Chapter 53

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...Month 9...
***Emily's P.O.V.***
Any day now, I'm going to pop. My stomach is huge, and I'm having difficulty just walking now. I'm sitting on the couch right now, in short shorts and a shirt that I cut the sleeves and mid section off of, and it says 'I am like 105% tired. I know it probably doesn't look very appealing because of my fat stomach. I was just sitting here when all of the sudden there was an intense pain in my lower abdomen. I gasped at the sudden pain. The pain didn't last long, maybe a minute or so.
"What was that?" I asked to myself. Everyone was gone, so I had no one to go to. By gone I mean they're down at the beach. Yeah, everyone left me to go swim in the ocean. Which they get to do all the time. I slowly stood up and started to pace in front of the TV, rubbing my stomach and counting in my head. That's become a nervous tick recently. Counting to 8 in my head over and over agian. But it's only to 8 nothing more nothing less. I walked to the kitchen and started looking at things for dinner.
"What should we have for dinner tonight little one?" I asked Madison, rubbing my belly. The pain returned when I went to go reach for the chicken in the bottom drawer of the fridge. I slowly stood up straight making the pain intensify. I moved over to the island, putting my hands on the edge and leaning on them bending at the hips. It still wouldn't subside. I waddled over to the living room rubbing my pumpkin sized stomach. I sat down on the couch and propped my feet up on the coffee table. The Pain still wouldn't stop. I groaned in pain, sitting up from the position I was in, keeping my feet on the table. I quickly grabbed my phone from off of the couch from next to me. I quickly dialed Bryan's number.
"Hello, my lovely."
"Don't call me that, I'm anything but lovely right now. I'm in intense pain. FUCK!" I yelled out in pain.
"Emily? What's wrong?"
"I don't fucking know! This is the second time I've felt it. One was maybe 20 minutes ago. The second one ended just before I called I think or It just finished, I can't tell it kinda ran together and it lasted a really long time. It hurts like hell."
"Ok, We'll be up to the house in a minute." He than hung up. I stood up because the pain finally went away. walking back to the kitchen, I got back to what I was doing. Getting food out of the fridge. I was about to grab the chicken but the pain came back and Alex came bursting through the back door.
"Emily! Are you ok?"
"Do I look or sound ok to you!" I said screaming out in pain. Bryan then ran into the door, fallowed shortly by everyone else.
"Ok, how far apart are they?" I gave him a questioning look.
"First of all I have no clue what you're talking about. Second, make this FUCKING pain stop!"
"Take deep breaths." He said coming up to me holding me up. "Haylee go change your clothes then get her Hospital bag and meet us out in the car. Everyone else quickly change your cloths, I'm going to put Emily on the couch and quickly change my clothes. Then we'll all go to the hospital." We started walking and I felt as if I peed myself.
"Bryan, I think I've peed myself."
"Emily, you didn't pee yourself your water broke." my mom said from down the hallway. It then dawned on me what was going on. I'm going into labor. A little while latter we were in the car speeding to the hospital. When we got there they immediately took me and Bryan back, leaving my family in the waiting room. I knew that they'd be in the room I'd be staying in for the next three to four days after. I was apparently so far along in dilation, that the doctor was in the room with in minutes. They went through everything with me. Then more contractions started, this time ten times worse than it was before.
"Ok, miss Smith. Your baby is coming now. I need you to start pushing when I tell you too. Ok?" I nodded and he started telling me when to push. After pushing four times I was exhausted.
"Come on babe, you've got this." I glared over at Bryan.
"You did this too me. This is your fault."
"Ok Emily, one more push. On the count of three. Ready?" I nodded and grabbed Bryan's hand and he took a hold of my hand with both of his.
"You've got this love." Bryan whispered in my ear.
"Ok, One... Two... Three... Push." I used the rest of my energy and strength into this push. and I felt a wonderful relief I then heard to most beautiful sound in the world. The sound of my baby girl crying for the very first time. I smiled and starting crying in joy. "Miss Smith, Mr Jones meet your beautiful baby girl." The doctor said handing Madison over to me. I smiled down at her.
"Welcome to the family Madison Elisabeth Jones. You are a beautiful girl, and I'm over joyed to finally meet you."

A/N: OMG! I'm so sorry I took so long to give you guys an update. I've just been trying to cram as much fun thing as possible as my last final summer break before life begins. I graduated and it feels amazing to no longer be in school and so far my little summer before I get a job and start to finally get things going for life had been amazing. I hope you guys liked the chapter! I stayed up two nights in a row righting for you guys. It's currently 1 A.M. here. So I hope it was worth the wait. And agian, I'm so very sorry for such a long wait! But hear you guys go! Baby Madison is finally here!

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