Chapter 14

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Today is Friday so it's been about a week since I kinda forgave Bryan and half a week since I started my online classes. Yes I was supposed to start Tuesday but I decided it would be OK for me to take a break for a day. So here I am doing what my computer is telling me to do, which just so happened to be English when Mason walked in.
"Emily put on a dress appropriate for a party, and be downstairs in 10 minutes." He then walked out. Instead of arguing with him I logged off of my school and went and pulled on my lacy sleeved black dress, my black butler tights, and my black zip up heels.

 Instead of arguing with him I logged off of my school and went and pulled on my lacy sleeved black dress, my black butler tights, and my black zip up heels

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I walked downstairs and what I saw shocked me. A bunch of teenagers dance and grinding on each other in the middle of the living room. I pushed my way through the crowd and into the kitchen where I saw Mason, Bryan and every senior football player from our school. With my anxiety high, I walked up to my stupid brother.
"Mason, I need to speak with you. Alone, please." He looked down at my outfit and shook his head at my tights. "OK, let's go upstairs." He hooked his arm with mine and started dragging me through the crowed of people. We walked upstairs and to my room.
"What the hell Mason! You know I can't do parties!" I said while poking his chest, and throwing my arms up in the air.
"Emily, I'm just trying to get you to have some fun. Mom and dad are gone for a week they left after work today. Emily, I want you to go down there have a few drinks and loosen up."
"No. I refuse. Mason you of all people know how much large crowds effect me!"
"I'm older then you, so you have to listen to me. I want you downstairs having fun, like now."
"Just because you're just a few minutes older then me doesn't mean you can boss me around. I am my own person, Mason."
"Emily, I know that and if it's not me by your side it'll be Bryan. So please come down and have fun. I bought you some fruity flavored alcohol, that no one else can drink but you. You won't be able to taste the alcohol. Please Em. Alic is at Jake's house and Haylee is at Jessica's house, so you won't be setting a bad example for them."
"OK I'll go down and have some fun. But only on one condition."
"What's that?"
"I'm not dancing."
"Fine." We then walked back downstairs and back into the kitchen. Where Bryan got into the top of the cupboard and pulled out strawberry infused Vodka, and handed it to me. I opened it and took my first drink. I waited for the pungent taste to enter my mouth but it never came. All I could taste was the strawberry, not even the after taste was bad. I pulled to bottle away from my mouth and looked at my brother and smiled fakely at him. I've had a few drinks before, but only enough to get me tipsy not drunk. Mason wants to see me drunk. He then started drinking himself. I rolled my eyes and walked out into our back yard, with my strawberry vodka. The back yard was barren where as the rest of the house was very full. I don't see why though, there's a fireplace, a pool, a hot tub and plenty of room to dance and have fun.

I sighed and walked over to one of the lounging chairs and sat back, drinking and star gazing

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I sighed and walked over to one of the lounging chairs and sat back, drinking and star gazing. I wasn't even half way through my bottle when I started feeling the affects, I'm apparently a lightweight. I felt my anxiety start to disappear. I'm hungry. I pulled out my phone and noticed that it was almost 11 o'clock. Do you know what sounds good? Tacos. I got out of my chair and made my way back into the house, still drinking my bottle. I walked in the back door and noticed the party was slowly starting to die down. I still want my tacos, I'm really hungry. I walked to the stairs and got up to the landing and looked over the remaining teens, I looked down at my bottle an noticed it was almost gone. How did that happen? I giggled and shrugged it off. I then spotted Bryan. My heels were out by the pool still so I ran down the stairs and over to where he stood in all his handsomeness. I giggled at myself.
"Bryan!" I said flinging myself onto his back.
"Yes Emily?" He said angrily. I giggled and he dropped me onto my feet, turning around and looking at me properly.
"Bryan, I'm hungry and want tacos!" I yelled at him, then giggled at how funny I sounded.
"Are you drunk?" I looked down at my bottle, and drank the rest.
"Yep." I said popping the 'p'. I grabbed his hands and pulled him trying to get him to cook for me. "Please Bryan, I want tacos."
"OK, let's go make you tacos." He said and started walking to the kitchen. The people in the kitchen included my brother and the football players, everyone else had left.
"Yo, bro! What's up?" I giggled at myself for saying yo and bro in the same sentence.
"Hi, Emily. Not much?" He said in more of a question then a statement.
"Do you have any more of that drink? If so I would like to drink it with my tacos."
"What tacos?"
"The tacos that Bryan is making right now." I said pointing to where Bryan was pulling out the things to make tacos.
"Oh, OK... Yes I have more. I'll get it for you."
"Yay!" I said clapping. My anxiety isn't acting up. It must be the alcohol. Mason then handed me a raspberry version of the drink I had before. I took it.
"Emily, what happened to your shoes?" He asked, I looked down at my feet and thought about it.
"Oh they're out by the pool!" I stated while opening the Vodka, and taking a long drink. My brother gaped at me.
"When were you ever outside?"
"I wanted to star gaze, and I've been out there for most of the party." I said shrugging.
"OK, well I was wondering if the team and Bryan could stay the night?"
"I don't care as long as the others leave." I said going over to help Bryan, make my tacos. He was almost done. My brother walked out of the room and to the dj was. I couldn't see him but I could hear him.
"Sorry people, party is over. We'll see you at the next one." People booed and started to leave. Within 10 minutes the house was clear, except for the football players, and I was eating my delicious tacos. I finished off my food and had drank half the bottle of Vodka, and I was beyond my breaking point.
"Mason! I'm going downstairs!" I said picking up my phone and headed down to my secret dance room that only my family knew about.
"OK, be careful!" He yelled form somewhere in the house, cleaning up. I ran down the stairs and into my little room. I plugged my phone into the speaker system and hit shuffle on my playlist. I started dancing to the many types of music on my phone, drinking the last half of my Vodka while doing so. By this point I was very drunk. I put down the empty bottle and just danced. By the end of my third song, I got someone clapping. As quickly as I could I spun around.
"You're an amazing dancer, Emily." I blushed at Bryan's words. He walked up to me, and pulled me into a hug. Why's he hugging me? Taking in the fact that this is the first time he's hugged me without me having an attack I hugged him back. "You ready for bed?" I nodded the best I could being in this drunken state. Bryan grabbed my phone and the empty bottle. "You're gonna regret drinking this much in the morning." He started walking and I stumbled after him, till we got to the stairs that is, I grabbed the handle and tried my best to walk up them. I started laughing at myself for failing each step I took.
"What's so funny down there?" Mason called out.
"Your sister is completely wasted dude." Bryan called.
"I wanna see this!" The next thing I know there were 5 new pairs of eyes watching me. For the first time since I started drinking tonight, I felt and attack coming on. Bryan noticed and blocked everyone's view.
"Not a good idea Mason." Bryan said giving my brother the look. He apparently didn't comprehend it because he just kept watching me. I hid my face in Bryan's back. I didn't know that I could have an attack while drunk. Bryan felt the start of the attack. He grabbed my hand and ran up the rest of the stairs, pushing the huge house like football players out of the way. He stopped in the kitchen and turned and picked me up, knowing that I was to drunk to run the rest of the way to my room. He then, as fast as he could, got me to my room. Laying me on my bed, he laid down next to me. Pulling me into his chest he started whispering sweet nothings into my ear. I started calming down little by little.
"Are you better?"
"Yes. Thank you Bryan, you've been amazing to me." After I said that I kissed him on the cheek. He smiled his thousand Watt smile at me.
"You're welcome Emily. Now why don't you get some sleep." I cuddled up to him and fell asleep.

A/N: Yes I know something a little different, but I thought why not have her not be such a good girl. I've lead her to be a little bit too good, which wouldn't be if her mom is the badass of the last book. So there ya go, the good girl isn't so good.

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