Emily Smith, the girl no body notices. The girl that is so antisocial the only people she talks to is her family. The girl who has trust issues. The girl that has social anxiety to the point where she has difficulties getting out of bed...
I've been in the tub for a good 30 minutes now. Right now I'm sat debating whether or not to get out. I sighed and slowly stood up. I wrapped my towel around my body and walked to my dresser pulling out a bra and pantie set and sat them on my bed. I walked into my closet and found my white dress with dark blue lace on it. I walked back to my bed and pulled all of it on. I walked into my bathroom and curled my hair and did my makeup. I walked back to my closet and grabbed my dark blue high heels with buckles that go up my ankle, pulling them on I checked my phone I saw I had a bunch of tweets and tumbler notifications. I went through and likes all the tweets most of them were by Tyler Oakley. I cleared the tumbler notifications cause I didn't want to get too enthralled in it. Standing up I made any modifications to my makeup that were needed. The next thing I knew there was a knock at my bedroom door. "Emily, the guests are here. Mom and dad want you downstairs, now." "Ok, I'm coming." I opened my door and came face to face with my sister. My sister, Haylee. About a year older than Alic. Alic actually likes me where as Haylee hates me but only because of my fashion sense. She has darker blonde hair, and bluey grey eyes. She's a girly girl and perfect in every way possible.
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She's like a super model compared to me. I sighed, and walked passed her closing the door behind me. She rolled her eyes and made her way downstairs. I took a couple deep breaths and started my decent. I followed the laughter and voices to the family room. I took one more deep breath and walked in. "Oh this is our oldest daughter Emily. She and Mason are twins." My dad said smiling at me. I smiled back and anxiously waved at everyone. My breath started to hitch when a lady I didn't know held her hand out for me to take. I raised my shacking hand and shook it. "It's nice to meet Emily. I'm Kristy this is my husband Matt, our daughter Ellie and our son Bryan." She pointed to each one and of course I just had to recognize the son. My eyes widened in horror. No, no, no. Bryan, Mason's runner up. The second most bad boy in the school. I looked away and started freaking out. Mason must have felt it coming on trough the twin telepathy thing we have going on. He rushed over to me and grabbed my hand squeezing it, I took a deep breath but it wasn't working. Mason leaned over and whispered something in dad's ear. His eyes widened at what Mason said. "Mason, why don't you take your sister and go set the table." Oh thank you Jesus! Mom already set the table. Dad wants Mason to help me calm down. Mason pulled me out of the room and down the hall to the dining room. When we got there Mason pulled me into a hug. I was shacking and sweating and about to cry. He started whispering in my ear. "Mason, I can't do this. I was going to try for dad but, I just can't." "OK, OK. Just calm down, I'll talk to dad." I just nodded. He stuck his head out of the dining room door and yelled. "Dad! We have a little issue!" By the time he brought his head back in I was already on the floor having an attack. Why? Why, me? I pulled my legs up to my chest, put my head on my knees and and put my hands over my ears. At least this one isn't as bad as the one I had at school. "What happened. You were supposed calm her down." My dad said rushing over to me. "Dad, I did the normal calming routine. I don't think her meds are working as good as they used to." "OK, go distract everyone while I take her to her room." Mason nodded and went back to the family room. Why didn't I last as long I thought I would have? My dad picked me up and carried me to my room. Gently putting me on my bed. "Are you OK baby girl?" "No, I can't do this any more. I had a really bad one today at school and now this one. I just can't deal with this." I flung my arms around him. He started rubbing my back. "It'll be OK, I have to go back down there. I'll have Alic bring your food up." I nodded and let my arms fall back to my sides. Then he left. I pulled my shoes off and turned to tv on. Why is my anxiety acting up so bad? I scrolled though Netflix until I found what I was looking, which was Jane The Virgin. I pushed play and started watching. About a minute into the show Alic walked in with my food. He smiled sadly at me. "How you doing sis?" "Fine I guess. I don't even know what brought that attack on. All I know is that they are getting worse and I don't want to do anything but I know I have to." "Well, I don't know what to do for you. Eat this, it'll make you feel better. I have to get back down there though." "OK, I'll do my best." He nodded and placed the Chicken Parmesan down on my table, leaving me to eat and watch my show in peace. I fell asleep after I was done eating my chicken. The next morning I woke up still in my dress. I groaned looking at the time on my phone. It lit up. "The light of a thousand suns, I have seen it. Curse you IPhone." I squinted and focused on the numbers. 4 AM?! I sat up and looked down. I was still in my dress. I got up and walked to my closet stripping my dress off. I pulled on my Harley Quinn sweatpants and my shirt that says 'Daddy's lil monster.' I pulled on my Suicide Squad shoes and pulled my hair into a messy bun.
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I walked downstairs and into the kitchen where I was met by everyone. "You don't have to go to school if you don't want to sweetie. We'll get you signed up for online school if you'd like." "No, I want to stick to our original plan, go half a year then do on line school." "OK, but if you have another bad attack today at school, you're doing online school." My dad said. "Yes dad. Come on Alic we're leaving right now. I'll buy you MacDonald's for breakfast." "Yeah buddy!" With that we walked out the door.