Emily Smith, the girl no body notices. The girl that is so antisocial the only people she talks to is her family. The girl who has trust issues. The girl that has social anxiety to the point where she has difficulties getting out of bed...
The next morning we grabbed our bags and headed out. We were going to my aunt Beca's summer home in Idaho. We have a week to stay in the house before we have to head back home. It's a log cabbin in the middle of no where. It's big and beautiful. It's a beautiful dark oak wood home with stones as the accents. When we first walk in we were greated with a large family/living room. Most of the room was white with dark oak wood accents, it had a single different colored couch. When you look to the right you're met with stairs, then looking to the left is a large hallway. Walking down the hall way you're met with the dining room and a door in the back of the room, beyond the door was the kitchen. The kitchen is white with stainless steel appliances. It has a bar and a breakfast table in front of a window looking out into the forests behind us. Walking up the stairs you're met with the master bedroom. It has a decent sized bed, a fireplace, couch and a Chandler hanging from the ceiling. A door just in the other side of the bed, and in that door the master bathroom. It has a giant shower and a bathtub that can fit two people with dubble sink action.
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Plus a couple of other rooms down the hall. When we got settled in we decided to cook dinner. It was about 11 at night. As we cook the silliest dinner for just us we talked and drank my aunt Beca's secret stash of booz, she kept hidden in the floor boards of the kitchen storage cubord. My uncle doesn't like hard liquor but Beca does. We sat down to eat and talked about nothing still. About half way through dinner I bit my lip at something Bryan said. He grunted. "What?" I asked in worry that he was hurt. "Please don't." I gave him a questioning look. "Don't do what?" I said bitting my lip in worry like I always do. ***WARNING SEXUAL CONTENT*** ...Read at your own risk... "Bit your lip. It's a massive turn on, you know that." He said gesturing to my mouth. I bit my lip again, this time in a sexual way. "What if I don't stop?" "Then I'll take you right here right now." "What if I want that to happen?" I growled in an animalistic way. It sounded kinda sexy. He stood up and walked around the table grabbing me making me stand up, instantly kissing me. He started rubbing circles on my hip bones with his thumbs, my turn on. I moaned into the kiss that turned heated very quickly. He then decided it would be a brilliant idea to literally rip my shirt open and push it off onto the kitchen floor. I started unbuttoning his shirt while he continued to trace circles in my exposed skin. When his shirt was completely unbuttoned I pushed it off of him in a mad rush. I pulled away from the kiss for air. He attached his lips to my neck, finding my sweet spot immediately. I mean he should know where it is by now, we've done this a countless number of times. God just doesn't hate us for doing so any more, now that we're merried. I had somehow, lossed my short shorts in this process. I only noticed because Bryan picked me up and his hands touched my bare skin. He started walking toward the stairs, walking up them to go up to the bed room. When we got up there we removed what little clothing we had left on. Bryan laid me down on the bed and he followed by climbing ontop of me. I'm not going to go into any more after that because I frankly don't remember. ***end Explicit content*** It's been a couple days since the very first night. I don't feel good what so ever. I puke when ever I cook food that has any sort of blood. As I stand over the toilet to flush what ever I've eaten the last few days down. I walk over at my toiletries bag to find TUMS to help settle my stomach. I then saw my box of tampon sitting in the bottom of the bag. "Shit." I said more to myself then anything. "What's wrong babe?" Bryan asked coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. I grabbed the box out of the bag, holding them up. "This, this is what's wrong." "Are you out?" "No, I was supposed to start yesterday." His eyes grew I'm shock. "Are you sure you not just late?" "Maybe, but my periods always come on time." I bit my lip in worry. He turned me around and hugged me tight. "If you are, what we are both thinking, that'll be amazing." "It would be but Maddie is just barely one, I don't think I'm ready for another." "There's only one way to tell." He said to me. "Pregnancy test." We got dressed and made our way to the store. We got what we needed and went back to the cabin. I went to the bathroom and did my business. I walked out. "Now to wait." I said holding up the test. "Ok, no matter what it says it'll be ok." "I know, it's just scary. We already have one, what are we gonna do with another?" "Love it just as much as we love Maddie." Bryan cooked us lunch, as we waited for the test. It has been more then the recommended time for it to work, for a better result. As I looked at the two pink lines on the test my word came down. It was perfect the way it was. I don't see how having another baby could make it better. "Well?" "Well... I'm pregnant." He smiled. He ran up to me wrapped his arms around me, picked me up and spun around. He sat me back down on my feet. "I hope it's a boy. Don't get me wrong I would love it even if it's a girl, but I really want another guy in the house that isn't gay now that Mason moved out." I giggled at his reasoning. If this is going to happen I'm glad it's with the man I love. Seeing him so happy that I'm pregnant makes me the happiest girl in the world. ...time skip... Day 4 of being pregnant again. I honestly hate it. The food I eat never stays down. I hate the first 3 months of pregnancy, I hated it with Maddie. We started our journey home late last night, so it's like around midnight. We are about an hour away from home and I really need to pee. Bryan then decided to speed to get me home faster. When we finally got home I ditched Bryan in the car and bolted inside. Ignoring all the people in the living room to go relive myself. When I was fully sat down did I realize the blood in my underwear, and my upper thighs. I gave it a questioning look. It was enough blood for like the first day for your period, but it wasn't alot. I looked at the back of my pants, the little amount of blood had soaked through my pants. I started to cry. Oh no. The only way I could have started bleeding like this is if.... I stripped my clothes and called Bryan. He answered immediately. "What's wrong?" "Do we have another test?" "Umm yeah, why?" "I need it, will you please bring it to me in between a clean pear of PJ shorts and underwear." "Yes which bathroom?" "Kitchen." I then hung up and started to clean myself up with the sink and a wash-rag. Then came a knock at the door. I opened it and grabbed the things from Bryan and closed the door, with Bryan asking questions. I quickly peed on the test and got dressed putting a pad on just because of the blood. I waited for the 15 minutes with a begging Bryan just outside of the door. When I saw the result my world shattered. Just as soon as I've come to be happy about having another little one around, this had to happen. As I stared at the one line on the stick, I let out an agonisingly sad cry. I sank to the floor next to the toilet and wrapped my arms around me knees and started crying. I heared the door unlock and open and close, then lock again. I felt someone sit down next to me. I looked over at the person. It was Alic. "Tell me what happened." I nodded and pulled the old test of of my purse handing it too him. "I was supposed to get my period the 2nd day of our honeymoon and when it didn't come we bought some tests. It came back positive. Then on the way home I had to pee the whole way from the state line, but I just held it in. Then when we got here I came in and peed, there was blood on my legs and in my pants. I took the second test." I handed it to him. "It's negitve. And the blood means I had a miscarriage. I hated the idea at first but it grew on me, I wanted another little one around. I feel like I failed." I said leaning my head onto his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sorry Em, let's go get you in a nice warm bath." I nodded and Alic stood up unlocking the door and had Bryan carry me upstairs. He put me into the tub and Alic shooed him off. He sat on the floor next to the tub. "Em, I know it seems like you failed but sometimes things are bound to happen. Your body knows when it's a good time for having a baby, apparently it just not ready." I smiled at him. He always knew how to cheer me up even if it was a little bit. "That is true, but that doesn't make me feel any-less worse." I said, he nodded in understanding. When I got out of the bath Alic helped me get into pjs and left. Bryan came in a few minutes later, with Maddie. They both came up to me on the bed. Bryan handed me Maddie and I laid down with her while Bryan changed. When he was done he came and climbed into bed with me and Maddie. He didn't say anything, it was like he knew I didn't want to talk. He pulled me closer into him and Maddie next me. We all three fell asleep on our King sized bed cuddled up in one big cuddle pile.
A/N: Well I hope you Enjoyed! Sorry the chapter took so long. Every time I wrote, I started crying cause I knew what was coming, I'm sorry it took such a dark turn. I have more in-store for you guys but I hope you enjoyed! Thanks you for reading! XOXO~Kaimee20