Chapter 33

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It's been a week since the day I started, and Bryan went to the store so many times just to get me more Chocolate, let alone anything else. School started back up for everyone yesterday, let me just tell you it's very lonely. As I lay here in my bed, working on school work I find myself wanting Bryan to barge in here at any moment to watch a movie and talk about random nothingness. I sighed and continued on with my school work. I just kept going not really caring about anything else around me. By the end of the day I had hit the end of third quarter. Closing my laptop I got up to go downstairs, to eat. When I got to the kitchen there was a note on the fridge.
Emily, Mason, Haylee and Alic.
Your father and I are going out of town for about a month. Emily, please take care of the house and cook meals for everyone. Don't eat out all the time. Mason, we don't care if you throw one party while we're gone, just be sure to clean it up. Haylee and Alic, just do you... We should be back the third week of February
Love, MOM.
I sighed and ripped the note off the fridge. I then rang the bell the signifies the start of a family meeting, I knew everyone was home because it was 5:00. I heard everyone running down the stair. I heard a loud noise then a groan and the next thing I knew they were all in front of me.
"Why did you call a family meeting?" Mason asked.
"Where's mom and dad?" Haylee asked.
"What's wrong?" Alic asked worried. Then they just kept asking questions. I sighed.
"Shut it!" I yelled. They all got quiet really fast.
"Mom and dad are out of town for a month or so. I'm in charge of all of you because I'm apparently 'responsible' meaning you all have to listen to me." Mason raised his hand. "That includes you Mason." His hand went down. "Mason, mom said you could throw a party as long as it gets cleaned up before they get back. They'll be back sometime in February. And Haylee and Alic, mom said to just do you."
"Hell yeah!" Mason then started party planing.
"OK well I'm inviting Brent over. " Haylee was on the phone with in seconds.
"I'll let you invite Bryan over if I can invite Jake." I chuckled at Alic.
"It's a deal." He was then on his phone with Jake. I pulled my phone out and called Bryan. He answered on the second ring.
"What brings you to call me, my good lady?" I shook my head at his silliness.
"Well, good sir. I was wondering if you'd like to come over for dinner?"
"May I ask what's for this so called dinner?"
"Hmm, I was thinking of making Orange Chicken. But with actual spiciness.." He chuckled.
"Sure thing, I'll be right over." He hung up. I sighed opening YouTube and went to my music playlist and clicked on it. This playlist contains the songs that I've liked and the songs that I always have on repeat. The first song that come on was Ghost by Halsey. I sighed, I miss having a best friend I could talk to about boy problems but that all changed when I caught my best friend and boyfriend in bed together.

I walked around the mall, looking for something special to wear for tonight. Nothing to flashy but something special non the less. Me and Andrew had been dating for almost a year now. It's been and amazing year with him. He's amazing, and I love him very much. He's been patient with me about having sex and I finally decided that he has had enough waiting, I was ready to give it away to him. I finally bought something and went home to get ready. I didn't tell him I was going over. When I was finally ready, I pulled on an oversized t-shirt so it would cover up the surprise that was underneath it. I grabbed my car keys and was out the door driving to Andrew's house. As I pulled into the drive way I noticed a familiar car was parked on the side of the road in front of his house. I just figured it was one of Andrew's parents cars and shrugged it off. I got out of my car and pulled the jacket that I had grabbed, closer to my body for warmth, it was spring time so it was a little chilly. As I walked into the house I walked upstairs and to Andrew's door. There was noises coming from inside, and me being the native person that I was, just figured it was nothing. As I opened the door, I didn't expect to see what I saw. I then remembered why that car on the curb looked so familiar. It was Jessie's, aka my best friend's, car. There they were, my best friend and my boyfriend going at it like dogs in heat. I slammed to door closed and ran down the stairs and out the door. I got in my car and drove, never stopping. I just kept driving. I felt like I was going to die. My heart felt like it was shattering into a million pieces. My stomach hurt from the heartache and I knew for a fact that it wasn't from the lack of food because I had eaten before I went over to his house. I hadn't realized I had driven for as long as I had till the sun started to rise. I pulled into a parking lot and looked at my surroundings. I was at an abandoned building. It was then did I finally let myself fall into little pieces. I was crying, well more like wailing, I could hear my phone going off in the middle console I just couldn't bring myself to look at it. When I was done, I carefully drove home. I had to drive along time, seeing as though I drove all the way to Ogden and I lived in Brigham City.
End of flashback.

It was that day that changed me forever. It was that day I discovered my secret place, the place only I knew about. It's been four years since that day. It's been three years since my parent's businesses took off and we moved to North Ogden. Ever since that day, I became the panicky girl you all know and love. I didn't know I was crying until I felt the tears fall off my chin. I wiped my face off and started pulling the things that I needed to make Orange Chicken. There where signs everywhere, that they we're cheating. They were always close, they had to be in the same room as each other. They we're close before I came along. I slowly started cutting up the things I put in the dish. I started humming to the dull sound of Haunting by Halsey. As I slid the chicken into the oven I heard someone whistle. I quickly stood up and turned around, closing the door in the process.
"What a sight to come into." Bryan said smirking. I put my hands on my hips and glared at him.
"Oh is that so?" I said cocking my eyebrow. He nodded.
"Yes, it's amazing.." I rolled my eyes at him.
We then started the rest of dinner.

...To Be Continued...

A/N: Hello, sorry it's taken me so long to give you guys this chapter. I've been having a rough time recently. My life has completely turned upside down. The person that I've put my trust in for the past 18 years, has completely lost my trust. This person ran away from home, I thought that I finally talked this person into coming and living with me, but they lied and went clear across the country. This person was the only friend I had until last year when I met the two people who I now consider my best friends. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I know that I enjoyed writing it as it got my mind off my heartache. Thank you for staying to read my book!

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