Chapter 7

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"Die stupid zombie, die!" I yelled. The zombies blood flew everywhere. "Take that ya piece of poo." OK, what am I doing might you ask? I'm playing Call Of Duty. If I'm having a rough day I take it out on the zombies.
"Emily what in sam hell are you doing up here?"
"I'm playing zombies mom, now shhh before I die." She then walked in front of the TV.
"You need to go get Alic from school." I died.
"OK. Bye!" I walked down stairs grabbed my keys got in my car and started driving. My car oddly smelled of Bryan. I pulled into Alic's school and he got in, smiling at me.
"How was school, dear brother of mine?"
"It was awesome, me and Jake are going to hang out tomorrow!"
"Good for you, when do you plan on coming out to mom and dad?"
"I need your help with that."
"OK I'll help you. When do you want to do it?"
"Yay! OK. When?"
"Well seeing as though it's family movie night I was kinda thinking to bring them to dads office before dinner."
"Good idea. Dinner is at 6 tonight so we have to do it right after dad gets home."
"OK." He said nervously.
"Hey don't worry, I'll be there with you every step of the way."
"Thank you." He smiled at me and we pulled into the drive way. We got out and walked into the house and up to my room to plan what we would say to our parents.
...time skip, to when Jason (Emily's dad) gets home...
"Hey mom! Dad!" Me and Alic walked into the lounge. "Alic and I would like to speak to you two in privet, please?"
"OK let's go to my office." We all walked to my dad's office. I closed the door behind us, I walked up to Alic and took his hand.
"Mom, dad..." I paused looking between the two. "Alic here has something to say. But, I want you to know that I support him, and will leave with him if he leaves." They looked very confused.
"What are you talking about?" I squoze his hand, giving him the go-a-head.
"Well, there's a reason why I steal your guys' makeup. There's a reason why I never have girls over. There's a reason why I'm not open with anyone but Emily here. There's a reason why I'm always getting beat up in school. Mom, dad the reason why I'm so different and do different things compared to the rest of the family is, I'm..." He froze. I squoze his hand even tighter and smiled at him.
"You're what son?" That was my dad.
"I-i-i'm gay." My mom smiled and my dad sighed in what looked like relief.
"Is that it? You act like we're going to reject you. We love you to the ends of the earth, we would never, ever reject you." My mom came and hugged us both. My dad was there in a instant hugging all of us. I could feel Alic crying in relief. We then went down, had dinner, watched the family movie and went to bed.

A/N: Yes I know short chapter, this was kinda like a filler chapter or a bonus chapter because I never update, you can choose what one it is. And again I'm sorry for never updating. As I said in my last A/N I am looking for a new cover photo, I feel like this one is getting a tad bit boring. So feel free to send me some! I would love to use one of your covers for this book. I will give you all the credit and say who made it in an A/N, thank you so much for reading!
XOXO~ Kaimee20

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