Emily Smith, the girl no body notices. The girl that is so antisocial the only people she talks to is her family. The girl who has trust issues. The girl that has social anxiety to the point where she has difficulties getting out of bed...
...Bryan's P.O.V... When I woke up this morning Emily wasn't next to me. She must have gotten up a while ago. I looked at the clock. On my phone and saw it was 6:30. That's abnormally early for Emily to be out of bed. I sat up getting out of bed. I walked out to the kitchen. I opened the fridge as best I could, with these stupid locks. I grabbed the orange juice and poured some into a cup. Next to the toaster I saw a note. It read. Bryan, I know you're anearly riser so you'll be the one to read this. I went to go pick up Alic, Jake and Haylee from the airport. I'll be back home around 7:30. Love~Emily. I loved Emily's messy scrawl. It was still girly but is was very messy, I loved reading it. I sighed, what was I supposed to do? I walked into the living room and turned on the TV. SpongeBob was on so I started watching it. A few minutes later my stomach growled. I groaned in annoyance. I got off the couch walking back into the kitchen. I grabbed the bread out of the bread box. Now what? I need to get into on of the fucking cupboards that Emily put a lock on for my peanut butter. I get my own jar because I can eat a whole one by myself. I swear if Emily hadn't agreed to merry me I would have merrier peanut butter. I chuckled to myself. I went to go open the cupboard but failed miserably. "Yeah, fuck you to." I said flipping off the cupboard. I walked back to the bed room grabbing my phone and calling Emily. "Hello?" It was Alic and then a bunch of moaning noises. "Jake, Haylee shut the fuck up!" Emily yelled. Silence. Than a "What?" Came from her. "You swore." Kats voice rang. "Yeah, it kinda happens when you live with two idiots who do nothing but swear." She said at the phone, I quick to be offended and commented. "Hey I don't swear all the time.. Oh and the reason why I called in the first place is, how in the fucking hell do you work these cupboards! Oh and hi mom! I didn't know you we're coming with them." "Yeah, don't tell Mason. It's supposed to be a surprise." Mom said. I nodded, knowing they can't see me. "Bryan, I'll now answer how to open to cupboards. Go to the one you want open." I walked down the hallway and to the cupboard "Ok I'm at the cupboard." "Now, listen closely. Push on the lock and pull while pushing." I did as she said but failed again. Causing me to let out a a string of Spanish cuss words. Thanks to Emily I know some Spanish. "Jódete! Perra! It didn't work Emily..." "We'll be there in like 10 minutes, if you're really that hungry get food out of the fridge, you idiot." "But I want peanut butter..." I pouted into the phone "OK, I'll be there shortly to get you your freaking peanut butter." "OK love you! Bye!" "Love you too, bye!" I hung up. Putting my phone on the kitchen counter I walked back into the living room sitting down on the couch, continuing in watching SpongeBob. Like she said she was home in 10 minutes. "Come on Bryan let's get you that peanut butter." She said as soon as she walked through the door. Kat disappeared down the hall to Mason's to surprise him. Haylee, Alic and Jake we're laughing and Joking about God knows what. I walked behind Emily and she opened the cupboard with ease and had the peanut butter was in her hands with in seconds. She held it up, with 'see' look on her face. I smiled sheepishly at her taking it from her. "What would I do with out you Emily?" "Probably merry peanut butter." I nodded in agreement. It was like she was reading my mind. I gave her a kiss on the lips and she disappeared down the hall to probably go back to sleep.
...time skip... After Emily woke up around 8 everyone except for me and Mason went shopping. They left around 9 its now dinner time. And they're just walking though the door. Giggling and laughed carrying bags apon bags to mine and Emily's room. Great... a few minutes later Emily was calling for me. "Bryan!!!" I got up and jogged down the hallway. "What to you need Em?" "I was wounding if you and Mason could go get everyone some Chipotle for dinner?" "But thats a 40 minute drive there and back." I complained. She opened the door and she was in one of my shirts the seem to drown her. She closed the door behind her. "Please babe, I'm craving it." She gave me her puppy dog face. I groaned knowing I couldn't help but say yes. "OK. I'll be back." She smiled kissing me on the cheek and went back in the room. I grabbed my car keys and dragged Mason to the car and left the apartment to go get the food.
...Emily's P.O.V... They left maybe 10 minute ago and our plan was in full swing. We bought a couple pregnancy tests and we typed on a piece of paper saying; "Hi, daddy! I can't wait to meet you! I lobe you!!!" With a heart in the middle of the paper.
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I took the tests and waited to type the paper just to be sure that I didn't lose the baby with in the two days I've known. When I saw that they we positive, I put the paper and test in the middle of the coffee table. Alic and Jake decorated the living area with pink and blue steamers and balloons. Haylee decided to draw on my stomach. She drew an animated baby waving, then wrote the words; "Hello everyone!". Then drew a loading bar saying 1% so Mason would understand in gaming terms. Yes my brother is really that dumb sometimes. We also got a box of doughnuts putting them on the counter. On the inside of the box was a paper saying; "You better start eating, My mommy doesn't want to be the only one with a belly.". All together it was really cute. The boys got back just after Haylee put the finishing touches on my stomach.
...Bryan's P.O.V... When we walked into the house with the food in our hands, we were greeted by pinks and blues. I put the food on the table. Mason fallowing my lead. There was a box on the counter. Opening it, there was a paper taped to it. It read; You better start eating, my mommy doesn't want to be the only one with a belly. "The hell?" I asked Mason knowing he was right behind me. "I don't know man." We walked the little ways to the living room. There in the middle of the coffee table was a paper and some sticks. I walked over to them, I then realised the sticks, were pregnancy tests. The paper said; Hi, daddy! I can't wait to meet you! I love you!!!. With a heart in the middle. I was just as confused as ever. "Emily!" She then came walking down the hall. "Yes?" She asked innocently. "What is this?" I said gesturing to the things around us. She sighed and pulled her crop top up. On her stomach was a drawing of a baby saying Hello everyone. And a percentage bar saying 1%. I was then hit with realization. I was shocked at first and then confused cause we always use protection. Then over joyed, because I'm going to be a father. I ran over to Emily, and picked her small frame up into a hug. I put her down and started talking. "Really." "Yes, that's what happened at the doctors the other day. I was scared to tell you, I couldn't do it on my own. That's why mom is here and why Haylee, Alic and Jake are here two weeks early." I smiled down at her. "Well, I'm over joyed that we're pregnant. I love you and the un-born baby that's growing inside of you." I then kissed her. After me and Mason were told of the good news we ate and went to bed. Me with a giant smile on my face the whole time.
A/N: Two updates in one day! what???? I know that you guys weren't expecting two new chapters in one day but here you go! This chapter just kinda flowed out of me. I really enjoyed making this chapter. Like I already said I knew exactly what I wanted to do and just went for it, I think it turned out kinda good. I hope you guys liked it!! XOXO~Kaimee20