Chapter 37

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Mom and dad came back yesterday. Which means Bryan had to go home. I'm about half way done with last quarter of school. I turned in the work I had done into my consular at school. It's a Tuesday today, so everyone is gone to either work or school so I'm home alone. It's still early in the morning so I had awhile till anyone would be home. I sighed.
"Maybe I'll go to the mall." Yes the last time I went to the mall was not that long ago but I had someone with me. Let's hope this trip will go fine. I got dressed in black skinny jeans, my undertale hoodie and some black high tops.

 I got dressed in black skinny jeans, my undertale hoodie and some black high tops

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I grabbed my car keys, wallet, and headed out. When I pulled into the parking lot I found a spot that wasn't very far from the door. I parked and walked into the large building. I walked into many stores, Bath And Body Works, Hot Topic, Spencer's staying near the front of the store for that one, Love Sick and a few others. Buying many things from each store, making sure to buy something for everyone. I got Haylee a bottle of new perfume from Victoria's Secret, she told me that she was low on the one she had, and some Melanie Martinez merch from Hot Topic. Alic, I bought him some Black Heart eyeliner form Hot Topic and some new lip rings. I got Mason a new Bennie and a Nirvana shirt. Jake got a new phone case likes he's been asking for. And Bryan, I got him a new leather jacket because he ruined his by spilling rubbing alcohol all over it, and a bottle of his favorite Cologne which just happens to now be my favorite sent now a days. Then a bunch of things for me. As I walked out the chocolate store with with one more bag to add onto the already big bundle of bags in my hands I spotted Deja Vu, the tattoo and pricing shop. I pull my phone out of my back pocket, and noticed it was only 10 am. I've been wanting to get a tattoo for a while now, I've got nothing but time on my hands right now so why not get one? I was in there for maybe an hour and a half. When I finally left, I had a tattoo across my left wrist. It was of life hearts on video games.

I smiled, I finally did something I wouldn't ever really do

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I smiled, I finally did something I wouldn't ever really do. Sure it hurt/tickled like crazy while the guy was doing it. I walked out of the mall and started toward my car. I put all my bags in the back seat, getting in the drivers seat and pulled out my phone to check the time. I noticed that it was about time to get Alic from school. I pulled into the schools drop off and pick up lane. I sighed putting my car in park. The bell rang a couple minutes later. I was humming to the tune of Doubt by Twenty One Pilots when Alic and Jake climbed in. Alic in the front and Jake in the back, probably really crowded by bags.
"Well someone went shopping..." Jake commented.
"Yes I did, and I got something for everyone but mom and dad." Alic was watching me, smiling softly at mine and Jake's conversation. I think that he likes that me and Jake get along so well. Alic's face turned from happy to a look of questioning. I sent him a questioning look.
"What?" I asked him.
"What's on your wrist?" He questioned back. It then dawned on me, the tattoo.
"Oh, yeah that.... It's a tattoo."
"So you're telling me that the 'good girl' got a tattoo?" He used his fingers to put quotations around good girl. I rolled my eyes at him.
"Who ever said I was a good girl? I drink and I swear. I got a tattoo, good girls don't go around doing theses kinds of things." He rolled his eyes at me. I pulled into the driveway and we got out.
"Now, if you guys want the things I bought you you'll help me carry all this up to my room." They both groaned but started to help me anyway. When we got everything too my room they sat down on the bean-bags in the little video gaming area I have in the corner of my room and started playing online GTA 5. Alic on my Xbox and Jake on the Computer. I rolled my eyes at my idiotic brother and his boyfriend. I started going through the bags, putting things away and putting the things I bought for everyone else into one bag. I didn't realise I had bought so many things until now. I guess this makes up for all the years I spent not going. When I finished, I turned off the boy's game and they yelled at me. Alic in Spanish about what an asshole I was and Jake in English saying the same thing.
"If you guys keep calling me an Asshole, you won't get your presents." That shut them up. I smirked in triumph. As I hand Alic his eyeliner and lip rings and Jake is phone case their eyes lit up. They both said a quick thank you and turned the game back on. I looked at the time, Mason and Haylee won't be home for another 20 minutes. I quickly put Mason's new things nicely on his bed and did the same for Haylee. I walked back into my room and sent a text to Bryan telling him to come over. I watched Alic and Jake play GTA. When everyone got home, Alic had died a grand total of 5 times and Jake like 50 times, it was actually quite funny.
"What did you need babe?" Was the first thing Bryan said when he walked into the room. It scared me at first, but I got over it quickly.
"Oh, I bought you a couple things at the mall today." I said walking over to kiss him on the cheek. I handed him a the Hot Topic bag that had his cologne and leather jacket in it.
"You got me something from Hot Topic?" He asked unsure.
"No, I just used the bag cause I threw the rest of the bags away." I pointed over to my bin, that was overflowing with shopping bags. His gaze fallowed my finger and his eyes widened at the bin. I'm actually surprised he hasn't noticed my wrist yet. My tattoo is on the arm I'm pointing with. His eyes slowly made their way over the curves of my hand, they would have continued further up my arm but his eyes stopped at my wrist. Finally, jeez. His eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head.
"And this is were we leave, Come on Jake." Alic and Jake left my room. After they left I looked back at Bryan.
"When did you get that?" He asked pointing to my tattoo.
"Today after I went shopping and before I went to get Alic."
"Well I like it, it represents who you are." He said pulling me into his chest. "And I love it and you." He than kissed me. I smiled into the kiss. I love how he accepts me for who I am. After we kissed he opened his present and he was ecstatic about the new jacket and he was happy that I bought him the cologne because he was running out. He kissed me again, then he had to go because his mom needed him home. I sighed, laying down on my bed. I fell asleep thinking. Thinking about how I possibly found the one I'm supposed to be with. He actually loves me for who I am and not just some side chick to help him look good in public. Thinking about how much I love the fool I call my boyfriend.

A/N: Well I hope you guys enjoyed! I was going to publish this the other day but I got really sick and I've been sleeping for hours on end. I'm still not to my full health but I'm getting there. That's literally all I've been doing for the past three to four days, sleep. Thank you guys so much for reading still!!

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