Chapter 42

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It's been a month since me and Bryan got engaged. It's also the month us three move out to California. As I looked around my mostly empty bedroom, I sighed. I've never seen it this empty before. It's kinda sad. I mean I'm leaving the bed and dressers here, I'll buy some in Cali. But the rest of my things are off the walls, my clothes are packed up. My video gaming stuff is all packed away. Boxes littered my room. Mom went to go get the moving truck about 20 minutes ago. My wall's I never realized how many Super Mario Bro's blocks there were until I took all of my posters down. There where blocks, that Mario jumps on when he need to get a golden coins. That pattern repeated itself on all four walls. An occasional Mario bros character on a block.  They weren't stickers on the wall either, my parents hired a professional painter so they could paint each of our rooms how we wanted it to. Me being me, wanted Mario. So I got it. I sighed thinking about the first day we moved into this house back in sophomore year. I smiled and laid down on my bed. It then sounded like a heard of stampeding elephants. Then everyone started coming into my room and grabbing my things. I guess moms' back with the truck. I got off my bed and started helping. Mason left last week to go start finding us a place. He took clothes and nothing else, so that left me and Bryan to transport all of his things. We'll set off tomorrow morning. Pretty soon, both mine and Mason's thing were packed up into the big Uhal. Now I just had to drive it to Bryan's house to get his things. His parents think we're leaving tonight, so he'll stay the night at my house tonight. He didn't have very many things, a lot of clothes, a tv, a laptop, a few electronics, and chargers. So it wasn't much. He had a lot more clothes the Mason did. But not as much as me. I have more then both of them combined. We drove back to my house. Ate dinner and chatted with my family. Around 9 we went up to my room and fell asleep.
The next morning, we we're up and getting in comfortable clothes for the long drive ahead of us. We had a car trailer for our cars, so we could have our cars while in Cali. It was just a flat bed trailer that could hold a Dodge Charger and a Chevy Impala. Plus we hand the Uhal truck. Bryan is driving because I can't quite tow a trailer. Bryan was dressed in some Joggers and a grey V-neck T-Shirt, and I was in some Aztec print leggings and my Senior shirt I got before graduation. Mom wouldn't let me go just like she did with Mason. Alic was a blubbering mess, I wouldn't let him go. Saying that he could come and visit it me. Before school started back up. That calmed him down. We said our goodbyes and me and Bryan were off. We stopped in Elko Nevada, for gas and lunch. We also stopped in Reno for more gas and something to eat again. We had about 6 more hours til we get to the collage where Mason said he'd meet us. We had to drive through the mountainous parts before we reached the valley which took 5 of the six hours then it took 1 hour to get to the school. We finally reached the school and it was pretty dark out. But the lights and the sound going on around us made it feel like it was the middle of the day. Mason had found a three bedroom apartment, and had already paid for it. We just had to move in. I saw Mason before he saw us. I reached over and honked the truck horn. Making his and Bryan jump. I chuckled. Mason walked up to the Uhal.
"Just fallow me to the apartment. It's not far from here. Oh and apartments here are like freaking houses back at home." I nodded already knowing that. Our apartment was about 10 minutes from the collage. It was nice. It was about the size of a town house back in Utah. It looked just right for the three of us. We walked in and decided to unload everything in the morning. Mason when out and bought beds the day after he paid for the apartment. He had a full blown bed where me and Bryan had a box and a mattress. We'll have to go shopping for everything after we take the truck and flat bed back.
The next morning we unloaded the Uhal. After the Uhal was unloaded and mine and Bryan's cars were in the driveway. We took it back and went to the nearest furniture store; buying a couch, two love seats, end tables, a dinning room table, coffee table, three small desks, office chairs, a bed frame for me and drawers for all of us. The store told us everything will be there tomorrow. We then went to Walmart and bought food, dishes and cleaning supplies. Then went back to the apartment and started unpacking and putting things away. We had put almost everything away except for clothes, when we decided to eat. It was around 10 pm so after we ate we went to sleep.
The next day the guys spent the day putting the things we bought at the store together, and I put everyone's clothes away. After we were done with everything we put the electronic things together, like the video game stuff and Mason bought the internet. Me and Bryan put together the three person office, which was the master bedroom. After we finished everything it looked good except the big piles of boxes everywhere. We were now settled in and all unpacked within 3 days. We sat on the couch watching a movie and eating dinner, the rest of the night before going to bed.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed, this chapter is everywhere! It would have been up sooner but I got my hand slammed in a door and the doctor said not to strain it, I am anyway because of school. So why not write a book to, right? Thank you for reading!

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