Chapter 56

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...Time Skip.. Collage Graduation day...
The day is finally here! Graduation day for me. It's only me who's graduating though. Bryan and Mason both still have a couple of years left. With grandparents living here in Cali Maddie went to their house until me or Bryan was done with school for the day. It's been a long year I'm just glad its over. I'm glad I no longer have to deal with school, ever again. Bryan has something planed for me, we're leaving for a week. We're going to leave Maddie with my sister, brothers and Jake and hopefully they don't kill her. Alic and Jake came back last night with all their things in tow; Mom and Dad are here as well but, they are also leaving tonight. Alic and Jake graduated yesterday, I wish I could have been there to see it happen but I had to be here for my own graduation. I'm actually surprised they all got here on time for my graduation. They had to have left right after they finished up the graduation ceremony to have gotten here around 1 in the morning. Luckily I was up with Maddie, when they got here. Bryan was also up cause I couldn't get her to stop crying, Mom finally discovered the reason why she wouldn't go back to sleep around 3 am. She's teething. when she got her first two teeth it wasn't that bad but I'm pretty sure that Bryan dealt with it more than I did. I sighed in boredom as they called each persons name. It was long and boring even after they called my name. After everything was done, everyone was in a mad rush to get out of the building. I fallowed the flow of people. Eventually ending up out in the bright sun. I blinked rapidly trying to get used to the light. Walking over to the growing queue (line) of people to get their actual degree. After waiting for five minutes I finally got the little piece of paper I've been waiting my whole life for. I smiled down at the cream colored paper.
"I finally did it." I whispered to myself. I pulled my phone out of my bra where it was for the whole time, minus me taking out back stage waiting for my name to be called. I then found the person I wished was with me on the floor, walking. The person I'm proud to call mine, Bryan.
"Babe, where are you?" Was the first thing I heard come through the phone. I giggled slightly.
"I'm up front where you left me 3 hours ago."
"Ok we'll be there in a few.." Before he hung up the phone I heard the person I now consider my best friend, Sammie, complain that they had a long walk until they were able to get to me. The line cut short. I giggled at her. Me and her are so much a like it's crazy. She's geeky and loves reading (books and comic books), she plays video games on a daily. She's the gothic type, she's always in some shade of black. It makes me laugh at how much black just one person can have in one room. We are always hanging out with each other or talking to each other on the phone. Alic and her get along amazingly, that's how I can tell that this one is going to last unlike the last friendship I had. I stood up on one of the stairs I was by to try and get a better view of my surroundings. Being a short girl in a giant crowed like this one is not a good mix. I apparently wasn't paying too much attention to anything, cause the next thing I knew arms were being wrapped around my waist form behind me. I turned around in the comforting arms and came face to face with Bryan. I smiled and kissed him. I heard my moms' camera go off from next to us. I pulled away from him and looked at my mom accusingly.
"Mom I said no more pictures." I said putting my hands on my hips.
"That was the last one I promise, I couldn't help that one. It was too cute not to get that one. With the cap on your head kissing the guy your going to merry, I couldn't help it." I chuckled and walked over to her pulling her into a hug.
"I love you mom."
"I love you too honey. Now we have a dinner to get to and you and Bryan have some where to go for a week." I smiled remembering that he planed something I had no clue about. It a good thing we parked on the road. I had my soon to be one year old in my arms, answering most of her questions she had about what just happened. We were soon eating, and joking about old times. After an hour of that dad paid the food bill without me knowing how much it was. Mom and Dad said their goodbyes leaving for the airport in a taxi. We handed Maddie over to Jake, the more responsible of the three of them.
"Take care of her."
"Of course." He handed her to Alic. "Now I have a question for you before you go and while Alic is distracted..."
...To Be Continued...

A/N: What does Bryan have planed? What does Jake what to ask Emily? All of this coming in the next chapter! Hope you enjoyed the late update!

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