Emily Smith, the girl no body notices. The girl that is so antisocial the only people she talks to is her family. The girl who has trust issues. The girl that has social anxiety to the point where she has difficulties getting out of bed...
The next morning, if you could call it morning when you wake up at 2 in the afternoon, I woke up to the smell of Bacon cooking. I tried to sit up but there was something heavy holding me down. I opened my eyes and looked down at the thing that was on me, it was an arm. Starting at the hand I fallowed the arm, up the bicep, over the curve of the shoulder and to the owners face. I smiled at the lightly snoring boy in front of me. Bryan's face, relaxed and as gorgeous as ever. His jaw slack and slightly open, for breathing. I started to push his arm off me, but it was no use. I was trying to move dead weight. "Maldita sea(God damnit), Bryan. Get your fat arm off of me." I said pushing his arm. No answer, no movement. I sighed. I looked at his sleeping face. He is a very heavy sleeper, I sighed thinking. I then looked at his lips and smirked at myself. We were already at a close proximity, why not wake him with a kiss? I moved my face closer to his, pressing our lips together. He started moving his arm up to my bicep, I then pulled away and sat up. I heard him grunt from next to me. "What a great yet horrible way to wake someone up." I giggled at him. I then remembered the Bacon. I quickly got up and bolted to the kitchen. When I got there I tried to stop but failed because of the stupid socks I was wearing, and ran into the counter island. "Fucking Hell, Emily, are you all right?" I looked up at my mother, who was looking down at me with a worried look. I smiled up at her. "Yeah I'm fine, I smelled Bacon and I came running." She started laughing while shaking her head at me. "Of course you did, my little hound dog." I sent her a glare, standing up and stealing a peace of Bacon. "I am not a dog mother." "When it comes to Bacon you are, now go wake up the rest of the teens. I grabbed the plate of Bacon knowing it was going to be the only way to get them up. When I got to the living room, I turned on the little floor fan that was next to the lazy boy, I put the Bacon next to it and let the smell of it waft further into the living room. Alic was the first to move. Then Jake, then Mason and from there everyone was fallowing me to the kitchen for the rest of the delicious food mom had cooked. While eating I started humming the tune to Alessia Cara's Overdose.
(A/N: I absolutely LOVE this song, I can't get enough of it!) I was about half way through humming it when I noticed everyone looking at me. I blushed and looked down. After we finished eating I decided to go downstairs and dance. I changed my clothes, I pulled on my leggings that say, stand out and my sports bra that says, don't know don't care.
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Before anyone could noticed I snuck down the stairs. When I got down to my little dance studio. I plugged my phone into the stereo and pushed play on my music, I got into position and waited for it to start. As the song, This Is Gospel by Panic! At The Disco started, I started to move my body to the beat. Twisting and turning, performing a stage dance that I haven't done in a while. After the song was over I decided that only dancing to one song would be the best option. I grabbed my phone and walked back upstairs. When I got up there I wasn't expecting everyone to still be here, and they were all there in the kitchen just chatting away. When the basement door closed finally everyone's gaze landed on me. With my anxiety high, I ignored everyone and walked up to my room. I plugged my music back in and pushed play. The song I was humming earlier came on. I stripped out of my clothes and got into the shower. I let my muscles relax under the hot water. After spending the night on the living room floor my body is really achy. I sighed in comfort. After I did what I needed, I got out and got dressed in some leggings and an oversized T-shirt. As I walked down the stairs I ran into Bryan. I smiled down at him, seeing as though he was on the step below me. He was the first to speak. "Wanna watch a movie?" "Sure." I said shrugging my shoulders. He the grabbed my had and pulled me back to my room. We laid down on my bed, he grabbed my remote and turned on the tv scrolling through Amazon. We the both decided to watch Suicide Squad. When it got to that part we acted out Bryan and I looked at each other. We started saying the lines along with Harley and Joker, but instead of kissing me on the lips he kissed me on the cheek. After that we continued watching the movie, after the movie we switched to a little kid movie called Trolls. I fell asleep during it, mostly because of bordom, cuddled up into Bryan's warmth. A/N: So yet another chapter. It's not as long as my other chapters, and it's a bit of a filler but it's still a chapter! I've started to slowly get a little better with the things I've been going through. I want to thank you for all the kind comments you guys left on the last chapter, it helped boost my self-esteem. It made me feel like I was worth something, and believe me I really needed it. Sure I'm not fully better, but I'm getting there! Thank you guys so much for the support! XOXO~ Kaimee20