic. I walked downstairs, got in my car and drove off. I pulled into Alic's school and he got in. "How was school?" "It was fine." His face was hidden by his hood. "Alec?" I asked. "What's wrong? Did the kid you like turn you down?" "No." He said in a bitter tone. "Then what in the world is wrong with you?" I asked. I didn't like his attitude. "Nothing is wrong, ok!" He shouted. He made the mistake of looking up to glare at me. I gasped. "Alec. W-what happened?" I stammered. I was beyond shocked. I stared at the black eye he had, accompanied by a bloody nose, and a busted lip. "Alec, did your crush do this to you?" I said softly. His eyes softened at the mention of his crush, but soon returned to the bitter mask. "No." "Then who did this to you." His eyes seemed far away, as he told me the story. "It was during lunch break. Some stupid bullies had Jake cornered. Jake is my crush. Anyway, they were teasing him, because like I told you, he came out a couple days ago. And then it got violent. I couldn't just stand there. I-I just couldn't let that happen. So I interfered. They called me a gay piece of garbage. That I shouldn't live. They said they wished I was dead... They also called me a fag...." He trailed off. I could tell the waterworks were coming, so I crawled into the back seat, locking him into a hug. He sobbed into my chest, ruining my shirt. "It's ok. I promise." "No it's not." I sighed. "OK then let's go talk to the principal." He only nodded. I got out of the car Alic following behind me. I walked to the principal's office and knocked on the door. "Come in!" I opened the door and walked in. "Hello, I'm Emily Smith Alic's older sister. Today when I came to pick up my brother here. He came out with his hood up hiding his face. I pestered him enough to get him to look at me. Come to find out he has bruises and blood all over is face." "Ok, what can I do to help? And why does he have these bruises?" "He was sticking up for Jake, Jake came out as gay and well he started getting bullied. So when Alic stepped in he got beat up as well. I would like for you to do something with the boys who beat up my brother and Jake." "Ok, Alic do you know the name of these boys?" "Yes sir. They were Justin Knight, Alexander McQueen, Westen Renalds, and Josh Allaster." He jotted the names down, and let us leave. We went home and mom started freaking out about Alic's face her forgetting all about what happened to me earlier. I rolled my eyes and went to my room. Where I stayed the rest of the night.
A/N: I'm so sorry I take forever to update, school starts tomorrow and I've been going crazy making sure everything is good to go. Thank you for sticking around to read my book.